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Can not run the game,Engine has stopped working

Discussion in 'General Help' started by tuyugg123, Feb 2, 2012.

  1. tuyugg123

    tuyugg123 Catapult Fodder

    When I run the game, a dialog jumped out called 'crashsender modudle' and can't enter the game!
    what shall i do?

  2. I described how I solved the same problem some time ago. Copypasta then:
    "I suppose, DaeHyoun that you have this problem.
    Fortunately, glorious MM found a solution (at least it works for me) .
    1.Find command-line interface in SYSTEM32.
    2.Copy it to KAG folder.
    3.Open command line (that one from KAG folder) and when you see E:\KAG (or another letter, it depends on where you have KAG installed) type KAG.exe nolauncher.
    4. When you have "E:\KAG\KAG.exe nolauncher" in command line press enter.
    5. Obviously, it runs a game without a launcher (so you can't set fullscreen), but I think that is better than nothing."
  3. tuyugg123

    tuyugg123 Catapult Fodder

    i was windows 7 64bit