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[265] Potatos Quick Wall

Discussion in 'Building Critiques' started by potatomcwhiskey, Jan 13, 2012.

  1. potatomcwhiskey

    potatomcwhiskey Undercover Griefer Donator Tester

    This is a design I've used a lot lately. Its not complicated and is designed for speed of construction and simple function to lock down a piece of land for a few minutes. Its a push tower, you build it to gain ground. Principles behind the design are Speed and cost effectiveness.

    Oh no! You spotted the enemy!

    Quickly build a 5 high wall to slow them down. They should be a full screen zoomed fully out away at the start, or fighting if building mid game. Cost 50 Stone
    Quickly reinforce the tower so that a single bomb cannot take it out and allies can jump over. Cost 108 Stone
    Then quickly do this, to add to it's defensive strength.
    Then as time allows quickly outfit it like this. This takes me about 25-35 seconds to build the entire tower and it holds down locations VERY well. I rarely if ever lose this tower to a few enemies. It take 2-3 knights with a builder and an archer spamming arrows at me to climb over, otherwise I can hold off most people on my own. Total Cost at this point is 168 Stone and 160 Wood. Rather cheap for how effective I have found it to be.

    You can further modulate the tower over time as resources allow. Tower Example.JPG

    This is just an example of how you might modulate the tower. In reality, as this is a push tower for gaining ground in an assault you shouldn't be in it long enough to build maybe the Archer Bays and a workshop.

    Its by no means an amazing defense tower, but it is a great assault tower that is easy for your team to use and can hold down a piece of land effectively for a time. Its more like a base wall for a tower that emphasizes speed and cost effectiveness over anything else. Some tower use complicated strategies and tricks to kill opponents. This tower is just a simple way to lock down land.
    Boxpipe, Brandon816, Beef and 5 others like this.
  2. Notcho

    Notcho Shipwright

    Thanks for sharing and the great write up (especially stone/wood costs). I've been looking for a good, effecient tower blueprint for holding ground and I this fits the bill perfectly. I'll start experimenting with it immediately.
    BlueLuigi likes this.
  3. Riletyface

    Riletyface Horde Gibber

    Great design, I'll try it out!
  4. deathbringer123

    deathbringer123 Shipwright

    • Warning for Spam
    same that was a great design but i gonna change it a bit opps i forgot my avitar
  5. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    I think the most important part of the post is moving as quickly as possible from a one wide tower to a two wide one so that a knight doesnt blow the whole thing down instantly with a bomb.
  6. deathbringer123

    deathbringer123 Shipwright

    • Warning for Spam
    yeah thats right
  7. deathbringer123

    deathbringer123 Shipwright

    • User warned for Double Posting
    can u go to the aussie server and show me how i am completly comfused plz
  8. potatomcwhiskey

    potatomcwhiskey Undercover Griefer Donator Tester

    Typically you should contact me about stuff like this in Private messages. I will happily log onto (AOE) Aussie CTF for a half an hour if you need my help with anything.
    Boxpipe, BlueLuigi and Noburu like this.
  9. deathbringer123

    deathbringer123 Shipwright

    can u go now plz
  10. potatomcwhiskey

    potatomcwhiskey Undercover Griefer Donator Tester

    Too late, I'm off for the night. I'd advise against spamming the forums. Please send me a private message.
    Noburu likes this.
  11. deathbringer123

    deathbringer123 Shipwright

    • User warned for posting Off Topic
    sorry i dont know how to do private messages
  12. Ghozt

    Ghozt Haxor

    Ti make this more effective a small 3 deep 3 wide trap at the bottom is always effective when I make tower and btw I don't know what makes this stand out so much these are always made but it is a useful and pratical design good job XD