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Problem with server browser

Discussion in 'General Help' started by RaMmStEiN_2012, Feb 7, 2012.

  1. RaMmStEiN_2012

    RaMmStEiN_2012 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Help me please! Already more half a year I can't play through the browser. He always remains empty. I can only play through the connect to. Come across anyone else with this problem?:huh?:
  2. 2skan

    2skan Shipwright

    Already many times raised the question. I'm having this problem for over 6 months. Developers do anything they do not want, do not help. Shame and disgrace.
  3. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

    Seeing that one of you is connecting from a russian IP and the other one from ukraine.. i wonder if there's a firewall blocking IPs at the master server for whatever reason.. (antispam / anti-proxy / whatever). Unfortunately for you there's a lot of nefarious activity coming from .ua/.ru/.cn etc, and some hosts have specific IP ranges blocked without being aware of it. I'll notify FLAB (I think he runs the servers) and see if he can help...
  4. 2skan

    2skan Shipwright

    Previously, I had no such problems, after an unknown server browser update has not worked. You do not solve the problem in a hurry and do not try. Udaliti then my account and give me back my money is spent on the game. Already half a year I can not play in this miracle. If the same problem at the ports, as you say, say what you want to open ports for the game.
  5. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    There is no firewall or blocking going on at the server. What build/version of the client do you have? If you have a client that is out of date, I believe the server browser will show up empty for you.

    The fact that you are able to reach the forums to post here means that you do not have any network problems reaching our servers (or shouldn't) - the forums are hosted in the same network as the master server and homepage.

    We do not block ICMP ping to any servers - everyone should be able to ping master.kag2d.com and kag2d.com, as well as others like kagforum.com and kagwiki.com.

    Can you do the following?
    1) ping master.kag2d.com and paste the results here
    2) tracert master.kag2d.and post the results here.

    I will keep an eye on this thread and work with you to find the solution to this problem if it is a network issue.
    Once I have this information, I may want to meet with you on IRC to have you do some testing while I gather data in real time on the server side to see if your master server requests are making it to our network or not
  6. 2skan

    2skan Shipwright

    Firewal a long time off. Anitivirus turn off when the game starts. Client latest version. A master.kag2d.com your site will not load.
  7. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Please provide the information I requested
  8. 2skan

    2skan Shipwright

    master.kag2d.com NOT OPEN PAGE!!!
  9. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

    you're not supposed to visit master.kag2d.com on your browser, just ping it! (Windows+R, cmd, ping master.kag2d.com)
  10. 2skan

    2skan Shipwright

    min = 193
    max = 238
    Packets sent to 4, received 4.
  11. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Please ping it again, and try using the in game browser to list the servers. I am actively collecting data for your IP address.
  12. 2skan

    2skan Shipwright

    Server browser still does not work.
    min = 198
    max = 211
  13. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Yes, this will not fix it - I am just gathering information on what the problem may be.

    Please try the server browser one more time, I need to capture a bit more data.
  14. 2skan

    2skan Shipwright

    the console at startup KAG, may be something to help
  15. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Thanks. I am going to analyze the data and speak to MM/Geti.

    I see your IP address communicating with the master server, however I see an oddity in the network traffic which I need to discuss with the developers. I will post back here when I have something to share.
    trelawney likes this.
  16. 2skan

    2skan Shipwright

    Thank you for taking our attention. The last time such an activity did not show.
  17. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Please try again now
  18. 2skan

    2skan Shipwright

    O_O Server browser is running. Thank you that solved the problem! Hmmm ... What should I do if this problem occurs again?
  19. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

    Post in this here thread.
  20. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    It won't, but if by some change it does please post in this thread or create a new one.

    For those interested, here's what the problem was:
    The master server is one of a few things I have which sit behind NAT (for IPv4 - not for IPv6). The problem was that the server browser generates a few 1400B or larger responses (but probably less than 1500B), which is why other people have not had this problem. When I had you test yesterday, I was doing packet captures so I could look in detail at the network traffic. Part of what I saw was this:

    This is a capture on the Internet-facing interface of the firewall/router that sits in front of the master server. What this shows is the egress UDP traffic, that is- the response back to you, is being fragmented. This means there's probably a MTU bottleneck between the server network and you, so I used tracepath to find the path MTU and sure enough on one of the last hops it gets bottled down to 1400B:
    15: drs20.o56.ru ( 185.639ms pmtu 1400

    The problem is that the fragments shown above are leaving our network without the source address being rewritten correctly to, so your computer will reject them (if they even make it that far without getting filtered on the Internet because is a private address).

    I had to go into the pf config on the firewall and add "scrub in all" to tell it to capture and reassemble fragments before it performs NAT. Now it will properly buffer the fragments, perform NAT, and refragment as necessary to send the response traffic back to you.

    Since this is a one-time change, it should not break again. This will fix the server browser for you and anyone else who sits behind a slightly smaller than normal MTU
    Kagesha, SirSalami, dnmr and 3 others like this.