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master.kag2d.com Giving Wrong Join Address

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by demon_ds1, Jan 10, 2012.

  1. demon_ds1

    demon_ds1 Shipwright



    I'm having a problem with my server and the master server. I know port forwarding is working, and I can connect to my server manually using

    However, the server-list is telling GUI Users to connect to
    I have tried every possible combination in the configuration files! I've tried changing the cl_joinaddress, which is what I figured the master server uses for everyone to join with, but that doesn't seem to be the case. I have also changed the sv_ip to no avail.

    I know my server is configured correctly because I can join it manually. I believe this is a problem on the master servers end.

    You can join the server manually if you want, its up and running.


  2. kiro

    kiro Garde KAG Donator Tester

    My server settings are :

    global sv_ip = ``; // Put your server IP ofc
    global sv_port = 50301;
    global cl_port = 50601;
    global n_master_ip = `master.kag2d.com`;
    global n_master_port = 51308;

    And it works fine.

    Good luck, I spent almost 10 hours configuring my serv the first time I tried setting it up !

    Do you run multiple servers on the same machine ? Is it a dedicated serv or shared one (such as hostedgameservers.com) ?
  3. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

    Hmm.. that's a first. If it is indeed a master.kag2d.com issue MM needs to look into this. Can't think of a possible solution other than to check and double-check that you haven't made any typos..
  4. demon_ds1

    demon_ds1 Shipwright

    I'm fairly certain I have the correct settings

    global sv_ip = ``;
    global sv_port = 50301;
    global cl_port = 50328;
    global n_master_ip = `master.kag2d.com`;
    global n_master_port = 51308;
    global cl_joinaddress = ``;

    It's a dedicated server running a few websites and a Terraria Server.
    Yeah I've checked and checked but can't find any typos or anything. Been trying for hours and getting to that point where I'm starting not to think straight anymore.

    If you need anymore info like server specs or how the network is setup I can provide them just PM me.
  5. kiro

    kiro Garde KAG Donator Tester

    So I have 2 servers too, and have the same problem.

    I fixed it 3 months ago but had not played the game since then, and now the fix doesn't work anymore. Apparently (from the emails I sent to my hostedgameservers.com staff), the fix was setting the sv_port to 50302 and 50303, the cl_port to 50602 and 50603, and the sv_ip to 0 for both server.

    Maybe the ports are "hard coded" in the server on hostedgameservers.com, so changing it in the cfg files doesn't do anything. I don't know anything about server setups, can you modify the ports in another way ? :/
  6. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

  7. kiro

    kiro Garde KAG Donator Tester

    I found the mails I exchanged with hostedgameservers.com staff. So, here's what I wrote (5 (!) months ago) :

    And the next day they answered, after a few other emails :
    Then I replied :
    But this last solution doesn't work anymore. So yeah, MM should take a look :)
  8. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

    Informed responsible authorities (MM / Geti) . It's in their hands now.
  9. demon_ds1

    demon_ds1 Shipwright

    Awesome thanks for the help Trelawney.
  10. MM

    MM THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Couple things that need to be explained:

    global cl_joinaddress - as the prefix suggest "cl_" is a client command. This is only used for that little box when you want to connect manually to a game.

    global sv_ip - Server communication IP, this is where it listens for incoming clients. This isn't used in any way by the master. This is just where the UDP socket is initialized.

    The master passes the IP that it got a packet from the server to pass on the servers list. It is correctly assuming that this is the IP: . That's the external IP.
    The master can't have any knowledge about this other IP:

    I guess to fix this, the server must pass sv_ip to the master so the master can use that instead.
    Gonna do this in the next patch.
    Noburu likes this.
  11. kiro

    kiro Garde KAG Donator Tester

  12. demon_ds1

    demon_ds1 Shipwright

    Awesome I thought that's what it was.

    Thanks for the clarification!