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Purchased Premium

Discussion in 'General Help' started by PhysX, Dec 25, 2011.

  1. PhysX

    PhysX Shipwright

    I bought a copy of KAG - email doesn't seem to come as instantly as the article states.
    How long should I wait for it?
  2. PhysX

    PhysX Shipwright

    Sent a Support Email, thanks guys.
    Let me know if you get/fix it/etc.
  3. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Yeah I made a topic too. It took over half an hour to get the email, and I got worried that I wasn't gonna recieve my code. BUT, it eventually comes. Still, I'd like it to be a little bit faster. 5 minutes, sure... but 30 is a bit ridiculous lol.

    AJ likes this.
  4. PhysX

    PhysX Shipwright

    Well it's good to see you got it at least, I'm giving some slack to them it being Christmas Eve/Morning and all.
  5. Jamburglar

    Jamburglar Horde Gibber

    Just curious...did they ever get back to you? I never got a code either and it's been almost 13 hours and I still haven't gotten a reply from support