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Report abusive players (griefers/hackers)

Discussion in 'General Help' started by MM, Jul 20, 2011.

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  1. Kagesha

    Kagesha KAG Guard Tester

    As already stated this thread is for reporting hackers/griefers. Please try to avoid discussion. MrTyrell333 has already appealled for his ban in the correct thread and it will be processed by the correct staff, please be patient.
    Noburu likes this.
  2. p4raiba

    p4raiba Bison Rider

    Name: HSVIP
    Server: Rapid Deathmatch
    What he did: Speed Hacking
    Time: 02:36 a.m. (GMT-3, The official time of Brazil)


    The full video: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=TYG3IH50
    AJ likes this.
  3. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Done. Thanks for reporting.
  4. Saibot

    Saibot Shopkeep Stealer

    Name: dracktime
    Server: fCraft.net Official
    What he did: Speed Hacking
    Time: 04/01/2012 19:00 UTC (dd/mm/yyyy)

    Video :

  5. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    dracktime banned.
    Saibot likes this.
  6. Ziven

    Ziven Shipwright

    1. KornelPL
    2. Star Server (dev's server)
    3. Speedhacker
    4. 2012-01-05 21:13 (CET)


    P.S. Linking to "kag://" doesnt work as it should. Function eats ":" in address; Example
  7. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

  8. Name:qaswedfr
    Server: King Putte's Gold
    Crime: griefing and speedhacking
    When: Few seconds ago.
    Proves: griefing pic, my computer cannot handle fraps to record speedhackers.
  9. Freddex

    Freddex Haxor

    Ok, I saw these guys. Maxou is even a premium player, as seen in the chat log, I confronted him with his griefing, but he just answered it was "fun". Excuse my bit of raging in the chat, I just can't stand those people.

    1. Name: [ere] maxou79 , [ere] daminator0123456789
    2. Server: Star Server
    3. Crime: Griefing
    4. When: 5-10 minutes ago

    5. Proves
    A)pastebin link to the chatlog to show I didn't fake anything :D: http://pastebin.com/9BHKjKsZ

    B)most relevant part of the chatlog:
    [26290] <[BoW] Freddex> a premium griefer. nice, so I can report you on the forums, you get banned and your money spent on this game was wasted :D
    [26293] <bobba> salut
    [26440] <muciapl> bomb shop
    [26514] <bobba> j'ai un problème
    [26548] <[ere] maxou79> noo!!!
    [26637] <Merc3 Piutom> fuck
    [26646] <[BoW] Freddex> yes.
    [26694] <[ere] maxou79> its funny just
    C)Screenshots(see attached files)

    Attached Files:

  10. Player: ASDF Therany
    Server: Empire vs Slayers PL [or similar name]
    Crime: griefing
    Time: few seconds ago
    Prove: one pic:
    He was trying to destroy the bridge, but antigrief setting stopped him ...until he found bomb.
  11. Fulfen

    Fulfen Horde Gibber

    1 Name: fredtin.
    2 Server: [PL] e3Studio KAG - Gates Of Hell [KAG2D.PL]
    3 Crime: speedhacking.
    4 Time: for about 5 minute ago.
    5 poove:

    Attached Files:

  12. Zefree

    Zefree Shopkeep Stealer

    1. What were the players' names?
    Admin mike_hawk
    xX_F Beton e_Xx

    2. What did the players do?
    Extremely irritating knights' flying glitch/exploit.

    3. In what server?

    4. At what time?
    Approx. 10:15-11:00 Mountain Time Zone, USA

    5. Are you sure? (Post proofs: screenshots, videos, chat-/consolelogs, etc.)

    EDIT: After I finished this complaint, I played a game with some of the same guys, and mentioned the report. They proceeded to start glitching again for some reason and let me get more screenshots.

    Attached Files:

  13. sj67

    sj67 Greg hunter

    Speed hack
    Noburo's [!] Unlimted respawns
    About 5 min ago.
    I said I was recording and he left, not to smart. But I do have chat log.

    [11197] <Ej> speedhacker
    [11249] <hafdin> speed hacker
    [11362] <Legit Logey> who?
    [11625] <[!] sj67> CRAP!
    [11667] <Ej> vipkaiser ofcourse
    [11913] <Ej> every player with vip in his name is hacker
    [11918] <wawel37> sh!
    [12025] <wawel37> speed hack
    [12187] <Ej> MORON
    [12205] <Broth MCrypa> Kaiser is speedhacker
    [12238] <[!] sj67> Gimme a sec
    [12353] <kirafire> i have arrows
    [12642] <Ej> dont kick him guys
    [12728] <Ej> wait for ban
    [13257] kirafire left the game
    [13472] wawel37 left the game
    [14119] New player joined the game
    [14140] Unnamed player is now known as kirafire
    [14571] <Storm xBDKxBrock> boost me
    [14679] <Storm xBDKxBrock> i have 80 gold
    [15265] <Storm xBDKxBrock> make a op
    [15339] <demon_ds1> lolz
    [15539] <Broth MCrypa> Up the tower
    [16133] <shamkag> kick vip
    [16349] <Ej> too laggy
    [16371] <Ej> bye
    [16543] Ej left the game
    [16614] <cafeop> hacker
    [16756] <cafeop> vipkaiser
    [16835] <cafeop> kik plz
    [17124] <hafdin> vipkaiser is speed hacker please kick
    [17503] <shamkag> KICK HIM BASTARDS
    [17710] <Legit Logey> ?
    [17852] <hafdin> press tab to kick vipkaiser
    [17949] <Broth MCrypa> Kaiser so speedhack
    [17964] <Legit Logey> we are waiting for ban?
    [17988] <cafeop> hacker
    [18029] <cafeop> wtf
    [18046] <tsunamip> WTF
    [18123] <cafeop> wtf
    [18166] <cafeop> WTF
    [18203] <Broth MCrypa> Kaiser speedhacks
    [18233] <[!] sj67> So just kick him
    [18252] New player joined the game
    [18268] Unnamed player is now known as [PL] Ream
    [18329] <shamkag> FUUUUUUUU
    [18376] <Broth MCrypa> WYF
    [18380] <Legit Logey> kicked
    [18420] <Broth MCrypa> WAS THAT
    [18440] <Broth MCrypa> WTF
    [18450] <[!] sj67> Get a screen shot.
    [18584] <Broth MCrypa> Mother hacks
    [18615] <Broth MCrypa> SO MUCH
    [18658] New player joined the game
    [18680] Unnamed player is now known as CatoSicarius
    [18710] <kirafire> arrows
    [19162] <Broth MCrypa> KICK KAISER BLUE
    [19201] <cafeop> BLUE TEAM
    [19325] <cafeop> KICK KAISER PLZ
    [19492] <cafeop> HE SPEED HAX
    [19523] <Broth MCrypa> Mouse froze
    [20061] <tsunamip> oh ogd
    [20090] <Storm xBDKxBrock> yay
    [20132] hafdin joined blue team
    [20201] <Someguy6470> HOLY SHIT!
    [20680] VIPKAISER left the game
    [20988] <Broth MCrypa> WTF
    [21102] <Storm xBDKxBrock> +5
    [21107] <Broth MCrypa> Fucking hacker
    [21143] <Broth MCrypa> Go die.

    EJ though I was admin because I new the rcon a while back and I am in [!]. But it looks like Noburo changed it. ;)
  14. Raelian

    Raelian Bison Rider

    Server: [Fr} Le server du Elites
    Name: lordhatcloack
    Crime: Griefing our base at least twice then insulting players once they realized what he was doing
    Time: 5 minutes ago

    Only managed to get a screenie of him being an ass about it.

  15. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    1. Loner miniswrider
    2. Grief
    3. Canadians Unite Server
    4. 5:30 US Mountain Time (GMT -6)
    5. Yes I'm sure. Only have chat logs and pic of him/her breaking our main tower as knight. He was also putting ladders down as builder for the blue team to get over the towers.

    Attached Files:

  16. Mr_Henki

    Mr_Henki Shark Slayer

    1.Name:^^ adasho
    4.7:07 Europe(GTM -3)
    5.The most funny cheater i ever saw, he said that he paid to the game creator to move faster:D
    Sorry about the sound, there was some kind of a weird film i was watching.
    P.S. Thank you BEEF that you told me about fraps;)
  17. basic

    basic Horde Gibber

    ARGHHHHHH!!! I'VE BEEN BANNED ON SERVER: "[PL] e3Studio KAG - Gates Of Hell [KAG2D.PL]"
    Whole report is on http://kag2d.pl/forum/skargi/skarga-godzilla(chyba-tak-to-sie-pisalo)-bastic-kamilozo/
    if anyone knows polish. There I was told that i used "FLYBUG" (when i was flying with other guy using our shields). Is it realy banned to use that sort of venturing through the map? I saw some maps when there is no other possibility to get to the other end of the map. I know that I may look lazzy to not to check the rullez by my self (sorry) but i don't know even where to look. Chears!
  18. Mr_Henki

    Mr_Henki Shark Slayer


  19. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    You need to take this up the with the server owner. Server owners are free to do what ever they please on their own server. Most wont allow flying. Check the server sub-forum for the server's thread.
  20. Saibot

    Saibot Shopkeep Stealer

    1.- Antsticot
    2.- Griefer
    3.- INCARNUM
    4.- 13:15 UTC
    5.- Video (Short and Precise)

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