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JKR [24/7] Fun&CTF=Win

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by yashua, Feb 20, 2012.

Mods: jackitch
  1. yashua

    yashua Catapult Fodder

    Hello :) server ip is "" Without the quotes!

    JKR 24/7 CTF nolag
    We have a 40 person cap temp till we can findout how to have more without crashing.

    1. CTF and have fun
    2. No Grief
    3. No flame wars

    We are currently just a default setup server with no major configurations please suggest changes here also if anyone knows how we could have the server like 128 slot without it crashing every few hours id love to do that.

    We are also hosted on the Jumpkickrun.com dedicated server so we have resources!

    If anyone knows any antigrief mods or ideas for configuration please let me know via PM or in this post. Thank you
  2. Burgerlolz

    Burgerlolz Builder Stabber

    Hey Yashua, the 30 seconds building time seems a bit low right?
Mods: jackitch