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What class do you like? (Survey)

Discussion in 'Classes & Mechanics' started by killatron46, Jan 1, 2012.

  1. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    Updated thread: June 19th

    The score from 62 Votes:
    Archer: 459.7
    Builder: 533.92
    Knight: 505.04

    Clean the thread out a lot, removed the build number from the thread because this isn't necessarily relevant to ONE build, but them all, I will go through and edit posts with build markers eventually though done.
    Fixed a few build numbers, and updated thread again.

    This thread is for finding out which classes the community likes best overall. I know there are some dedicated builders, archers and knights out there. However I wanted to see how many of you are play one class only or more than one class.

    bi-classal = plays two classes consistently,
    tri-classal = plays all the classes consistently.
    (I couldn't think of good words so I made some up! ;))

    [*]Current build = [b][428][/b]
    [*]What Class do you like best?: Why?:
    [*]are you only a single class, bi-classal or tri-classal?
    [*]What Class do you think you're the best at?:
    [*]Which Class do you play most?:
    [*]Is there a Class(es) you do not like?: Why?:
    [*]Rate the Classes on a 1-10 scale,
    [*]Extra Info:
    That should pretty much sum it up, I may change the template if anyone else can think of something, I'll also try to keep "score" on the classes, based on the 1-10 scale.

    Here is my survey:

    • Current build = [228]
    • What Class do you like best?: Builder. Why?: What can I say, at heart I'm a minecrafter! I love to build stuff, and if I get tired of that I can rush the enemy fortifications and make them my own!
    • are you only a single class, bi-classal or tri-classal? Tri-classal.
    • What Class do you think you're the best at?: Probably knight, I usually have the best kill/death ratio as a knight. I'm also a good archer but a better knight than an archer.
    • Which Class do you play most?: Lately I've been a builder more than a knight, but at times I'm more of a knight.
    • Is there a Class(es) you do not like?: Nope. Why?: They are all good in their own right.
    • Rate the Classes on a 1-10 scale,
    • Archer: 9
    • Builder: 10
    • Knight: 9
    • Extra Info: I love playing King Arthur's Gold! =D
    Chinizz, WarrFork, MacD and 3 others like this.
  2. Zefree

    Zefree Shopkeep Stealer

    Hey killa, xoxo :D

    • Current build = [228]
    • What Class do you like best?: I like the Archer best. Why?: It suits my personal play-style as an armchair general who likes to cheapshot builders and other archers to help my team.
    • are you only a single class, bi-classal or tri-classal? I am almost exclusively an Archer. I only really play a different class (builder) during my first spawn so I can help fortify a forward base.
    • What Class do you think you're the best at?: Archer for sure.
    • Which Class do you play most?: Archer.
    • Is there a Class(es) you do not like?: The majority of my posts complain about the Knight. Why?: I feel that the Knight can do too many fun and useful things compared to the other classes.
    • Rate the Classes on a 1-10 scale,
    • Archer: 8
    • Builder: 10
    • Knight: 8===D
    • Extra Info: I can vouch for killatron playing all the classes relatively equally, and being proficient with them all.
    Piano, xChapx, Riletyface and 2 others like this.
  3. Maverick

    Maverick Haxor

    • Current build = [228]
    • What Class do you like best?: Swordsman
    • Are you only a single class, bi-classal or tri-classal? Tri-classal, I enjoy all classes :p Whether it be fortifying to defend against those vermin on the other side, shooting in people's faces or just slicing them to bits.
    • What Class do you think you're the best at?: Swordsman.
    • Which Class do you play most?: Swordsman.
    • Is there a Class(es) you do not like?: Nah, I dislike archers in certain game modes because they interfere but it adds variety to the battlefield and teams have to think about how to help their archers/eliminate enemy archers/be careful of the archers.
    • Rate the Classes on a 1-10 scale,
    • Archer: 7
    • Builder: 9
    • Knight: 10
    • Extra Info: Heya Killatron :p
    killatron46 likes this.
  4. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    • Current build = [228]
    • What Class do you like best?: Why?: Knight - I enjoy combat
    • are you only a single class, bi-classal or tri-classal? Bi-classal, Knight/Builder
    • What Class do you think you're the best at?:Knight, but I've managed to kill even a few good knights as builder
    • Which Class do you play most?: Knight
    • Is there a Class(es) you do not like?: Why?: Archer, I suck at it.
    • Rate the Classes on a 1-10 scale,
    • Archer: 7
    • Builder: 9
    • Knight: 10
    • Extra Info: I'd like archer more if I didn't suck.
    killatron46 and Neat like this.
  5. Current build = [228]
    What Class do you like best?: Why?: Builder, funny and allowing to do more creative things than mashing left mouse button until something dies.
    are you only a single class, bi-classal or tri-classal? Tri-classal.
    What Class do you think you're the best at?: Builder.
    Which Class do you play most?: Builder/Knight.
    Is there a Class(es) you do not like?: Why?: Nope.
    Rate the Classes on a 1-10 scale,
    Archer: 7,5
    Builder: 9
    Knight: 7
    Extra Info: .................................................................................................

    E: ok, fixed.
    killatron46 likes this.
  6. AJ

    AJ Emperor of Mankind Donator

    • Current build = [228]
    • What Class do you like best?: Why?:Knight,because im a badass knight.
    • are you only a single class, bi-classal or tri-classal?tri
    • What Class do you think you're the best at?:knight(i awsome with cata but any class can shoot one)
    • Which Class do you play most?:knight.
    • Is there a Class(es) you do not like?: Why?:Archer piss me off.(only on other team)
    • Rate the Classes on a 1-10 scale,
    • Archer:7
    • Builder:10(he makes the cata)
    • Knight:9 and a half.
    • Extra Info:I FUCKING LOVE CATAPULTS!!!!!!!!!!!!
    killatron46 likes this.
  7. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    • Current build = [228]
    • What Class do you like best?: Archer
    • are you only a single class, bi-classal or tri-classal? Tri-classal.
    • What Class do you think you're the best at?: Archer
    • Which Class do you play most?: Knight
    • Is there a Class(es) you do not like?: No
    • Rate the Classes on a 1-10 scale,
    • Archer: 8
    • Builder: 9
    • Knight: 9
    • Extra Info: I love playing archer because it allows you to take down catas, and it's the best class for defending with. Archers are also great for pissing the other team off.
    IloveElectro and killatron46 like this.
  8. xxpabloxx

    xxpabloxx Shopkeep Stealer

    • Current build = [228]
    • What Class do you like best?: Why?:Archer cause i am Robin Hood :3
    • are you only a single class, bi-classal or tri-classal? bi-classal Archer and Builder.
    • What Class do you think you're the best at?: Archer sure
    • Which Class do you play most?: Archer
    • Is there a Class(es) you do not like?: Why?: Hm, i dont like so much play as Knight
    • Rate the Classes on a 1-10 scale. Rate basing on how much i like it cause, how Brine has said, all class have especific roles so:
    • Archer: 10
    • Builder: 9.5
    • Knight: 5
    • Extra Info: I am archer support player also enjoy anb build good defenses as builder.
    killatron46 likes this.
  9. potatomcwhiskey

    potatomcwhiskey Undercover Griefer Donator Tester

    • Current build = [228]
    • What Class do you like best?: Why?:
    Honestly this is an incredibly hard question to answer. Each class has its role and place. I find that contrary to the average play I try to play each class wildly different. For a builder my focus is on the idea of "We get our guys to their base as fast as possible, and it should take them as long as possible to get to our base" I put emphasis on smaller harder to bypass walltraps as I call them. 2-3 blocks high avacado spikes with a pit on our side directly after and Taunting knights while they wait for a build inevitibly leads to one or two of them getting annoyed and dieing.
    Each class has its awesome moments. I love archer for my one skill with that is indirect fire barrages with deadly accuracy. I love knights for the variety and intensity of the combat. I love builders because to me, they just seem like the most cheeky class. I've sealed up a hole in a wall many times and made the silly face pointing at the knights outside while they're all taunting me with death. For the reason alone I'll vote for builder, even if those moments can be far a few in between.
    • are you only a single class, bi-classal or tri-classal?
    I'm Tri-classal. With Knight taking up around 50% of my play time, Builder about 30% and archer about 20%. Roughly I have no metrics to base this on other than wild guessing.
    • What Class do you think you're the best at?:
    Knight, Hands down. I feel like playing strategy games competitively has changed the way I approach combat. I'm subconsciously always looking for a way to push the advantage in my favour. I've held a stream of 20 knights off more or less on my own using a small hillside before I was eventually overwhelmed. I think my grasp of positioning, timing and the movement in KAG gives me an advantage over a lot of people. Not to say I'm the best or I never die. Plenty of people get really nicely timed hits on me and then I'm toast. I usually have a K/d of anywhere from 9:1 to 3:1 depending on how lucky I was being able to get into position and time my bombs.
    • Which Class do you play most?:
    • Is there a Class(es) you do not like?: Why?:
    Archer. This is relative, don't get me wrong I actually like archer but compared to builder and knight they don't shape up in my opinion. The class feels very homogoneous and hopefully in the future with more features and stuff like maybe bomb arrows, fire arrows or hiding in the dark they'll become better in my opinion. Honestly archers are fantastic in their own way, but I like them the least.
    • Rate the Classes on a 1-10 scale,
    • Archer: 6
    • Builder: 9
    • Knight: 10
    • Extra Info:
    I change my class depending on the needs of my team. If we're low on tickets I'll switch from knight to archer, as if you're smart and have a quarters nearby you shouldn't die as an archer. Otherwise I'll be filling the role of frontline builder or one man wrecking machine.
    Piano, Vidal and killatron46 like this.
  10. Sipondo

    Sipondo Shipwright

    • Current build = [228]
    • What Class do you like best?: Why?: The one that throws the bombs. That must be bomberman, or as some call it, the knight.
    • are you only a single class, bi-classal or tri-classal? Is that even a word? I play every class.
    • What Class do you think you're the best at?: I can build structures reasonably fast. I am okay with swinging a sword, and find myself pretty good with bombs. And I am also a fine user of bow and arrow, even though builder deserves the top spot here.
    • Which Class do you play most?: Either bomberman or builder.
    • Is there a Class(es) you do not like?: Why?: Not really...
    • Rate the Classes on a 1-10 scale,
    • Archer: 7
    • Builder: 9
    • Bomberman Knight: 8
    • Extra Info:
    killatron46 likes this.
  11. KnifeEagle

    KnifeEagle Shipwright

    • Current build = [228]
    • What Class do you like best?: Archer.
    • Why?: Jumping, hiding, climbing and long range. I LOVE IT!
    • are you only a single class, bi-classal or tri-classal? Tri-classal i think.
    • What Class do you think you're the best at?: Builder.
    • Which Class do you play most?: Archer.
    • Is there a Class(es) you do not like?: Knight.
    • Why?: EVERY ONE PLAYS AS A KNIGHT! And no one builds good forts. BECAUSE OF THE KNIGHT!
    • Rate the Classes on a 1-10 scale,
    • Archer: 10 9
    • Builder: 5 7
    • Knight: 0 5
    • Extra Info: Want some new arrows and other things to archer. Like stealing gold "z" and better hiding. And some new siege stuff.
    killatron46 likes this.
  12. TheNickanator341

    TheNickanator341 Shopkeep Stealer

    • Current build = [228]
    • What Class do you like best?: Knight. Why?: More action, able to break things, bombs.
    • Are you only a single class, bi-classal or tri-classal? Bi-classal. Knight and archer.
    • What Class do you think you're the best at?: Archer.
    • Which Class do you play most?: Knight.
    • Is there a Class(es) you do not like?: Why?: Well, depends. If I'm knight on a rapid server, I don't really like archers, since they spam arrows. I don't like being builder, little action, people always demand you for workshops and op's. I'd rather play Minecraft if I wanted to build.
    • Rate the Classes on a 1-10 scale,
    • Archer: 8
    • Builder: 5.5
    • Knight: 9
    • Extra Info: I like dancing as a knight.
    killatron46 likes this.
  13. Drok

    Drok Shark Slayer

    • Current build = [228]
    • What Class do you like best?: Why?:
      I love building cheap, creative defenses that fit the occasion. Sometimes destroying a single dirt block has a greater effect than a whole stone wall.
    • are you only a single class, bi-classal or tri-classal?
      75% Knight, 20% builder, 5% archer. Altough I love building, there is an overpopulation of idiot builders and a lack of decent knights that forces me to play as a knight if I don't want to lose the battle.
    • What Class do you think you're the best at?:
      I have a really good hand for bombs, both to get them to hard places and to time them to explode in the exact spot.
    • Which Class do you play most?:
      Knight. Most of the time there are not enough of them, thanks to the "hard-working" builders digging a useless spike pit 20 miles away.
    • Is there a Class(es) you do not like?: Why?:
      Every class requires skill and dedication. But the one I like lease it the archer, because its effect in the battle is less noticable. They seem less useful to the team than the other classes in my opinion.
    • Rate the Classes on a 1-10 scale,
    • Archer: 7
    • Builder: 9
    • Knight: 10
    • Extra Info: Wizards rule! Well, they would if they were in KAG. :D
    killatron46 likes this.
  14. Kyzak

    Kyzak Ballista Bolt Thrower Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    • Current build = [228]
    • What Class do you like best?: Knight, for sure.
      Why?: Combat is so diverse it's ridiculous. Knights have only two forms of direct attack, yet there are so many factors that drastically change approach and style, from the ground you stand on to the enemy's cleverness, skill, experience. Every fight is a little bit different, yet the game manages to maintain a high standard of fun.
    • are you only a single class, bi-classal or tri-classal?: Tri-classal, I suppose.
    • What Class do you think you're the best at?: Knight
    • Which Class do you play most?: Knight
    • Is there a Class(es) you do not like?: Archer
      Why?: Archers are boring. They are very efficient killers, but they're boring as heck to play, because the efficient way to play them is "sit in a nest and take potshots at the opposing team". The in-your-face archer of the past can still be pulled off, but will forever be overshadowed by the former. It's a hard "problem" to fix without causing serious balance issues-archers doing damage with falls--, but nonetheless!
    • Rate the Classes on a 1-10 scale,
    • Archer: 6
    • Builder: 7
    • Knight: 10
    • Extra Info: I am totally biased.
    killatron46 likes this.
  15. Rayne

    Rayne ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    • Current build = [228]
    • What Class do you like best?: Why?: Archer
    • are you only a single class, bi-classal or tri-classal? Bi-classal-Knight/builder
    • What Class do you think you're the best at?: Knight
    • Which Class do you play most?: Knight
    • Is there a Class(es) you do not like?: Why?: Nope.
    • Rate the Classes on a 1-10 scale,
    • Archer:9
    • Builder:8
    • Knight:9
    • Extra Info: Never really play it, but I like archer alot, probably would play it more if I didn't fail so much at archer.
    killatron46 likes this.
  16. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Current build = [228]
    What class do you like best? Why?
    Archer - I find it easier to judge the firing angles accurately than to stab things. To death.
    Are you classy, bi-classical or tri-classical?
    Tri-classical - I'm mostly an archer though, and I'm still mediocre knight.
    Which class do you think you are best at?
    Which class do you play the most?
    Is there a class/selection of classes you dislike?
    Not really, I think they just need to be used in concert with each other.
    Rate the classes on a 1-10 scale:
    Archer: 9 (would be a 10 if they had more options for hiding)
    Builder: 8.92
    Knight: 8.74
    Extra information:
    All the classes I feel are generally great, but only if other players can see it in their hearts to produce teamwork!
    Zefree and killatron46 like this.
  17. ChJees

    ChJees Shipwright

    • Current build = [265]
    • What Class do you like best?: Builder Why?: I love being the supporting player who helps the team advance toward victory through clever use of the resources i have available.
    • are you only a single class, bi-classal or tri-classal? I play all classes but mostly Builder and Knight.
    • What Class do you think you're the best at?: Builder
    • Which Class do you play most?: Knight
    • Is there a Class(es) you do not like?: Nope Why?: ...
    • Rate the Classes on a 1-10 scale,
    • Archer: 6
    • Builder: 8
    • Knight: 10
    • Extra Info: Archer could use more mechanics to make it more fun to play rather than just bare basics with it's Arrow shooting. Could need a item of similar power of the Knight's bomb in usage to support the team.
    killatron46 likes this.
  18. goodyman8

    goodyman8 Bison Rider

    • Current build = [265]
    • What class do you like best?:Knight.
    • Why:I love rushing up to the front to be encountered by a big group of enemies,jump right into them and make it out alive,its addictive.
    • Are you only a single class,bi class,or 3 class:Dunno what it means here but what i use most from high to low:Builder,Knight,Archer(make proper defenses self so i dont have to whine later on)
    • Which class do you play most: Builder(?)
    • What class do you think youre best at:Knight.
    • is there a class you dont like:Archers,i dare say im not easily stopped by Knights,but a combination of them= HNG.
    • Rate the classes on a 1-10 scale.
    • Builder:7
    • Knight:8
    • Archer:8
    • Both knight and archer 8 because of some casual bugs people exploit...
    • Extra info:I disagree with the person above me,a supporting class having high powered arrows(range+insta kill) would really ruin the balance and turn this into a shooter,WHEN THE BUILDER MECHANICS COME SOME GOOD/SICK MINDS AT THE FORUMS PROBABLY GOING TO MAKE DEATH MACHINES and then my favorite class might change...
    killatron46 likes this.
  19. MacD

    MacD Shark Slayer

    • Current build = [265]
    • What Class do you like best?: Why?: Knight. It's easy to play, and it has many ways to kill an opponent. And bombs.
    • are you only a single class, bi-classal or tri-classal? Tri-classal. I'll switch between classes depending on how my team is performing.
    • What Class do you think you're the best at?: Knight.
    • Which Class do you play most?: Knight.
    • Is there a Class(es) you do not like?: Why?: No, but builders that encase tunnels with stone sometimes aggravate me while I'm playing as a knight.
    • Rate the Classes on a 1-10 scale,
    • Archer: 7
    • Builder: 9
    • Knight: 8
    • Extra Info: I sometimes think builders aren't appreciated enough. A few skilled builders can make the battlefield more deadly than a whole team of knights and archers. There's too many players that like to see their Kill : Death ratio climbing.
    killatron46 and goodyman8 like this.
  20. IloveElectro

    IloveElectro Base Burner

    • Current build = [265]
    • What Class do you like best:Knight Why?: They are so tanky and I can kill 2 knight with my big sword.
    • are you only a single class, bi-classal or tri-classal?Knight/Builder
    • What Class do you think you're the best at?: Knight
    • Which Class do you play most?: Knight
    • Is there a Class(es) you do not like?: Archer Why?: They are ''Cake'' and they are chicken and I eat chicken.
    • Rate the Classes on a 1-10 scale,
    • Archer: 1 ( Cake archer.)
    • Builder: 8
    • Knight: 9
    • Extra Info: Build 265,I would like to say than I like chips salt'n'vinegar.
    • Cake = Gay ( alots of people doesn't like when I said this word so now I said Cake.)