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[Guide] How to set different sprites for each team.

Discussion in 'Texture Packs' started by Anonymator, Feb 26, 2012.

  1. Anonymator

    Anonymator Shipwright

    This tutorial helps you to establish different sprites for each team.

    1. Go to "Base/Rules/" and copy a gamemode directory (here CTF/)
    Then rename the new gamemode to "MyCTF/"
    and edit and modify "MyCTF/gamemode.cfg" to :

    2. Then edit and modify "MyCTF/team1.cfg" to :

    3. Copy "MyCTF/team1.cfg" and rename it to "MyCTF/team2.cfg", edit and modify "MyCTF/team2.cfg" to :
    4. In "MyCTF/" copy knight.cfg, archer.cfg, builder.cfg and rename them to knightRed.cfg, archerRed.cfg, builderRed.cfg

    6. Edit and modify knightRed.cfg to :
    Do the same kind of modification to archerRed.cfg and builderRed.cfg

    7. Go to "Base/Sprites/" and copy knightMale.png, knightFemale.png, archerMale.png, archerFemale.png, builderMale.png, builderFemale.png
    and rename them to
    knightMaleRed.png, knightFemaleRed.png, archerMaleRed.png, archerFemaleRed.png, builderMaleRed.png, builderFemaleRed.png.
    Don't forgive to modify the new sprites with red colored sprites.

    8. Now to test our modifications : go to "Base/Maps/" and edit and modify Swordfight.gm to
    9. Launch Kag and play Swordfight in single player (offline) and Voilà
    Sorry for my bad english but I hope this tutorial helps you.
    I give you a test file put it simply in Kag directory

    Attached Files:

    • Base.rar
      File size:
      38.4 KB
  2. sc20ka

    sc20ka Shark Slayer

    sorry did not I write on the topic
    generally a problem when creating a new team
    1 Bridges are being built one enemy and it is not possible to go:
    as well as doors and:
    please help with a problem
    I will be very grateful thanks to the previously
  3. Rayne

    Rayne ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    This isn't even about adding new teams.
    Also new teams are broken, and no modder can help you.
    You gotta just wait until MM fixes them.
  4. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Use search for green team info.
    On topic: pretty sure this is server side and you probably shouldn't mess with it as only people with the files set up properly willbe able to connect
  5. Rayne

    Rayne ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    I'm not sure, but if the old red team sprites are still in the kag client, anyone would be able to connect as long as the server owner sets the filename for red team set correctly.
    Only problem is for those without modded red team will have red team with two heads due to the custom head crap.
  6. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Those have old heads, Yea so not the best idea but would work
  7. sc20ka

    sc20ka Shark Slayer

    Well, you're giving, I wrote this a few minutes ago and already have comments ....
  8. Cortal

    Cortal Catapult Fodder

    I have tested this, and it worked well on swordfight, so I went back into rules and edited it, so it replaced the CTF folder, and fixed all the text entries. Sadly, this wont work on multiplayer, since it loads the rules from the host. I am currently messing around with settings to see exactly what can be changed with the default rules (color swaps per team, ect)
  9. Rayne

    Rayne ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    Yes, I've already stated this, I'll be implementing this on my server soon enough, maybe you can bug other server owners to do it aswell.
  10. Cortal

    Cortal Catapult Fodder

    Ahh so thats what you meant :3 I didnt understand what you were saying at the time ^^ And yeah, im seeing what can be done to trick the server or the client into doing it.
  11. Anonymator

    Anonymator Shipwright

    Sorry for not answering earlier. We can not currently solve the problem about additionals teams. All players must have the new rule and new sprites to play on a server which use the modification. I still working on it but I have too much work this time :(.
  12. Im_a_Turtle

    Im_a_Turtle Haxor

    Does this still work or is it still being worked on?
  13. Anonymator

    Anonymator Shipwright

    The new version can't support this because it put off dedicated servers so we can't play with a custom gamemode I think.
  14. palmito

    palmito Shopkeep Stealer

    I think it's weird if we change the game mode. :huh?:
  15. TheCrusader

    TheCrusader Shopkeep Stealer

    Two questions.
    1: Can you do the same for Zombie Fortress? (offline as well as online)
    2: Does this still work online, even if the host has add a gamemode?