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Official Aus Server back online!

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by Geti, Nov 29, 2011.

Mods: jackitch
  1. On AusKag I get around 100 ping not bad.
    But for Bar Brawl and the Official Australian server I get 33 ping so guess which ones I play on!
  2. Toucanleap

    Toucanleap Shipwright

    I was wondering if I could possibly become a moderator of this server.
    I am usually on KAG quite a bit and enjoy the game, so would be willing to offer my skills to this server.

    I am not familiar to this server, but would like to become art of it. I have also, in the past contributed to many KAG servers.


  3. Rayne

    Rayne ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    I really like this server.
    But may I ask what it pingkicks at? I live in california, but get a decent 166 ping here.
  4. Foxodi

    Foxodi KAG Guard Tester

    Its pingkick is set at 300.
  5. Rayne

    Rayne ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    Ah explains the occasional pingkick I get then, my ping will spike up to 300 for a minute or two then go back down to 166 on aus servers, usually anyways.
  6. AyesDyef

    AyesDyef Hat enthusiast. Donator

    I've been playing on this server this afternoon, and just found myself randomly banned, I haven't been griefing, but I am prone to getting massive lag spikes, is it a kick & ban on ping?
  7. Rayne

    Rayne ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    ping kicks usually last from 10 to 30 minutes, depending on what's in the server configs,
    AyesDyef and Foxodi like this.
  8. AyesDyef

    AyesDyef Hat enthusiast. Donator

    Thanks! I'll give it a try later then :D
    Rayne likes this.
  9. ESL

    ESL Shipwright

    ITS DOWN!!!!!!
  10. Foxodi

    Foxodi KAG Guard Tester

    Back up.
  11. ESL

    ESL Shipwright

    k thx
  12. ESL

    ESL Shipwright

    Its down again
  13. Foxodi

    Foxodi KAG Guard Tester

    Orrr is it?! dun dun dun.
  14. webznz

    webznz Catapult Fodder

    So today I seemed to have been banned from this server for mearly mentioning that I think ground level doors with pits in front of them are better than higher level doors..
    I used no strong words or anything next minute I am banned.. why?

    Heres my supporting argument.
    High doors generally result in injures for our own team.. high jumps, jumping onto traps, slowing the knights down from making it back to the front line from a death.
    Also have a high door prevents you from killing apposing builders who try to destroy towers. you can add about another 10/15 seconds onto your journey to the front line with doors at different heights giving you apponent time to take old of vantage point builders to set up defenses closer to your strong holds..

    Yes doors are weaker than stone BUT! a set of 3 doors or even 5 doors will not get destroyed any time soon.. In my time on here I have not yet seen one of my 5 door towers fall... 3 doors yes.. if the building is sloppy with no reinforcements but hardly ever has it happened. Despite that having ground level doors give you a better chance of fighting off wood be assailants as well as builder looking to topple your tower.. there is nothing worse than having to jump into combat with 2 or 3 apposing knights all slashing as you jump down.. you are gonna die fairly quickly in this manner.. however if you have ground doors then knights can go into battle shields up pushing your foes backwards and having more control of the situation..
    Now if you really don't like ground doors to secure them even more.. use pitts.. male sure you reinforce the pitts to prevent knights and other suh people digging out but make sure you add layered spikes with the use of team bridges... this then stops easy access to the ground level but also gives knights easy access to the front line.

    i might have missed a few things sure.. and it might seem I'm favoring ground doors only.. but no..but its good to have a mixture with a second option on a big tower... incase a builder block your exit.. and those doors can be used by arches in most cases... but you should always have ground doors if you want to win..

    so yea i didn't go into so much depth in game i just said we need ground doors and i think they are better.. then got booted.. is there any chance i could get un banned? its not like I'm stopping anyone from doing this or that.. i just offered an opinion to a loosing team at the time..

  15. feet

    feet Bison Rider

    if you fall at 8 blocks high you dont get stunned or hurt. also layers of doors actually slow you down. if you fall a fair way down any fall damage you may get gets transferred to the enemy if you land on them. Its also a lot harder for knights to get through.
  16. beaverboy8

    beaverboy8 Catapult Fodder

    i was playing the official australian server last night and i was just having some fun then someone comes up to me and abuses me ( and me being new and all) i swore back at him once then he says im greifing when i said one bad word once and he then gets me frozen then he abuses me even more with more abusive words and then i get banned for saying one word am i able to get unbanned i want swear again and i am sorry for saying it just started last night so yeah sorry :D

    [edit - trelawney] moved and merged with correct post.
  17. You should of posted this on the Official Aus Server thread.

    But anyway the ban should be lifted tommorow when Foxodi resets the server.

    May I ask did you greif?
    Foxodi likes this.
  18. Foxodi

    Foxodi KAG Guard Tester

    -Who were you arguing with/who was the admin on at the time?
    -The server is restarted almost every day and all bans with it.
    -But you are totally wrong about having doors on ground level :p Doesn't matter so much if you have a good pit infront of it; but if you have no pit then doors in the 4-8 tile height range is vastly superior in stopping knights. Your solution of having 5 layers of doors is a terrible one, partly due to the wood cost, but mostly because the slow movement through so many layer of doors is frustrating and possibly deadly in a fight (or if you are an archer ducking in and out). Not to mention that someone will always open the door letting enemies into your base,and if the enemy is smart they will stand in the doors and break them in one hit - quickly destroying your entrance without any need for a builder.
    SARGRA13 likes this.
  19. Foxodi

    Foxodi KAG Guard Tester

    For future reference, when he called you a griefer he meant you were doing something that was hurting the team (maybe you were breaking someones tower, maybe you were building a ridiculously tall tower without ladders.. could be a range of nub things). Would you happen to remember the name of the admin or any screenshots of the incident? (for future reference, you can take SS in game using f4)
  20. beaverboy8

    beaverboy8 Catapult Fodder

    no i was just walking around not even building
Mods: jackitch