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i hear no sound in game :(

Discussion in 'General Help' started by mightychin, Feb 11, 2012.

  1. mightychin

    mightychin Shipwright

    i hear no sound in game, sound fx, every now and again il hear a foot step or a clash of metal or something but its very rare. There is something wrong but i have no idea what, iv tried changing settings and restarting, even reinstalling and repairing c++ or whatever that is, but no change, still no sound fx ingame. Its weird because i get the opening music in the menu it just seems to be ingame the sound doesnt work right. Also i havnt been on for a few months so when i came on the other day it was patched and stuff.

    any ideas guys, its no fun without any sound effects.
  2. Are you running the latest version of Ubuntu? A lot of people have been having audio problems. Not only KAG related. Sometimes no sound for anything at all.
  3. mightychin

    mightychin Shipwright

    what is ubuntu? i use windows, im confused.

    EDIT: i dont seem to be having any other audio related issues on my pc :\
  4. CoughDrop

    CoughDrop KAG Guard Tester

    Ubuntu is a distribution of Linux. (i.e. A free operating system)

    Ubuntu users have had the most trouble with getting sound to work with KAG, which is why jerloch jumped to the conclusion that you had it.

    I've had problems with sound issues myself, but I later figured out that I was the one causing the issue by trying to use a 7.1 channel on a stereo-speaker system. Perhaps update your sound driver and look around with the settings; it can't hurt to look!
    mightychin likes this.
  5. mightychin

    mightychin Shipwright

    your a legend! you just jogged my memory, i changed my realtek settings a while bk to 5.1 cus i got better sound when using my audio player, iv changed it bk to stereo and now the sounds back in KAG :D
    back to enjoying the beta,
    thanks for the help guys :D
    CoughDrop likes this.