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[CTF] Miner's Haven

Discussion in 'Maps' started by Melan, Jan 28, 2012.

  1. Melan

    Melan Shark Slayer


    v1: http://i.imgur.com/Rz442.png

    v1.1 - Added more bedrock and put a bedrock layer to the small caves below the pit to prevent tunneling.

    Another map from me again. :)
    Anyways, hope you guys enjoy. This map is 200x150.

    I was hoping to make a newb friendly map, and to give a lot of resources, but I guess my imagination got the best of me. I put long trees and that rock pit below the house for that reason. So yeah, I made 2 ways to get to the other side, because I'm trying to counteract these horribly unbalanced maps that give you a totally unfair advantage when you get to the top hill, or middle. I made a little starting house for you guys, to have a bit of shelter, layered the bottom of bedrock so they can't dig under it. There's a bit of space to build some defense in that little space beside the trees. I made a little cave as an entrance to get to the tunnels and a winding tunnel to the top.
    I made this pit here to encourage people to go undergrounds, as people always tend to stay above grounds to fight, which is also the reason why I made the tunnels so expansive, to give them more space, instead of those little 2 block high tunnels which are really restricting. I actually made this map specifically for UNDERGROUND fighting/building, but I guess that would be pretty boring, so I decided to make an aboveground section. I'm predicting that people will fight aboveground, and use the bottom tunnels as an emergency tool though. :(
    As I said before, I tried to make the tunnels a bit more expansive and more roomy so people will actually try and go down here. I put the bedrock layering the pit, and under the bottom of the map to prevent digging again.
    The stalagmites and stalactites, or the gold jutting out of the ground/ceiling there are mostly for decoration, but they're also the main supply of gold in this map, besides the little circle of bits of gold up above, shown covered in branches in pictures 1 and 2. I also don't know whats up with that square of blurry area, just saying :p
    As always, suggestions/feedback is appreciated, and anyone can use this map, but try to PM me please.
  2. Beerbeer

    Beerbeer Shipwright

    It looks like where one was born...
    Rayne likes this.
  3. Semi

    Semi Everypony Donator

    mhh yes Oo. srsly its true
  4. Melan

    Melan Shark Slayer

    you guys have dirty minds ... xD
    i see it as a demons face on the bottom o.o
  5. Semi

    Semi Everypony Donator

    dirty minds :< no!