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Curl Error 28 0

Discussion in 'General Help' started by azzamskull123, Jan 25, 2012.

  1. azzamskull123

    azzamskull123 Shipwright

    i just got this message when i start the game:

    PID: 3608
    Starting in directory: C:\KAG
    Changed directory to: C:/KAG/
    Engine (build: 274 version: 0.95A)
    Creating video device...
    Irrlicht Engine version 1.8.0-alpha
    Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
    Using renderer: OpenGL 1.4.0
    Intel 965/963 Graphics Media Accelerator: Intel
    OpenGL driver version is 1.2 or better.
    GLSL not available.
    Loaded texture: C:/KAG/Base/GUI/DarkMicroStone.png
    Loaded texture: C:/KAG/Base/GUI/BorderStone.png
    Loaded texture: C:/KAG/Base/GUI/MicroStone.png
    Loaded texture: C:/KAG/Base/GUI/SimpleStone.png
    Loaded texture: C:/KAG/Base/GUI/FramedStone.png
    Loaded texture: C:/KAG/Base/GUI/MenuItems.png
    Loaded texture: C:/KAG/Base/GUI/title.png
    Downloading http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/kag_news.rss...
    Resizing window (530 350)

    CURL Error: 28 0

    Downloading checksums from http://kag2d.com/update/kag/App/version.txt

    Downloading http://kag2d.com/update/kag/App/version.txt...

    CURL Error: 28 0
    Error downloading checksum from http://kag2d.com/update/kag/App/version.txt (er

    Downloading checksums from http://kag.hostedd.com/kag/App/version.txt

    Downloading http://kag.hostedd.com/kag/App/version.txt...

    CURL Error: 28 0
    Error downloading checksum from http://kag.hostedd.com/kag/App/version.txt (err

    pls help me :(
  2. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

    Try again later, probably some connectivity issue (server migration going on lately, could be a DNS server that lags behind). It's definitely something temporary though.

    Ref: http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html < 28 is for
    Operation timeout. The specified time-out period was reached according to the conditions.
  3. azzamskull123

    azzamskull123 Shipwright

    ok thx but i got another message:

    PID: 4548
    Starting in directory: C:\KAG
    Changed directory to: C:/KAG/
    Engine (build: 281 version: 0.95A)
    Creating video device...
    Irrlicht Engine version 1.8.0-alpha
    Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
    Using renderer: OpenGL 1.4.0
    Intel 965/963 Graphics Media Accelerator: Intel
    OpenGL driver version is 1.2 or better.
    GLSL not available.
    Loaded texture: C:/KAG/Base/GUI/DarkMicroStone.png
    Loaded texture: C:/KAG/Base/GUI/BorderStone.png
    Loaded texture: C:/KAG/Base/GUI/MicroStone.png
    Loaded texture: C:/KAG/Base/GUI/SimpleStone.png
    Loaded texture: C:/KAG/Base/GUI/FramedStone.png
    Loaded texture: C:/KAG/Base/GUI/MenuItems.png
    Loaded texture: C:/KAG/Base/GUI/title.png
    Downloading http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/kag_news.rss...
    Resizing window (530 350)
    file Downloads/kag_news.rss

    Downloading checksums from http://kag2d.com/update/kag/App/version.txt

    Downloading http://kag2d.com/update/kag/App/version.txt...
    file Downloads/App/version.txt
    Version file the same (key matches)
  4. Rayne

    Rayne ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    That appears every time you start kag...
    Everything should be fine for you now.
  5. azzamskull123

    azzamskull123 Shipwright

    why i got a black sceen i mean like this

    bandicam 2012-01-26 13-24-32-378.jpg