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[Tower]The Chess Tower

Discussion in 'Building Critiques' started by ShadowFire2010, Feb 21, 2012.

  1. ShadowFire2010

    ShadowFire2010 Haxor

    I have seen people creating towers that are honestly quite fantastic.So I am here to show you a tower of mine

    Attached Files:

    killatron46 likes this.
  2. Thanks to that chess the tower can be taken down with 3-4 bombs. Also, don't stack doors like this, probably always at least 2 doors will be open so it's easy to break it with a single bomb. And you should place 2 stones between door notches.
  3. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Very weak the center staggering means 2 less bombs to blow it all up or maybe 1 depends on how good of a shot they are

    Been waiting a long time for someone to post semi doors for archers use, they are excellent in tunnels to stop knights but let archers shoot ;)
  4. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    I think you might be better off making that wall a solid 2-3 blocks wide with backwall in the back, because you really can't have something like that at the base of a tower, as Ej and Blue have said, its just too easy to bomb. I understand where the thinking comes from, (it will be cheaper yes) but I don't know if its worth it. I like your archer perch but I don't know how effective your double/triple doors are. I really try to avoid the double doors for speed reasons, entering and exiting. (you will see me rarely build double doors, but this is only on maps where I only have space for a 2x wide tower next to tent).

    Also about your roof . . . It looks good, but usually bomb catchers try to either kill the knight instantly, or put him in a place where he can't do anything. Just from looking at that setup, he would land, (maybe take 2 hearts) and proceed to maneuver himself so he stood on your exposed door under your bomb catcher. So for your tower you should probably have an extension wall with some hanging spikes to deter those bomb jumpers, I would also put a 2x3/3x3 trap at the base of your tower.

    All in all, pretty decent tower,
    Hope this helps!
  5. ShadowFire2010

    ShadowFire2010 Haxor

    Thanks for the help, but also the chess middle is actually quite effective since most derp knights just throw strait bombs and don't judge but thanks for the help
  6. Xorlathor

    Xorlathor Catapult Fodder

    Having a staggered door like that for archers seems like it'd help a ton, I'm definitely going to give that a try.
    BlueLuigi likes this.
  7. mishKa

    mishKa Mayo for everybody. ┗┃・ ■ ・┃┛ Donator

    Great ideas you got there. Especially the check-stones and door placement. :thumbs_up:
  8. ShadowFire2010

    ShadowFire2010 Haxor

    Thanks I will try to make a better one soon so watch out or my tower might just save a game or two
  9. CoD

    CoD Haxor

    I love it my only critiscism is how does relate to chess :p what piece is it?
  10. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    He probably meant 'Checkerboard' pattern, and I suppose you could also just call it Chess, heh.