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KAG on OSX 10.4 PPC

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Mr_GreyKat, Feb 19, 2012.

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  1. Mr_GreyKat

    Mr_GreyKat Catapult Fodder

    I just downloaded game and i have a Mac 10.4.11 and the moment i click on the app to run in immediately fails. no error messages nothing, i tried the zip and none of the unarchiving apps recommended worked. is there anyone who cold help me with this? I can give further info if needed.
  2. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

    a) On unzipping, i use http://www.kekaosx.com/en/ to unzip , there is a tiger version. (but that seems to come in a .zip itself >_<). Converted for you @ http://dl.dropbox.com/u/23114384/keka_0.1.2.1.dmg

    b) I haven't seen anyone running KAG in anything older than 10.6 (Snow Leopard). And don't expect it to run on anything non-Intel (i.e. PowerPC). That said, posting some logs could aid troubleshooting.If you installed KAG in Applications, paste your logs by doing the following:

    The GUI way:
    Find KAG in Finder > right click > Show Package contents > Navigate to Contents > MacOS > Logs > find the latest console-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx.txt> right click Open > success

    The CLI way:
    Open Terminal.app > type cd /Applications/KAG.app/Contents/MacOS/Logs > open latest console log by typing open console-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx.txt > success.

    P.S XXs are replaced by date/time e.g : console-11-12-11-16-10-42.txt
    Beef likes this.
  3. Mr_GreyKat

    Mr_GreyKat Catapult Fodder

    So far, thank you for your help and a quick reply, but sadly it seems that both of your suggestions aren't working either. I got to package contents and then to log and there is nothing in the folder. when i tried the terminal option nothing came up either. I'm sorry im guessing its probably my incompetence with my computer, are there any other suggestions? i could record my screen and show you what going on if that would help. i recall someone in chat mentioned how this game was running fine on old macs which is part of the reason this is all so confusing to me. :(
  4. Eliseus

    Eliseus Shipwright

    Man, do you know how old 10.4 is? It looks like you have a PPC Mac (look it up at Apple>About this Mac), and KAG won't run on it. Get something more decent, it's hard to play on a computer from pre-historic era.

    And guy from the chat was talking about like early 2007 Mac or something like that, not that old as yours.
  5. Mr_GreyKat

    Mr_GreyKat Catapult Fodder

    check your "facts" before you claim, look around forums it even says in this forum that it runs on older macs and on the reuirments it says 10.4 + and why would i pay $1,000 + on a computer just to play a free game? sure this game is good but im not going to buy a computer just to play it.

    My post was for help, not for someone to insult my computer and tell me to get a new one. And yeah, I KNOW im using a PPC im not an idiot. Dont act like just because my computer is less advanced then urs im "prehistoric" im not a caveman, i know what im using.

    And read above i SAID Mac 10.4.11 that is the SAME MAC the other guy is using how can 2 of the same macs be older than eachother. -_-
  6. Eliseus

    Eliseus Shipwright

    Sorry if it sounded like insult.

    There is an intel version of Tiger and I believe you can't run KAG on the PPC version you have.
  7. Mr_GreyKat

    Mr_GreyKat Catapult Fodder

    Its k, i kind of over reacted, its just i already have enough trouble finding games for 10.4 and now my pc is all weird it will download them and something weird happens, its definately not that i cant run it(if i couldn't run it an error message would say something like "this app is not compatible with your OSX" or something like that", its something wrong with my computer, it specifically not all 10.4's I've been having the problem with other games that i used to be able to play.
  8. Eliseus

    Eliseus Shipwright

    You can play starcraft 1, diablo 1-2, fallout, some old indie stuff. The games must be compiled for PPC, you should be really lucky to see a recent game that has PPC support.

    I love old macs, but it's getting harder and harder to use them even for surfing. Word processing, vintage games, some media library — maybe, but not more than that.
  9. Mr_GreyKat

    Mr_GreyKat Catapult Fodder

    Yeah, im wanting to update it but i really don't have the money. my B-day is coming up soon but im going to want to buy minecraft. im going to check how much it is just to update to 10.5, i hope that if i get it updated it will work. i really want to play this game
  10. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    @Greycat: Upgrading to 10.5 wont help you, it's the fact that your processor is the wrong type to play the game (PPC vs x86). You'll need to upgrade your hardware.
  11. Mr_GreyKat

    Mr_GreyKat Catapult Fodder

    How do i do that?
  12. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Basically by either buying a new one or by knowing how to work with computer hardware - something that's not hard but certainly shouldn't be simply tinkered with to avoid breaking your stuff.

    You'd have to ensure the new CPU was compatible with the hold mobo (unlikely), if so then wipe the OS (as PPC isn't binary compatible with x86), open the case (usually tricky for anything from apple without the right tools), take out the old processor, put the new one in, reinstall the OS for the new architecture and then reinstall all your programs.

    If the new CPU was incompatible with the old slot (very, very likely) then you're out of luck either way and will need to buy a completely new computer.

    I know you don't have a few grand to throw around, but you can pick up netbooks for like $150-300 on eBay/TradeMe/whatever you have where you live. It's more or less the only option as KAG is unlikely to get ported to PPC any time soon :/
  13. Mr_GreyKat

    Mr_GreyKat Catapult Fodder

    lol, im buying a laptop.
  14. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Yes - as of right now KAG is not playable on PPC. I'll talk to MM and see if he has any interest in trying to generate a PPC build, however I wouldn't expect it to happen.

    You will not be able to replace the CPU in a PPC mac with an intel chip, the entire computer architecture is different.

    Games like Starcraft/Diablo and other Blizzard (and non-Blizzard) titles which work on PPC do so because the game developers produced a PPC build. If they had not done that, you would not be able to play it on PPC.
  15. Eliseus

    Eliseus Shipwright

    Just buy a used macbook pro/intel mac mini if you want a mac.
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