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[281] Long Trap

Discussion in 'Building Critiques' started by evol_nomad, Feb 29, 2012.


Is this a good use of Traps

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. It's Ok

  4. It Sucks

  1. evol_nomad

    evol_nomad Bison Rider

    This is a trap I made on (POWER) server earlier.
    This incorporates BC Traps and spikes.
    Tell me what you think.
    JacKD and SpaceWhale like this.
  2. knightl

    knightl Base Burner

    Well in that game i saw half my team jump in and flipped people the bird to find if they get out they die

    so yeah effective against the majority of people i've met
    Chinizz likes this.
  3. evol_nomad

    evol_nomad Bison Rider

    Because you have the already have the existing:
    If you want to make this more effective you can add 1 extra spike and one extra trap bridge and do this:
    :bridge:___ :bridge:__ :bridge:
    :bridge: :spikes_bg::bridge::spikes_bg::bridge: :spikes_bg::bridge:
    :castle_bg::castle_wall::dirt_bg::bridge: :dirt_bg::castle_wall::dirt_bg:
    Which you can do for all traps.

    Also you could make this trap as long as you like.
  4. Zeigy

    Zeigy Shopkeep Stealer

    Nice. This will stop any red knight in his tracks. And those it doesn't stop are going to find themselves stuck.
  5. Tankman652

    Tankman652 Shipwright

    Looks very good. I would like to see anyone try to get past it!
  6. Dallas-13

    Dallas-13 Shopkeep Stealer

    Nice design evol_nomad. :)
    If you're looking to save a little resources, you could remove the topmost trapdoor and still have to trap work with no hindrance to your own teammates.
  7. Still possible to get passed if you can corner jump well enough. But idk who would be stupid enough to try that
  8. palmito

    palmito Shopkeep Stealer

    Nice trap !
  9. evol_nomad

    evol_nomad Bison Rider

    Thanks for all these good remarks.:D
    The only problem with this trap is that builders can easily destroy it without a couple of knights, archers or builders gaurding it.
    Also builders can easily overpower this trap with stone.:QQ:
  10. L-III-III-7

    L-III-III-7 Shopkeep Stealer

    i really don't under stand the spike pit in the back of the building at least its 5 tall... builder fail
  11. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Spike pits like this only work well against players if there is incentive to cross, for example something to stand on at the end to actually break the door, otherwise there is no reason to stop and the only thing worth doing is tossing bombs at it to make it hurt the enemy team while you stand on your edge of it and slash them back into it.
  12. evol_nomad

    evol_nomad Bison Rider

    I do not understand why that builder put a spike trap there.
    But later on in the game someone came and blew the trap up to make it hurt us:(
  13. FlameHaze3

    FlameHaze3 Shark Slayer

    I disagree with ever having any pillars in the middle of the spike pit, if you jump on a pillar, even if it has a spike, if your are half way off of it upon landing it will not hurt you.
    Another tip for getting around 1 deep pits, not moving and sliding down the side of a block into it, will make you unharmed from spikes.
    But yeah, i could jump constantly and make it through that spike pit, just my opinion.
  14. ArrowSteps

    ArrowSteps Catapult Fodder

    If you happen to fall (or get pushed) into one of the pits it will likely deal more damage this way though.
  15. Chinizz

    Chinizz Arsonist

    Is there any trap that could not be disarmed by knights, archers and builders combined in a well think attack?

    Good trap !
  16. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    The problem is that 3 wide are ideal spikes due to the whole problem of being damaged from spikes a tile away from eall
  17. Madoka

    Madoka Shopkeep Stealer

    This is like a joke, but this trap works quite well against unfocused people. 5/10 times they jump more than two times. Approved by dentists


    (2nd edit. Forgot the picture, derp)
    AnRK, Noburu, Chinizz and 2 others like this.
  18. Frikman

    Frikman Bison Rider

    Seems like the kind of trap I would die in. Nice
  19. AnRK

    AnRK Shark Slayer

    I dunno if you mean pillars or all kinds of bumps or whatever, but isn't a flat trap is vulnerable to builders gleefully jumping into a trap and eradicating and running the length of the thing while bashing their hammer and ruining it? If it's uneven it requires jumping, and thus is gonna cause damage on the jump, or if they're skilled at least make taking down the spikes take more time. With this trap though having 3 tile high pillars will fuck over knights very well, as any movement will cause damage, but could be engineered by builders that just fall into the 1st section, take out the spikes, hammer through the pillars and use the stone from the spikes to create a protective ceiling, the 3 tile pillar creates alot of cover from archers for a builder too. The concept is clever, just unfortunately that's a bit of a weakness, depends how quickly you can rush with knights to sort out the problem and repair the trap.

    @ Madoka, those traps are awesome, seen them a fair few times recently, obviously a bit weak, but very cheap, they work very well for protecting those little vaultable bits of your castle that a full on spike bit is massively overkill for.