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[319] Miscellaneous research

Discussion in 'Classes & Mechanics' started by Drok, Jan 17, 2012.

  1. Drok

    Drok Shark Slayer

    Hello people.
    I wish to share the results of some research I've been doing for the wiki. I hope it useful or interesting.

    Fall damage:

    Below is an image showing the heights for each possible penalty at landing. The first column is for normal falls, the second for normal falls in spikes. The third is for glide falls, the fourth for glide falls in spikes. Note that both normal falls apply for every class, not only for knights.
    Example: If you fall from a block situated 14 blocks above the ground, you will suffer a stun. If it were 1 block higher (15), you would lose half a heart.


    This means the optimal height for doors in walls is 8 blocks (so that the allies don’t get stunned), and the optimal depths for spike pits are 9 (the minimum for 2 hearts), or 15, (the minimum for 3 hearts).

    Tested last time for build 319.

    Mining speed:

    Each class has 2 different speeds for mining blocks, which apply to different materials.
    For hard materials (stone, doors): one hit every 0,93s
    For soft materials (all the others): one hit every 0,47s
    For materials which require slashing (door, backwall): one hit every approximately 1,43s
    For materials which require jabs, (all the others): one hit every approximately 0,80s.
    For dirt: one hit every 1,00s
    For trees: one hit every 0,83s

    So the total time required to mine each block is, for each class, as shown below:

    Tested last time for build 265


    Bombs interact in different ways depending of the objects in range:

    - Players:
    Any players (except allies) caught in the explosion (a radius of 6-7 blocks) are instantly killed unless they are shielding in the correct direction.

    - Solid blocks
    Solid blocks are only affected by the bomb if they are exactly above, below or at the same height (in a bomberman style).
    For player-made blocks, those in the red area (3 blocks in each direction) are instantly destroyed, and those in the yellow area (further 3 blocks in each direction) suffer 2 points of damage (i.e the equivalent to 2 hits).
    For natural blocks, they receive only 1 point of damage (1 hit) regardless of the distance.


    - Non-solid blocks:
    Backwalls, ladders, workshops, spikes and trees are only destroyed if the bomb explodes in their exact spot. Otherwise they receive no damage at all.

    - Special blocks:
    Bedrock is instantly destroyed in the red area, but it can’t receive damage and thus is unaffected if the distance to the bomb is over 3 blocks.
    Dirt backwall can’t be destroyed by bombs.

    Bombs no longer follow this rules. *

    Other facts:

    - Bombs take exactly 4 seconds to explode since they are lighted. The counter starts at 120, which means each second is equivalent to 30 units of the counter.
    - Bombs will only collide with drawbridges if they were thrown from a height at least 2 block lower than the drawbridge. Neither the speed nor the direction of the bomb matter.
    - The freefall speed for players is approximately 36 blocks per second.
    - Slashing at the right moment while falling can reset the fall, so that the "fall counter" begins at the end of the slash. By doing this you can suffer lesser effects, as if the fall had been 2-3 blocks lower. Gliding is still much better for most cases, but slashing before a fall of 23, 24 or 25 can make the character survive what would have killed a gliding knight.

    Tested last time for build 265

    Please don't hesitate to report any information that could be outdated, I'll check it as soon as I can.

    *Bombs mechanics changed and the info is being kept for reference only. Unfortunately, initial tests for the new ones revealed little information, as they are now very unpredictable (and even a bit buggy, like the 0 heart issue). Damage tests would require many players and long time testing. However, other information, like the radius and block damages might be added in the future.
  2. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    This is very nice and useful information. I now feel that I have to memorize even more stuff.

    Did catch a typo though
    I think you meant blocks lower, so you put the space wrong.

    Anyways, do you plan on updating this with every build?
  3. Drok

    Drok Shark Slayer

    Thanks guys for the likes.
    The whole tests take some time, but I intend to keep a close eye on the change logs so that I can do again only the parts that got outdated. Unless there are hidden changes, it should be up to date for every future build.

    D'oh! I corrected that just 30 secs after posting, you were too fast. :p
  4. Acavado

    Acavado KAG Guard Tester

    I find this both useful and interesting, also that you are a man amongst men for doing all this. I'm giving you all my money despite that I have no money.
    Rayne likes this.
  5. keane

    keane Horde Gibber

    This is some pretty great materal. 감사합니다~ ^^
  6. Foxodi

    Foxodi KAG Guard Tester

    The threshold that a charged arrow no longer stuns / does 1heart damage is 40tiles.

    Attached Files:

    SARGRA13, Birdman159, Mqrius and 3 others like this.
  7. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    This is awesome stuff.

    Though, I feel like the falling thing is wrong, especially with gliding. Often I find that gliding to the floor actually makes me die from lower down than a normal fall!
  8. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    I think that when you glide till you go to the falling sprite, you'll die in lower distances.
    Ej likes this.
  9. Rayne

    Rayne ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    Your falling speed increases when you do that, maybe that's why?
  10. I've just discovered this thread and I want to say that this is amazing, nerdgasmic and powergaming "excel stuff" I always wanted in KAG.

    Gods shall bring you to the highest heaven.
  11. Drok

    Drok Shark Slayer

    Are you sure? I tested it both in the sandbox and in an empty server, just to be sure as the sandbox is sometimes strange. For the first two columns I am very certain they are right (maybe outdated?) because I had tested it before, like two months ago, and the results matched perfectly with the ones of the build mentioned.

    According to what I saw, the death falling sprite appears when the fall has lasted 23 blocks regardless of the class and the direction of the shield (I checked the shield-smashing falls too and they have no difference).

    Maybe there is a variable that affects falls that we are ignoring. Or some change in the physics since the build this was tested for. The method I used is to situate myself at a drawbridge X blocks above the ground, for every possible height, and hold the "down" key until landing. Anyone willing to verify the results so that we can be sure is welcome, it takes just a few minutes.

    That's interesting! I was thinking about looking at the trajectory of the arrows for the three power levels to make a nice image, but I couldn't think of an easy way to record the flight in an image.

    Thanks everyone for the comments.
  12. 10110100101

    10110100101 Shark Slayer

    Amazing work! If i could remember all this, I'm sure it will help, but ill most likely forget about it tomorrow. :D
  13. xymostech

    xymostech Catapult Fodder

    I feel like this is true as well. In fact, I feel like although there are some supposed "rules" to how much damage you are supposed to take, these rules break down sometimes. I don't know whether this is because of lag/crowded servers or some other unknown factor, but I often find that I die from a rather short fall that I am able to make otherwise.
  14. Drok

    Drok Shark Slayer

    I can only assure that under normal circumstances the rules mentioned always apply, as they were tested several times in different servers apart from the sandbox with no discordance in the results. We can't judge the heights accurately at battle because we are concentrated on other things, plus lag and the weird issues of the server and the game engine may cause uncommon situations.

    I am sometimes surprised too by the times I die because of a glide fall. I believe that is just an illusion caused by trying to make normal falls and glide falls analogous. We are accustomed to being stunned for low heights, damaged for medium, and killed for high. As there is no transition in gliding between "stun" and "insta-death", being killed while gliding may simply seem against any logic.
    Foxodi and Rayne like this.
  15. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Current build is very different, half a heart from up to 15 tall, 20 tall instant kill (or mayhaps it's 20 1/2 heart and 25 instakill) but it's around there for builders. If you glide wrong you will die 5 shorter than you should have.
    Neat likes this.
  16. Drok

    Drok Shark Slayer

    Are you sure? I did the test again in two different servers and the results were the same as always. The death line is still the same for gliding and normal falls.
  17. GloriousToast

    GloriousToast Haxor Donator

    they made the bombs less instakill.
  18. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Yea I'm sure, did some tests on a testing server, if it would make a difference was set as gold
  19. Drok

    Drok Shark Slayer

    How weird... I don't think gold members feel the gravity differently :huh?:. I quickly tested the death line again in another random server and, again, the death line for me is 23. We need another users to test.

    Yup, but now they are quite... unpredictable, let's say. Damage, for instance, is not only variable but also can leave characters with 0 hearts. I did a brief test and, strangely, the blast seems to penetrate somewhat randomly on blocks. Under the same circumstances it would do different damage to different blocks. Looks like an investigator's nightmare... :(
  20. The newest research:
    You don't get any damage when you jump of 14 blocks, when you jump of 15 to 22 you get half of heart, jumping of 23 and more blocks=instadeath.

    So basically I got the same results as Drok did.
    BlueLuigi, Raron, Drok and 4 others like this.