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Poetry Contest

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Clazy, Mar 2, 2012.

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  1. Clazy

    Clazy Shopkeep Stealer

    Hello everyone! So today I felt like giving out a premium account but I wasn't sure who to give it to... So I decided to think of some fun ways to dish it out. I want to see what the KAG community has for poetry skills. HERE ARE THE RULES!

    Findude (Possibly)
    Should not be anymore.

    POST ALL ENTRIES HERE! If you post it else where, it doesn't count.


    Must have 16 bars/lines. If you don't understand google it.

    1) YOU MUST BE ORIGINAL! Copy and I'll auto disqualify.
    2) It has to be about KAG! Keep it about Kag please...
    3) No cursing/slandering other players/hate words/etc/etc you understand and get the picture. Can't have any vulgar words! Doesn't matter language.
    4) It has to rhyme.
    5) Be creative.

    Good luck to all! This competition starts now! (March 1, 2012 - Thursday)
    This competition ends. Thursday - March 8, 2012 @ 11:59 P.M.

    Winner will be announced: Saturday - March 10, 2012

    All people entering the contest will be gathered in a conversation.

    GOOD LUCK TO ALL!!! Everyone can join. Doesn't hurt to try.
    Rayne, BindNation, AJ and 10 others like this.
  2. DarkHairedIrish

    DarkHairedIrish Shopkeep Stealer

    Really, no vulgar language? You should hear yourself in mumble.
  3. sj67

    sj67 Greg hunter

    I can't believe you did this. I thought you were just joking around in mumble. ^-^
  4. Clazy

    Clazy Shopkeep Stealer

    Yeah, none at all.
    CoughDrop likes this.
  5. sj67

    sj67 Greg hunter


    Clazy said it, it's required.

    Kidding. ^-^
    Birdman159 likes this.
  6. WarrFork

    WarrFork フォーク Donator Tester

    Normal, a poem don't have vulgar language. The mumble don't have rapport here.
  7. DarkHairedIrish

    DarkHairedIrish Shopkeep Stealer

  8. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    I wrote a poem once with vulgar language, something about whipping out and 'boom bam SURPRISE!'.
    Jackal likes this.
  9. SirSalami

    SirSalami THD Team THD Team Administrator

    A haiku


    Launch in to the base

    Press 5 grab flag kill whole team

    Bomb jump for the win


    [this is not a serious entry] :)
  10. Clazy

    Clazy Shopkeep Stealer

    I read the post then before i saw the end I was like oh... HAHA
  11. sj67

    sj67 Greg hunter

    Well that's pretty gewd for not a entry. ^-^
  12. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Throw bomb far
    Cock swell with pride
    Enemy dead
  13. Rukioish

    Rukioish Catapult Fodder

    Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    If you bomb jump my wall one more time
    I'll have to ban you.
  14. Sun_Tzu

    Sun_Tzu Catapult Fodder

    First, Play this beat as you read the poem.

    His name was clazy stared past them pixels vision getting hazy
    they call it the calm before storm,
    little do they know this was the last as late night turned to morn.
    blues advanced as he raised his bow steady
    he's trained well, his arrow was sure as hell ready
    his heart pumped as the adrenaline flowed
    the winner of this c.t.f was already sewed
    blood in his mouth he turned in spit
    rejoicing that these textures where 64-bit
    it was the crazy the life he was livin
    it was sad that noburu's sword wasn't forgiving.
    clazy had fell zero respawns
    his last sight was seeing that sword withdrawn
    reds falling down left and right, slaughter
    what noburu didn't know is that clazy has a daughter
    and it was geti, surprise
    that's what's told, what was saw
    the kingdom of the reds, now comes to a draw.
  15. There was once King Arthur's gold,
    a game which was quite undersold,
    Wild Bison roamed,
    While builders were domed,
    And the how the griefers were quite uncontrolled!

    Unless, there appeared, A guard,
    A defender quite avante garde,
    They banned griefers with a kick,
    Acquiring many goldbrick,
    Without being even marred!

    I shall tell you the tale of a particular knight,
    A knight who was a master of flight,
    He could light his fuse,
    And without any confuse,
    He could soar above a dangerous fight.

    This knight guarded many a server,
    In all of which he was considered the preserver,
    He bashed many builder,
    All of which were bewildered,
    And he did this without any fervor!

    He had a single mortal foe,
    And so he took out his bow,
    He climbed so high,
    While yelling "BONSAI!"
    And fired his only arrow.

    This enemy was hit,
    A shot so legit,
    The victim then raged,
    There was a rampage,
    The Nitwit proceeded to quit!

    Now this is the end of my tale,
    But please do not wail,
    The Guard gained fame,
    Was the hero of the game,
    And proceeded to get many a tail!
  16. Jackal

    Jackal Shark Slayer

    Across the land, not long ago,
    A knight skipped round', both to and fro.
    In his gauntlet, he grasped a blade,
    No single Red, would live that day.
    Off heads he bounced, as blood was shed,
    All around him, men were dead.
    His shield was thick, his sword was long,
    Blood soaked the lands of Jaedong.
    But as he 'bagged, and smiled with glee,
    An injured archer, climbed a tree.
    His bow was drawn, an arrow strung,
    The pixeled tip, pierced Knight's lung!
    But still he stood, mutant was he,
    Not one heart beat, but rather three!
    As you may know, in Kay Ay Gee,
    One heart you lost, one heart gained me.
    Charge did the knight, shaking the trunk,
    With his mighty sword he slayed 'dat punk!
    The archer squeeled, an awful cry,
    As the knight t-bagged his eye.
    The battle rolled, both teams in pain,
    But the victor, was rather plain.
    Not Red nor Blue, the winner's circle,
    Was comprised of knights from Purple!
    Although eminent, the end not yet,
    For a new one joined, "A troll I bet!"
    And Vanguarde it was, but Sj had planned!
    "I LOVE YOU VANGUARDE!", Vanguarde is banned.
    And now it's time, for this story to end,
    Due to Luigi, time-space did bend.
    Through the tunnel, the Red's were logged,
    Luigi said, "Thou'th been Jaedogged!"
    ~ THE END ~
  17. DarkHairedIrish

    DarkHairedIrish Shopkeep Stealer

    Nothing to say but impressive.
  18. sj67

    sj67 Greg hunter

    I think Jackal should win, not because he said my name. ;3
  19. The_Khan

    The_Khan Bison Rider

    I'm not even expecting to win, I wrote this just for fun. If you think it's good though than I would gladly take the prize. :D

    The battle started without a pause
    The cause of the battle always unknown
    Early in the morning standing stiff and sore
    With a bomb ready to be thrown

    They reached the wall in seconds
    It was bloody slaughter all around
    Ladders came up and they started to climb
    A sword in their face is all they found

    A figure in the distance
    With a keg on his back
    He lit it by the wall and ran
    It went off with a loud crack

    I was thrown through the air
    I could hear the screams of wounded
    And the battle cries of the Reds and Blues
    And with one glance I was frightened

    Moaning Zombies in the distance
    Charging together against the new threat
    Reds and Blues side by side
    Against a foe we've never met

    Getting off the ground and going to the castle
    I got a bow and some arrows
    I ran back out, my heart beating fast
    To where I could hear the firing of bows

    Firing again and again
    Into the endless horde
    But they never stopped coming
    And so in this game mode I got bored

    The message in this is that I want Zombie bosses :(
    Jackal, DarkHairedIrish and SirSalami like this.
  20. Carver

    Carver Meitantei-san Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    War Cries and Sounds of Battle
    Shielding, shooting, shouting, stomping:
    sounds of seasoned soldiers scatter the scene.
    Shunt! An azure arrow aimed automatically.
    Slash! Some swords slice seamlessly.
    Soon, silent soils, stained and soaked red and blue.
    Catastrophic combat: careless... yet coordinated.

    That's just something that I whipped up.
    Here's another poem that meets your requirements of 16 bars and needing to rhyme:

    Preparations of Infinite War
    Azure Arrow, aim straight and true,
    Teal Technician, make the wall
    Sapphire Soldier, with bombs you flew,
    The Blue Brigade is standing tall!
    But alas, Ruby Ranger, shoot them dead,
    Scarlet Saboteur, hack away
    Crimson Crusader, your color they bled
    Red Renegades night and day!
    Passion is burning, stomachs are churning,
    But never the battles will stop
    beginners are learning, clock hands are turning
    soon will the barrier drop
    Gather the infantry, wait for the bell
    Archers behind the knights...
    Take to the battlements, to fam'ly: "Farewell!"
    Get ready for fight after fight...

    As a side note, restricting poems to rhyme and have 16 bars is a bit silly, IMO.
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