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Discussion in 'Spamcan' started by Monsteri, Feb 28, 2012.

  1. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    There was a castle in the north, a castle where King Arthur's bones lied and a new king controlled his recently born kingdom.

    A terrific war had been passed roughly a year ago, in which no one won and everyone lost. After the death of the heroes, soldiers and the people came to thought; Why should we fight? Blue and Red together, let their weapons be, and formed a new alliance, taking the task to stop mindless war for no reason between countries; forming an alliance of peace.

    Together they built a new land from fire and dust, becoming the purple nation.
    Their king Balròk controlled his kingdom with every wisdom he had, trying to keep the balance within every class, as everything he previously had, was destroyed in the war.

    That was until this day.

    Without a warning, without fear, armies of living dead, moaning the pain of their forced and tortured soul, ran down from the mountains, killing everyone whom they saw, spreading disease within the rare survivors, vanishing the human kind from the north.

    Purple army was not strong enough to stop the horrible creatures, science was not advanced enough to heal the diseased, and god gave no mercy to his people in the moment of pain and destruction.

    Only a few survived, escaping through the secret dungeons under the great castle, ending under the waterfall of Gúnnthra cliff.
    Those were the King Balròk, his two bodyguards, priest called Rape, a few warriors and roughly a ten peons. Balròk had been infected, but yet his mind was strong. He was not yet ready to give up on mankind, and sent his warriors to find out, what did actually happen.

    Wishing for a miracle, the warriors left the camp and headed to the woods, bearing their weapons with fear.


    This is a new rolaplay I'm starting, since the old one made by Noc died to his disappearance.

    You may join the roleplay by writing an application below:
    -What is your characters name?
    -What is your loyalty? (humans/zombies/neutral)
    -What is your backstory?

    -When talking out-of-character, please use chars like this: (roflurstoryisstoopid)
    -Write at least 3 sentences in each post
    -Characters may be killed and they have permadeath, but you can't kill other players' characters without him accepting it
    -Only one character is allowed, but you may have short, temporary characters
    -No off-topic
    -You must post at least once in three days, or your character will be banned, unless you give a proper reason and date when you will be back
    - Don't take control of someone else's character without his permission.
    - Don't be stupid.


    When we have got a few actors, the game will kick off, be wild and imaginative :D

    New actors can join after the story has already began.

    Current characters:
    • Arkaium Justicar, loyalty humans (SonicSonic)
    • Baldulf, loyalty humans (Hella)
    • Balròk, loyalty humans (Monsteri)
    • Fergal, loyalty humans or zombies, let's see (potatomcwhiskey)
    • Shax, loyalty humans (dylanduran)
    • Uinen the Dark, loyalty neutral (masonmistel)
    • Vol Blackheart, loyalty zombies (Darren)
  2. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Just so you know, Monsteri, Noc's roleplay died out, and the one that Darksteel began seems to have fizzled out too, due to lack of replies from members.
    In any case, I'll happily join you in this.

    I am Baldulf, a former cavalryman of the Horse, the elite horseman maintained by the King in person.
    A determined warrior with little care for the intricate details of tactics, I am a soldier at heart. After being elevated to the status of an officer during the long a slow retreat of the army from the converging hordes, I protected my remaining troop with a brutal will, if not an iron wit. As a soldier, I can be relied upon to stand my ground whatever the cost, for I enjoy life to the fullest and will fight to defend that right. As a friend, I am loyal, and will not willingly abandon a comrade whilst they still have life in their bones. Unlife is another matter.
  3. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    Welcome, Hella.
    Let's get at least two more before we start.
  4. dylanduran

    dylanduran A Most Extraordinary Gentleman Donator

    Well, third roleplay I've participated in :B): Hopefully this one won't die out too! As for my character...

    I am Shax, a fabled herbalist, well-known throughout the land. I made my claim to fame as a witch doctor, curing common ills in the village once known as Furglen. However, I aspired to greater things, so one night, I packed my ingredients and pots, and set off into the world, determined to make my mark in the kingdom. After years of research into alchemy, and several generous grants from the benevolent King Balrok, I was close to perfecting the ancient art of alchemy! That is, until THEY came. The ones who do not fall. The ones who will stab you in the back long after you thought you had slain them. The Undead. We stood no chance against them, our finest warriors fought, and died, in vain. As it was, I was only just able to escape from the great fortress, our last stand, alive. Me and the King, along with a group of peasants and warriors, hurried into the nearby woods. We were lucky to be alive...
  5. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    Welcome to you too dylanduran, nice story.
    If a new participiant doesn't show up tomorrow, the story will be starting the day after tomorrow.
  6. potatomcwhiskey

    potatomcwhiskey Undercover Griefer Donator Tester

    I put on my Robe and Wizard hat.

    I'm Fergal, a farrier who was sleeping in late one morning after a heavy nights drinking at a friends house when the horde of undead descended. Thousands of shambling undead rolling noiselessly spread across the horizon. As they approached the creak of their bones and gutteral musings began to rise into a crescendo drowning out everything. Fergal ran as fast as he could to maybe comandeer a horse and get out. The god of Fate however was playing cards that morning, engaged in a stiff round of bluffing with an opponent I might add, and sadly Fergal met a sad end. His desperate attempt at escape had been in vain and as he felt the cold, greasy hands of the undead claw at his flesh he cried out in pure visceral fear. Soon after, the world darkened. His final thoughts had been of the few coin John down the lane owed him for reasons he couldn't fathom. Dieing isn't as simple as people make it out to be, wierd stuff happens when you hit the Edge.

    Fergal was just as suprised to find himself conscious again sometime later, though he was skeptical to call it so. The land he was standing on felt wrong. Everything felt wrong. Looking down at his feet he found himself standing in a river that stung with an icy coldness beyond any he had felt and yet... as he reached down to the water a strange familiarity took hold. The water was his somehow in a way he couldn't begin to explain. Something bumped into Fergal's leg gently and continued floating down river. It was a man, floating silently down the river. Watching it he saw it disappear over a waterfall barely obscured by a grey wall of mist, that hung like a bad smell.

    The world throbbed and the deep thrumming sounded like a war drum in this silent land. A figuire was approaching. It too was upright and walking noislessly through the river leaving no trace of the water being disturbed. The figuire was clad in a frayed and tattered robe, threadbear and worn to ribbons even so, Fergal could not make out any feature of the creature. The creature seemed to be draggin a small procession of men floating in the water behind it. The men it dragged were contorting slowly as he watched. Their faces shifting in agony and twisted limbs were flailing silently. It stopped mere feet from Fergal, a voice that seemed to come from inside his head and yet nowehere at all spoke. "He who stands on the Edge stands inches from freedom in the clutches of death. Welcome. You have a choice, you may pass from this world or come back."

    Some time passed before the creature spoke again. It could have been minutes or years, Fergal had no way of knowing how long he stood there looking at the figuire as bodies rolled gently by. Occasionally it stooped and threw another onto the pile of the dead, the men it touched skin's blackened and they too began to flail in rebellion.

    "That is your choice"

    (I had way to much fun writing this bollox)
    Boxpipe and Hella like this.
  7. bactra

    bactra Shipwright

    You may join the roleplay by writing an application below:
    -What is your characters name?: shodlangton eppakurky
    -What is your loyalty?: zombpies
    -What is your backstory?: shadlangtin eppakurky was a wonderous faciful magician from rural villages. he began life spending his time having fun while using trickery to trick the locals into expending their coins unto him. then one day while attempting to recesitate his wife from the clutches of death he called out to the zombies, "dead creatures of night, help me receive my wife into life so i may have children!" alas the undead were not as kind as they hoped and they slayed shidlangton eppakruky the magician.

    but all was not lost for the zombies found in shimladlington a grain of hope and they spread thier slime upon him and formed him into a mummy. with but hint of vengence we set out to confuse whoevered slayed his wife; as shadlington eppakurky princess of the mummy kings
  8. McChunks

    McChunks Shark Slayer

    (If enough people who actually KNOW how to roleplay (not saying that you guys don't know how, don't take it that way, holy shit, it's a parenthesis within a parenthesis) I might be interested. But only the under the conditions that it was a clearly stated -serious roleplay- within obvious rules/guidelines about what you can and cannot do. So idiots don't mess it up)
    (tl;dr, Waiting to see if it's serious and people are good roleplayers)
    Risadesadur likes this.
  9. potatomcwhiskey

    potatomcwhiskey Undercover Griefer Donator Tester

    I made an Edit... Happy now? :)
    Boxpipe likes this.
  10. masonmistel

    masonmistel Comma King Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    I would love to join. Please do not let this roleplay go down the drain. I'll take a new role in this one, obviously. I'll write all of my stories in first person, as that is the easiest for me to actually write. Here we go:

    -What is your characters name? - Uinen the Dark
    -What is your loyalty? (humans/zombies/neutral) - Loyal only to my family and myself.
    -What is your backstory?-

    They thought they sealed me. They thought my family and I were dead. They were wrong. In the First Great War, they locked me up in a watery grave in the Great Sea. I've returned. In a turn of unfortunate events, my family hasn't. My name is Uinen the Dark. I am a dark mage from the depths of the Hamél, the great basin. I've walked the Earth since the beginning of time, before all was created. My heritage dates back before time and space were even created. Gods, my parents were. As the family grows, it also weakens. I am the last. I hold the secrets of Dark Magic. Dark Magic knows no limits: From reaching into someone mind to discover information, to infiltrating someones dreams. I belong to no race; I use all things against their own will. I have since moved to Hellindoor Manor, where I practice my dark arts: They are no longer accepted in society. My manor is protected by an ill ring of darkness. Whomever dare enters... dies. I keep my investigations and my experiments in an absolute and total shroud of secrecy. I am the only left. I am the last.

    I could have been more descriptive and used better vocabulary, but I'm in a bit of a rush. Uinen the Dark, is back.
  11. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    Great that we are getting so many members, the story will start as soon as I figure my role as a storyleader, since Darren kinda just stole that ;)

    (not saying you should quit with that)
  12. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    Maybe, though he is sick in bed and near to death. Could be interesting though, I will write a beginnning down today. Get ready!
  13. SonicSonic

    SonicSonic Shipwright

    I'd love to join another roleplay, I just hope this one won't die out.

    -What is your characters name? - Arkaium Justicar
    - What is your loyalty? (humans/zombies/neutral) - Humans
    -What is your backstory? -
    Resurrected by a Deity as a Noble Paladin, he seeks to find survivors in the world and purify the world of its curse. He is in a Clan known as Spiritual Purification, a group of all various weapon and magic users from all over the world, he is one of the co-founders. As he suspects that the recent Zombie Outbreak may have caused most of his members to lose their memory. As he seeks new friends, and old ones, he must find his lost leader, and help him purify the world in its time of need. As he is a Paladin, he specialises in Two-Handed Swords, the current weapon he holds is a Weapon of a Deity; Justicebringer. As he is in a random village, he still seeks for survivors, and runs from the Zombie Onslaught.
  14. dylanduran

    dylanduran A Most Extraordinary Gentleman Donator

    I was actually tempted to play a necromancer called Abraxas, like in the previous roleplay, but I knew someone else would pick it. Good luck with enslaving humanity Darren :thumbs_up: Though watch your back.... some might betray you should you rise to power....
  15. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    The living dead, that piece of satanic shit, managed to bite me.. caring not about the wounds my sword gave to it.
    I am in pain, and may not survive for long. But I am glad to have Baldulf among my last men, he is the only man I can truly trust.

    Trying to dig through my memories, searching for a path, I lie on a leaf bed, little drops of water falling beside me. It is starting to rain soon.

    It is feeling like a black net is crawling in my brains, how could I think of anything? This is familiar, I remember it, but I still do not.

    I hope Baldulf to hurry.. any little object, any little detail, could open my endarkened mind..
    To the pain my vision ends, and I fall asleep.

    (Huh I did my best, but not in a very creative mood today it seems)
  16. dylanduran

    dylanduran A Most Extraordinary Gentleman Donator

    (Just checking, but is the roleplay officially starting now? Or is that just your character intro?)
  17. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    (officially starting, I tried to do something more groundbreaking but.. meh. My character is pretty limited until Shax finds the secret medicine and heals me :D )
  18. dylanduran

    dylanduran A Most Extraordinary Gentleman Donator

    (Who said I was going to heal you ^^ I might let you die and poison the other knights to take... the.... throne..... well now that my evil secret plan is ruined, lets get on with the story)

    I was scared, more scared than I had ever been before. There were only a few of us left, me, the knights, a few commoners, and the King... The King's condition grows worse hour by hour, ever since he fell asleep, we have been unable to rise him, except for a few seconds at a time, where he sits up and screams, screams like the very devil is ravaging his soul! Then he settles back into his sleep, his brow furrowed, as though he ponders how to defeat the undead... And worst of all, nothing I try can cure his fever. Not that I expect anything will work. He has been bitten by evil itself, and I fear nothing will restore him to his former greatness. But still, I must try, the people, what remain of them, depend on me, and Baldruf will surely slay me where I stand if I let the King die.
  19. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Using anger to hide the restless fear that gnawed at my guts, I stalked about outside the King's makeshift tent, contemplating all that could happen. I knew that I would be all but lost if the King were to truly die; I should never have become an officer, I didn't have the mind for it...
    Plucking up my courage, I brushed aside the pine bough that we had used to cover the entrance to the tent, and briskly strode in. That goddamn herbalist would be useless in a fight! What would he even do, throw coriander at him?! Bloody pansy, why did the King bring him along? He'd have been better with the dead, maybe we could have brought someone of worth, like Daerric. He'd have brought some joy to the camp.
    Reaching the King's bed, I crouched down beside him and checked his pulse. The bite wasn't festering, that was good. I'd done my best to stitch it, but it's difficult to do that when outside of battlefield medicine, I had the medical knowledge of a rancid cucumber. He was barely lucid, but his eyelids fluttered open in recognition.
    (Hey, Monsteri! Talk to me in PM, let's have this goddamn deathbed chat already! :P)
    (Also, can we have a list of players and alliagences? Maybe even some roles too. Just to clarify without trawling. ^_^)
  20. dylanduran

    dylanduran A Most Extraordinary Gentleman Donator

    (I'll have you know coriander is a lethal weapon if used correctly! In fact, the Art of War contains 3503 pages on the subject. About the list of players, I reckon you should edit the first post, and then add more if more people want to join)

    Edit: Uh.... is anyone else going to contribute towards the story? Would be nice if this one didn't die off as well :huh?: