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Server [Editing number of spawns]

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by armymanpwns, Dec 30, 2011.

  1. armymanpwns

    armymanpwns Bison Rider

    Just wondering how to do it haven't found out yet, At the moment when the server is first started it is set to 6 then the next game 36 and so on i want to set it to something like 64 for all maps.
  2. ThePostman

    ThePostman Shipwright

    You go into /yourkagfolder/Base/Rules/CTF(or whatever gamemode) and then go to team2.cfg and team1.cfg then change the value of the units. Sadly, it scales to the number of players. -1 makes it unlimited.

    However, this doesn't work for me. After I save it and restart the server, the numbers change back to 6.

    Can anyone please explain why this is? It happens with other problems as well.
  3. armymanpwns

    armymanpwns Bison Rider

    yeah i while after i posted this i found it and now i'm having the same problem as you it's very odd, a solution would be much appreciated. :3
  4. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

    There is no solution to speak of, because currently there is no way of having a set number of units. Only multiples.

    To keep your rules intact after KAG's rehashing/update, it is generally advised you create your own "gamemode" (e.g. copy everything from /Base/Rules/CTF to a new directory /Base/Rules/CTF2 for example) and reference that mode in /Base/Scripts/autoconfig_autostart.gm

    for example, contents of autoconfig_autostart.gm on my RCTF server:
    // autostart on dedicated server launch
    newWorld( "" );
    //Loading RCTF rules instead of default CTF 
            LoadMapCycle( "Scripts/mapcycle.cfg" );
            LoadMap( "" );
    print(`Config loaded from dedicated_autostart.gm`);
    same goes for mapcycle.cfg if you want to employ different maplists for different gamemodes etc.
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