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Mac White Tile Glitch

Discussion in 'General Help' started by FosterGaming, Dec 12, 2011.

  1. FosterGaming

    FosterGaming Shipwright

    As you can see in the screen shots below, variables are whited out. (Cruiser, signs, items, anything that can potentially change within the game.) Or maybe it's just a few select items... but it's been a real problem for me. I have a Mac, running on Snow Leopard. I just downloaded the game. (Yes, the Mac version) Maybe the mac version is for Lion?? I couldn't find specs on the filetype for the app. Any help would be highly appreciated.

    Screen shot 2011-12-12 at 10.18.50 AM.png Screen shot 2011-12-12 at 10.19.56 AM.png Screen shot 2011-12-12 at 10.27.02 AM.png
    Thanks again,
  2. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

    I run KAG on Snow Leopard too, without any similar glitches. Please provide logs, if you don't know how, see below:
  3. FosterGaming

    FosterGaming Shipwright

    I re-downloaded it with the same issue. Here are the logs from today.

    Attached Files: