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mlrov0, admin which keeps freezing and banning people at his or her whim

Discussion in 'General Help' started by zoulstice, Mar 2, 2012.

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  1. zoulstice

    zoulstice Catapult Fodder

    User ID of the admin in question: mlrov0
    To start I have accused 2 admins of abuse their abilities in-game, but that was after I saw an admin build as a knight in rapid deathmatch... I'm much more aware that there are glitchyness that may seem like hacks or extra abilities than when I was a noob.

    However, mlrov0, has been freezing players and banning them for playing the way they want(no I am not talking about griefing) and just for personally sharing their opinions).

    My personal greivance is being banned for saying that one server "bar brawl is better than this s***" and the included statement from mlrov0 was, and I try my best to remember, then why don't you go f*** off it. I'm not saying my statement was justified or reasonable, but I cannot be banned just for expressing my opinion can I? Keep in mind that this is the whole story regarding my experience in particular. I had just logged in and did not cause grief to any other players or the admin in question, except maybe cause him or her to be impatience and angry from my statement.
    The server that this happened on was Rapid Deathmatch.

    I know that there are many other players who have experience this behavior from mlrov0. You may want to share what happened between mlrov0 and yourself. I implore you to do so, but do not fabricate any stories please.
    Personally, I am not asking for any extreme actions. I really don't think mlrov0 got admin status for nothing. But, please, I find mlrov0's recent actions to be unacceptable.
    FYI, I do not have screenshots so no hard evidence.
    One likes this.
  2. Tyrianstrasz

    Tyrianstrasz Shopkeep Stealer

    If he is a server owner, he can do whatever he pleases on his server, it's his after all.

    Now, if he's a guard on the other hand... (Which I doubt)
  3. zoulstice

    zoulstice Catapult Fodder

    I see...
  4. Kagesha

    Kagesha KAG Guard Tester

    he is not a guard, but if it is his server as stated before he can do as he pleases, otherwise get into contact with any of the server owners of the servers he admins and explain the situation to them.
    Rayne likes this.
  5. Foxodi

    Foxodi KAG Guard Tester

    Someone gave mlrov admin? lololo. Fools.
    Blueboy23, Rayne, One and 1 other person like this.
  6. Tyrianstrasz

    Tyrianstrasz Shopkeep Stealer

    Or he just went and hosted one on his own, it's not that hard.
  7. Maverick

    Maverick Haxor

    Rapid Deathmatch is hosted by Shad I believe, so Mlrov0 was given admin privileges.
  8. One

    One I got 99 problems and my name is One Donator Tester

    I think he is talking about [PF] Rapid deathmatch, which is hosted by some random from pf.
  9. redbid

    redbid Shipwright

    hmm ive seen blue luigie do that before he was digging to our base and freezing everyone in our path then whacked us with his hammer =[
  10. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

    Locking. mlrov0 is certainly no guard, pm her and/or contact the server host.
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