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No Trees in my server!

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by netnk9151, Jan 5, 2012.

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  1. netnk9151

    netnk9151 Shipwright

    I was going to play my dedicate server with some of my friends. But when i open the sever, no trees appear on the map!

    I re-opened it for several times but no use...
  2. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

    Hmm, sounds like a typical bark beetle (Dendroctonus/Ips sp.) infestation. Usual in the northern hemisphere at this time of the year. The bark beetle will kill healthy trees and trees already weakened by other factors. It will girdle trees while building egg-laying galleries. The lack of sap flow immediately kills the tree, while the insects move to adjacent live trees and the damage spreads.

    Seriously now, check /Base/Maps/generator_ctf_mountain.cfg (or _hole.cfg or _flat etc, depending on which generator you're using) and play with the following values:

    wood_tree_maxheight = 12
    wood_tree_variation = 10   
    wood_noise_frequency = 35.0
    wood_noise_lacunarity = 2.6
    wood_noise_octaves = 5
    wood_noise_persistence = 1.2
    Also make sure you're running a randomised seed in /Base/Scripts/dedicated_autoconfig.gm (it has to be 0 - and that' s the default value anyway)

    global m_seed = 0; // Map generator seed. Pick a random number.
    P.S If by re-opening you meant rejoining the server, don't expect miracles. You have to restart the server to see any changes.
    Noburu and Strathos like this.
  3. netnk9151

    netnk9151 Shipwright

    I just got my game re-installed, and it solved.

    but anyway, thanks for your help.
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