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The Problem

Discussion in 'Classes & Mechanics' started by Contrary, Feb 23, 2012.

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  1. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    My bad bro. Wasn't really thinking in terms of all the shit you'd have to read. Was more or less trying to understand the logic, that's all.

    I'm all for repairs taking just as long as destroying.
  2. massivebacon

    massivebacon Shopkeep Stealer


    Are you serious? Please tell me you are trolling, because this is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. To even suggest that buildings are OP is like saying a sword is OP because it is sharp. KAG is completely centered around building stuff, and if it ever loses that element is ceases to be KAG.

    And, if buildings are so OP, why does nearly every game end with teams usually within 20 points of each other when the ticket counter gets to zero or the flag is taken? That sounds pretty balanced. Besides, you know what most teams need mid-late game? Builders. You know what percentage of a team is usually a builder instead of a fighter at that point? Maybe like 10%. You know what happens if you make builders weaker? That number goes down to like 5%.

    The fact that you seem to truly believe in your idea and the rest of the Forum Guards do as well is extremely upsetting.
  3. Boxpipe

    Boxpipe single, female, lawyer

    When quoting the original post, please replace the text with something that says "OP Text Here" so we aren't eye raped by a massive wall of text.
    massivebacon, BlueLuigi and Neat like this.
  4. studios

    studios Shipwright

    This thread really rustles my jimmies. How can anyone even begin to argue about buildings being OP before the implementation of promised siege weapons? Even kegs will really spice things up.

    How can anyone even begin to argue that knights "should be able do something once they get to a tower." No. They shouldn't. They're knights, they have swords and shields. Allowing them to do something to towers will remove their reliance on builders. It's a team game! Work together... ...Now I wouldn't mind seeing easier ways to support builders as a knight being implemented (for example, shields actually protecting teammates from bomb explosions).
    Sockmongler, Chinizz, Jackard and 4 others like this.
  5. massivebacon

    massivebacon Shopkeep Stealer

  6. noobnr39

    noobnr39 Shipwright

    Add a less expensive material to build with , that takes less time to be built/repaired and to be destroyed, but is cheaper then stone. Added with the idea/implentation of the stone becoming slower to repair, slower to build and slower to destroy.

    Sorry if this is ( most probably a thousand times ) suggested.
    </br>--- merged: Mar 1, 2012 11:42 PM ---</br>
    Shields once did that.
  7. Spoolooni

    Spoolooni Shark Slayer

    If it's been suggested a thousand times, stop suggesting it anymore.
  8. Jackard

    Jackard Base Burner

    17 pages wow, didn't read entire thread. Also can't comment much on balance, still waiting on patch before i begin playing again.

    All I hope is that we never see weakened stone (that is what wood is for) or the return of knights breaking stone (that is what siege equipment should be for)
    Baron_Norab and Spoolooni like this.
  9. Mugumaster

    Mugumaster Shipwright

    I'm taking a break from KAG too until the new patch comes.
    Every game I play is full of griefers and I had enough of it at the moment.
    Can't rage about griefers everytime I join a server, that's unhealthy for me :D
  10. LINUS

    LINUS Shopkeep Stealer

    Studios said everything.
    Like him, I see on this picture many interesting features like new siege weapons and powerfull demolition tools

    In my opinion this is the solution to balance the game as you wish, and players will have to build specific workshops to enhance their abilities. Do not allow them to be too powerfull as they spawn, they should play smarter and elaborate strategies.

    I see too much players who rush to death or who hide behind their walls. Honestly this is the real problem.

    Instead of thinking to balance the current game, perhaps you could introduce those features and add a new side to the game (do not forget to have a break sometimes :) ).

    If you make changes at this current game's state, you will have probably to set up everything again when you will introduce new features, because you will be not able to keep the same game balance. Doing twice the work is not fun, so perhaps you could just wait and work on those new features at the same time.
    Chinizz likes this.
  11. noobnr39

    noobnr39 Shipwright

    Wasn't sure. I've had a gold account since day 1, but never had the actual time to keep up with the progress.
  12. MrJinkies

    MrJinkies Horde Gibber

    Ok i have read threw well skimmed over the start of this convo especially after this latest update and this is my opinion so don't judge but it is my belief that there is to much nerfing going on and not enough countering like sorry geti if this insults you but changing the jump height to 2 blocks seem's a bit strange to me its like tkaing away what make's pro's pro and grounding them to every one else mean seriously the last thing i wanna see is another thing get nerfed i wanna see everything get OP till there all at the same level there is to much taking not enough giving in my opinion
  13. Spoolooni

    Spoolooni Shark Slayer

    I mean, they literally nerfed the attacking side that people personally tried to improve as well as the defensive side. I pretty much told myself to screw CTF in general and just dwell the zombie fortress mode when multiplayer comes out. I can also understand what Mr Jinkies is talking about and with all the new features, newer players have been building a lot more sky-bridges and disastrous structures to feed their ease of mobility. It's rather depressing and frustrating at the same time.
  14. Sockmongler

    Sockmongler Catapult Fodder

    Logged in here for the first time just to put in my two cents.
    I think people just need to play smarter. In a game with lives, defensive play is the best way to win, without a doubt. It's frustrating to watch my team throw themselves at the enemy and die over and over.

    Because of this, I've gotten to where I really only enjoy unlimited games. This is because in unlimited games, you actually have to win by playing the objective and getting to the flag, so demolishing buildings is very important. And this really highlights how when you don't have to worry about lives, builders really can destroy things very quickly.

    The rapid building is my favorite part of KAG, and I much prefer servers with long setup over those with short ones.

    Point is, buildings have a much more interesting role in unlimited games than they do in ones with lives. Instead of being something to hide behind, they're what separates the enemy from the flag. And I like that a lot. In a game with lives, taking down a building is hardly ever worth the amount of lives lost in the process.


    Both teams have equal ability to use buildings. This doesn't make a lot of sense.
    UnnamedPlayer and Acavado like this.
  15. Quiles

    Quiles Catapult Fodder

    Honestly I quite agree with this statement, It was about 2 in the morning by the end of it and now the no repair on attack doesn't seem to be the best idea, so there you go.

    I think the taking time to repair is a great idea. Maybe if repairing costed 1 stone for every "hit" repaired then it would be a very viable choice between "do I repair this stone for not much or break it and replace it". Also maybe making the stone blocks give you resources every hit as opposed to just 10 to whoever destroys it?
  16. New build, premium servers now host games with zombie stuff, so kegs, day/night and some other things changing balance.
    It made me to think that whole "the Problem" is mainly solved. Even with this derp shooting through trapbridges turtling is not so good as it was. Because of kegs. Kegs became new catapults and that isn't anything bad. They are useful when charging and still can be easily countered with some good archer shots.
    And solo super building is nerfed a little bit too. At night, when it's dark, spotting knights and those fucking ninja archers isn't so easy.

    Any thoughts?
    UnnamedPlayer and Chinizz like this.
  17. Spoolooni

    Spoolooni Shark Slayer


    So after you agree with him saying the argument is getting redundant, you insist on continuing what's already resolved. This is rather dully sad isn't it?

    Anyways, since we got kegs, it seems that destroying buildings just got a lot more easier and I could even go as far to say that games have been going a lot faster. Kegs are also known for leaving large abnormal holes in your wall which can be hard to repair if you build a large solid block of stone. Not to mention, kegs also take out back walls... which is insanely powerful and often gives a lot of time for the opposition team to bank in. If that's not enough of a buff for the offensive side, than I must say the developers and other players spoiled you with nerfs and compromising attitudes.

    As for the sky-bridges still remaining an overpowered glitch/bug/hindrance, players are now able to take it down easily with kegs and that's a plus.
  18. UnnamedPlayer

    UnnamedPlayer Arsenist Administrator Global Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    I never tought there was a problem. If you make people build slower you will end with the hability of people to counter towers locking themselfes in, or putting stones in enemy doors and making a way up to you team using ladders.
    KAG is a game about building and fighting. Saying building is OP is like saying fighting is OP. It's an essential part of the game and it shouldn't be nerfed, especially with delay-to-build. Last time I checked waiting wasan't fun. Other mechanics are are complementary to building and fighting. So if knights are just ducking in front of a tower, we must think how to give them more siege weapons, and NOT in how to make builders stop building.

    In short: If building was OP (it really isn't from my point of view), we should add counter to building instead of making building less fun/fast/useful. Imagine that Skybridges are OP. Instead of adding a limit to how many blocks you can add with one support, just make catapults cheaper and increase fall damage. More fun for both sides, more deep strategy, more freedom to the player and more new features.
    This can easily been seen in premium servers with new stuff, like Ej said. Building still the same, but with new counter mechanics (KEGs yay!) they aren't that powerful, but they are now even more necessary.
    Spoolooni likes this.
  19. Spoolooni

    Spoolooni Shark Slayer

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but a lot of people have mentioned what you've said and so far it isn't convincing the people who absolutely think building is "Oh peed".
  20. Quiles

    Quiles Catapult Fodder

    I honestly have no idea what the new kegs do, too much zombies!
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