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CLOUDCUBE.com.au - Australian Servers

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by Menace, Dec 6, 2011.

Mods: jackitch
  1. Menace

    Menace Shipwright

    Hey Guys,

    Just wondering how many people would be interested in renting Australian KAG servers. Post here if your interested or have any questions.
  2. KevinXD

    KevinXD Shipwright

    umm could u unban me plzz?
  3. Menace

    Menace Shipwright

    Will look into this when server is back online after the network upgrades complete, Global Mods should have been disabled but an automatic update re enabled them... will look into removing what ever sort of ban list there is at the moment as no one should be banned but will have to wait for the server to be back online.
    CoD likes this.
  4. Eggnogg

    Eggnogg Ye Olde Wench Donator Tester

    Why disable global moderators? I'm assuming these people were simply kicked because they were idling in the server. There is currently a very bad bug in the game that might cause bans to last longer than they should. Kick-bans are only supposed to last 10 minutes.
    Foxodi likes this.
  5. Menace

    Menace Shipwright

    Because the CLOUDCUBE server is an official company server and we do not believe that others should have any rights to moderate the server, and with the amount of complaints about unjust bans we've had, including bans against staff members we do not want global mods on our server.
  6. Foxodi

    Foxodi KAG Guard Tester

    Those bans are caused by a faulty game; there has only been 1 incident in KAG's history caused by global moderators.
    The alternative is no moderators on a game that is easy to grief and hack on.
    Eggnogg and trelawney like this.
  7. Eggnogg

    Eggnogg Ye Olde Wench Donator Tester

    Yes, I am a guard, and when the server was up, the number of hackers and griefers I've caught was immense. The only admin I've ever seen on those servers was Mikedax, and I assure you that disabling global moderators is going to mean more abusive players.

    We're not invading your server; we are giving you free moderation.
  8. Menace

    Menace Shipwright

    Mikedax, myself and other staff have access to the server.

    You seem to miss my point. We're a company, not a community. If there is demand for it we plan to offer hosting for KAG servers. Our public server was initially a test of resources and for some of the staff to play on and we've kept it up as it does not harm us and we like to play now and then when we have the time.

    We cannot afford to have players with no accountability to CLOUDCUBE having powers on our server, if they were accountable to us then i would understand.

    Once we are smooth sailing again i might speak to Geti or investigate myself about appointing our own moderators without having to distribute RCON.
    trelawney likes this.
  9. buster-boy17

    buster-boy17 suries gard

    i want to rent a server but i can't don't know how:( can someone help me?
  10. Bly

    Bly Ballista Bolt Thrower

    I was just kicked from the zombie server cause of my brother griefing and I didn't grief please unban me please.
Mods: jackitch