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[203] Lack of skilled archers

Discussion in 'Archer' started by Wyeth, Nov 24, 2011.

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  1. Auri

    Auri Tunnel Addict Donator Tester

    If it's me, don't shield, unless we're low on lives and you think I'm a liability lol.
  2. AnRK

    AnRK Shark Slayer

    Good advice overall, however there are definitely occasions where a knights cover is invaluable; if you've just had a tower torn down and there's very little in the way of vantage points to make use of, if all of the current cover options are limited and there's not realistically any way of building any more, if your on the front line where nothing's even been built yet. One situation which is especially bad, is when you have a fort that's been assaulted which has been under siege for ages, and the enemy archers (well the half decent ones) have the angle on all of the cover spots for you to fire from, so in cases like that your much better just having the cover of a knight.

    For the most part though, a good proportion of archers just need to know how to use cover, and alot of builders need to build more decent cover too.
  3. SpruceMaroose

    SpruceMaroose Shipwright

    I love it when a Knight shields me in a doorway so that I can take out the other archers/cata without having to worry about arrows from the enemy. The problem is 99% of knights will stop, shield you for a few seconds, then (just as you've thought "excellent, he's going to cover me") you get shot in the face - as the Knight got bored and has rushed off into battle.

    As a result, if a Knight is shielding me, I spend more time checking to see if I'm still safe behind his shield than I do aiming! I agree with an earlier poster - if Knights that are consciously shielding could signify this in some way, it would help :D
  4. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    Okay. Next time i'm shielding you i'll spam the 0 emoticon :). I tend to stick around covering archers until the whole battle moves up or the area becomes clear of other archers that are threatening the one i'm shielding.
  5. Miczu

    Miczu Shopkeep Stealer

    If there was something like "If knight shield arrow when he is next to ally, he gains just 1 coin" but that would say, yes you are contributing...

    Game should make it easy for players and tell them when they are contributing, even if it's in a way that doesn't change a bit for the player.
  6. Zegovia

    Zegovia Shark Slayer

    I dont think there are a lack of skilled archers... Ive seen plenty of good shots out there and I most of the time make sure to compliment them on a well placed shot.
    Zefree and BlueLuigi like this.
  7. Obzen

    Obzen Shipwright

    Recently I have definitely noticed an increase in archer skill. Including my own :D
  8. MacD

    MacD Shark Slayer

    I didn't like to play as an archer when I started playing KAG. Once I had gotten used to the mechanics of the game and began learning about general warfare tactics in the game, I decided to try playing as an archer whenever my team was short on archers. I was generally terrible in the beginning, and I would often have to switch to builder to get more coins for arrows as a result of my poor accuracy. After playing as an archer for about 3 hours straight one night, I was noticing my accuracy getting better.

    I think the main reason there's a lack of skilled archers is the way the learning curve progresses for each class. It's rather simple to start as a knight and run out into the battlefield and contribute a little to the team, even with no prior experience. Archers have a much more difficult time helping the team out while they're still brand new players. I'm pretty sure that there's a lot more to learn about knights than there is about archers, but it's a lot easier for a first-time player to start killing/defending using a knight than it is using an archer.
  9. ShadowArchon

    ShadowArchon Catapult Fodder

    I just skimmed this thread, so I don't know if this has been mentioned already.
    The problem with being an archer is that it takes a lot of time and practice to be any good with the class. Knight and builder is very simple, but with archer you need to learn about how high you need to shoot the arrow, how much power etc. most people can't be bothered to practice that much. It is also not as fun to be an archer unless you're good at it. Personally I enjoy being an archer. It's especially useful when the enemy has made a straight tunnel directly to your base. I remember one game where 8 enemy knights were coming down a tunnel. we had two knights and me (archer). I just sent power arrows to break their defense and we got rid of all of them.
  10. Dovydas

    Dovydas Shopkeep Stealer

    It doesn't matter if there isn't any good archers. There isn't a requirement to be good at it to use it. Let them have fun and calm down. Don't yell and scream at them.
  11. Zefree

    Zefree Shopkeep Stealer

    I didn't read all of these previous posts because there are so many... But I though that as a primarily Archer player I would add some things.

    First off, I think most of your complaints can be attributed to the fact that Archers die EXTREMELY easy. Get slashed in the field, get sniped in the towers, get bombed and cata'd left and right, and Knights usually don't protect you (and if they do it's very unreliable). I think that this causes Archer players to be more "spastic" in their movements. A moving target dies less often.

    This spastic movement idea means that an Archer feels uncomfortable in the closed-confines of a tower's "sniping-points", so many archers I see will climb to the open roof for more freedom. Additionally, some people (haven't seen your towers so idk about you) will build Archer-nests that they think are perfect, but are in fact nearly useless. A nest might even be good for some angles or perfect for all, but if the design is too strange or complex to understand at anything more than a glance, it's a lost cause.

    That's peoples' main faults with these "perfect camping-spots". If you expect Archers' to stop and study something when they just spent 45 seconds chopping arrows, you will be disappointed.

    As for situational awareness, that's easy to explain. A ranged class has to focus on things that aren't near them to be effective. If your camera is panned or zoomed way away, you are absolutely going to miss things like protective Knights and cries for help. Nothing to do :p
    Chinizz and BlueLuigi like this.
  12. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    The third zoom mode fixed all of those problems in the last area, and in fact was something I enjoyed because it meant LESS archers being derps. Now that there is no 3rd zoom I've had archers consistently shooting our own keg guys walking in front of them with much prior warning.

    As for the camping spots, we can't do everything as builders, take more than a glance, don't be a pub, no one likes people like that and they are generally the ones not worth it anyway if it takes them more than a glance or that's all they're going to give it.
  13. ShadowArchon

    ShadowArchon Catapult Fodder

    Just wanted to add that Archers need to spend a long time getting arrows if they don't have any money. If they have no ammo they are ineffective. Oh, and they can't dig or break stuff.
  14. Zefree

    Zefree Shopkeep Stealer

    I think the zoom levels are more of a preference, so I guess there isn't really much to say for that. I noticed kegs being shot friendly-fire style in that last game I played with you, and tbh I didn't even know you could shoot your own teams kegs. The whole keg shooting thing seems to be pretty iffy, and it is counter-intuitive if you can't normally shoot an ally but the moment they have a keg all bets are off.

    Well archers can't do everything either. I personally will just end up making my own spots, it seems. Rather that then have some well-meaning builderp make me something I can't use if I wanted to.
  15. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Well it is to be noted that kegs are not fully implemented, we 'modded' them in so a lot of features of kegs are very buggy as they are not fully implemented. They may or may not act like they do now back then.
  16. Zefree

    Zefree Shopkeep Stealer

    Not sure what you mean by "They may or may not act like they do now back then", but yeah I get the gist of it. Even for a mod I'd say that almost all the features I've used are pretty stable, with kegs maybe the most problematic.
  17. Templar_Frost

    Templar_Frost Horde Gibber

    Archers are VERY effective as a stealth unit at nights :skull::bow:.
    Zefree likes this.
  18. Croco

    Croco Shark Slayer

    I'm fine with that, skilled archers can be extremely annoying. It sucks when there are none on your team though...
  19. Rayne

    Rayne ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    Most of the issues with kegs come from them desync'ing with the server, something all of the new blob entities have in common.
    If you noticed there are some lanterns you can't pick up, it's because they aren't really where they appear on your screen.
    Zefree likes this.
  20. knightl

    knightl Base Burner

    Silver you just necroed a month dead and outdated thread check the version
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