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Kneecap Shooter with ladderpit

Discussion in 'Building Critiques' started by Mugumaster, Feb 29, 2012.


Do you think that design does what it promises?

  1. Yes

  2. No (And I left a reply why)

  1. Mugumaster

    Mugumaster Shipwright


    I was experimenting with some new types of ways to "piss off" knights and I came up with the following design. I did a forumsearch but didn't find something like it posted before.

    The idea behind is having a small wall to fend of those nasty bloodthirsty knights while give your archers some chance to kill off those knights.

    The idea behind those designs are, that when a knight comes and jumps on the ladders an archer can shoot him through the kneecap shooter or from top through the teambridge. And when the knight tries to block it with the shield he falls into the spikes. Since the pit isn't that deep a knight tries to jump the ladders again to get away only to be shot down again into the pit.

    So knights can choose between getting shot without blocking or block and fall into the spikes.

    EDIT: The second image is my third design, it features a better protection from thrown bombs and a longer traffic jammer so that knights won't get away that easily when they want to flee.

    EDIT2: I changed some of the things about the long pit. Made the kneecap shooter easier to hit stuff on top of the ladder, while putting the teamdoor 1 higher so that knights cant hit it with slash. Also made some defense with spikes against bombjumpers.

    EDIT3: I made another version of the traffic jam kneecap shooter. This time with 2 different shooting spots so you can shoot them down the ladders and if they refuse to jump up again on the ladders, you can shoot them in the pit.

    What do you think of this idea?

    Here's the Image:



    Attached Files:

  2. Chinizz

    Chinizz Arsonist

  3. Beef

    Beef ก็็็็็็็็็็็็็ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ ก้้้้้้้้้้้ Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    One thing; the shooting areas are vulnerable to bombs. Make it enclosed and it's a great design.
  4. Mugumaster

    Mugumaster Shipwright

    Yeah I did take some inspiration from the traffic jammer but since kneecap shooters are so damn nice to shoot through I combined them :)

    @Beef: What do you mean by enclose them?
  5. ArrowSteps

    ArrowSteps Catapult Fodder

    Adding a ceiling or ladders as protection so the archers do not die for sure to well thrown bombs.
  6. Mugumaster

    Mugumaster Shipwright

    Ahh now I know what you're talking about :)

    Well it's only a basic design and can be modulated as needed. I didn't even think about that part, just wanted to show the idea of a traffic jammer combined with a kneecap shooter

    I added a third design with an additional picture.
  7. Chinizz

    Chinizz Arsonist

    Just a little detail.
    On the second pic, you forget to add a teambridge, or ladder to allow archer to fire arrow through the murder hole.
  8. Throwing a bomb to that window is pretty damn easy from the ladder. Even with you support it with a back wall, enemy archers can snipe you through them if you don't have any builder sitting there and repairing it all the time.

    If you don't support them with a back wall, the whole tower is taken down with a single bomb.
  9. ArrowSteps

    ArrowSteps Catapult Fodder

    The back walls from the ladderpit support the tower, don't they?
  10. Yeah, I forgot about it.

    So 2-3 bombs.
    </br>--- merged: Feb 29, 2012 7:18 PM ---</br>
    Also, I would put the front notch door one tile higher. To make it hardly obtainable for knights.
  11. ComboBreaker

    ComboBreaker Horde Gibber

    I think that making a simple archer nest on top of it will do the same job as a knee shooter,while not making your tower as grossly exposed.Also,knee shooter can be avoided by contantly jumping on top of ladders,while you cant avoid arrow comming from the top at full speed.

    So I'll pick no.Alter knee cap,make it either 2 blocks in length so it has a wider cone of fire or add a proper nest on top.

    Good idea,I had something like this in mind,but this is made with style.
  12. Mugumaster

    Mugumaster Shipwright

    I listened to some of the complaints about the building and changed some stuff, hope you guys find it more "functional" now :)

    you can find the new screenshot in the spoiler
    Chinizz likes this.
  13. Now it's pretty cool, good job.
    Mugumaster likes this.
  14. Chinizz

    Chinizz Arsonist

    Trap door above the ladder will be nice, so teammate can move faster.
  15. Mugumaster

    Mugumaster Shipwright

    Only problem so far with this building is, in most pubs you have some noob builders that start to flame you for building ladders above a trap pit and remove them OVER and OVER AGAIN!

    No matter how many times you tell them it serves a purpose -_-
  16. Chinizz

    Chinizz Arsonist

    It so sad. It seems that most of the players did not even know that the forum exist. :eek: