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I don't know what to do!

Discussion in 'General Help' started by mr_greenkey, Dec 21, 2011.

  1. mr_greenkey

    mr_greenkey Shipwright

    Ok so I've had this gam for about a week now and I am OBSESSED. My question is, should I buy this game ? Is it worth it and what extras do you get in the full version ?

    P.S. If I was to buy it, does the transaction automatically convert currency ?
  2. IloveElectro

    IloveElectro Base Burner

    Buy KAG because.
    1. Very cheap for now.
    2. Hats
    3. Gold name and you can play on Gold server(no retard,griefer,kid most of the time)
    4. Always new update (Epic win)
    5. Level Editor
    6. You support the dev.
    7. Great community
    8. 8bit 2D game own !
    So yeah I think it's a good idea ;)
    Noburu likes this.
  3. Thiel

    Thiel KAG Guard Tester

    Do you like this game? If you do, then yes.
    Matter of opinion, mine is yes, it's worth it.
    Click here and read it all.
    Depends on your pay method, but with any online pay method I know, yes, it obviously does.
  4. mr_greenkey

    mr_greenkey Shipwright

    Cool. Do you have the premium version, also how do I know it's safe :S ?
  5. TOLGA607

    TOLGA607 Shipwright

    Its totally worth it if you like the game. Ive already brought the game, (I brought it the first day i played the game) currently you dont get much, only custom heads. Kag2d.com/premium shows what you will get in the future, so if you like it you should buy it now, becuse when those updates gets released the game will be more expensive.
  6. TOLGA607

    TOLGA607 Shipwright

    I have premium version, and you pay trough paypal which is the safest paymet method.
  7. Thiel

    Thiel KAG Guard Tester

    2,715 people bought this game, none of them complained about the pay method or result. It depends on what pay method you use. (Note: all pay methods (paypal, creditcard, etc) are not associated with kag2d).
  8. mr_greenkey

    mr_greenkey Shipwright

    Ok. I'll see later on because it's getting kind of late over where I stay so I need to go haha :P but I'll be sure to look a lot deeper into it some other time. Thanks guys! :)