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Discussion in 'Announcements' started by MM, Mar 2, 2012.

  1. rileysvil

    rileysvil Shopkeep Stealer

    Freakin awesome!!!
  2. LINUS

    LINUS Shopkeep Stealer

    I digged next to the trees and put 2 layers of stone blocks, and I let tiny spaces under the trees.
    I made an entrance farther, and I raised a tower that does not allow zombies to climb.
    That is not a good strategy if you want to welcome migrants because your goal is to block people from coming underground.
    I was able to hire only 5 migrants the first 15 days. That was a carnage....:migrant:
  3. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    I'm just gonna gush for a moment, so please bear with me.

    MM, Geti, I'm not sure you're ever gonna read this, but...

    You guys are geniuses. I've played a lot of games in my lifetime, and I mean A LOT. I used to professional review both independent and bigger name games, and King Arthur's Gold has something magical about it... While there's not a ton of content, what's there has obviously grabbed the attention and imagination of thousands, including my own. Mind you, this is not a small feat... I generally get bored of most games within a week, sometimes they MIGHT get a bit more out of me... It's always the creative games that take a concept and roll with it that stick in my brain, serenade my subconscious, make me dream about them... The type of game where if I'm not playing, I want to be. Where family functions and hanging out with friends seem like a chore because you want to go have fun.

    And I have to say, I haven't felt this way about a game since I was a young child, playing games on the NES and SNES. There hasn't been a legitimately FUN game in this style that has come my way in so long, but not just fun, but engaging, balanced, aesthetically pleasing and absolutely OOZING style. It's like you picked my brain apart, like you looked into my memories of playing with Legos and action figures, praying for a video game where you could have wars with the building aspect (which is why I generally gravitate towards the builder, I believe) heavily focused upon. Two armies facing each other with castles THEY built... My friends and I used to build grandiose Lego castles and then have wars with action figures. The heroes versus the villains, whether they be an opposing army or just a horde of monsters. A great wizard who is using a vast graveyard to reanimate the deceased...

    And you guys managed to create BOTH of those dream games. I was of course a bit skeptical, but after spending nearly the ENTIRE DAY (with 30-60 minute breaks between sessions) with the new game mode, I have to say that while it has it's flaws, in my nostalgic little heart it's flawless. Capture The Flag and Team Death Match might as well be their own game, and Zombie Fortress, while it uses the same basic principles, is almost an entirely different game.

    I just want you guys to know how much you're appreciated. You have made me and my inner child very happy, and you can bet your ass I'll be supporting yall in whatever you do down the line.

    Sincerely, Mark M. from Pittsburgh, PA
  4. Eeshton

    Eeshton Shopkeep Stealer

    what i'd do is make a unclimbable tower but leave a tower of team bridges going up, they aren't smart enough to go up a 1 row teambridge tower, but are for a 3 row one.
  5. Tilus

    Tilus Catapult Fodder

    Protip: Your NPC archers can (and will) use up all their arrows. I initially thought this was a bug because my archers weren't shooting or moving. Then my main character died, and it switched me to the archer and he had 0 arrows in his inventory.

    Btw, I love the new game mode. The AI still needs some heavy tweaking but in the state right now, it will give me a few good weeks (maybe months) of amusement. :)
  6. Skulljak

    Skulljak Catapult Fodder

    Im loving zombies right now! great jobs devs.
    :little off topic but does anyone have crash problems with the day\night servers?
  7. Cadbury

    Cadbury You can't escape. Donator

    I did before, but that seems to have been fixed (mostly).
  8. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    If it still gives you issues log into Zombie Fortress solo just enough to load the map and then go ahead and join your server, seems it could be a precaching problem.
  9. Peelz

    Peelz Shipwright

    WOW. Spent like two hours playing Zombie Fortress and I love it! Most exciting game was when I tunneled into a zombie base and unleashed a swarm of enraged undead! That game didn't last very long though...

    A few quirks bugged me (micromanaging idiotic npc's, trying to find my way in the dark, discovering that you actually need to destroy the zombie corpses) but overall it's been a blast!
    BlueLuigi likes this.
  10. DawnOfNights

    DawnOfNights Shopkeep Stealer


    finally yay :D
  11. narutoluffy

    narutoluffy Shark Slayer

    The patch is too dark, everyone's complaining that it is too dark and can't see when fight
    can you make it brighter? Thanls
  12. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    Nope. It's called fog of war. Get used to it.

    Typical of me, I'm STILL playing Zombies. And it's 5 am!!! :eek:

    But here's my ultimate base thus far. I have no problems with this base. I actually had to quit cuz I'm getting so tired, but was on my 14th-15th night, I believe? Also, ignore the editor. I walled off a spawner before it could be activated so I could actually play for a bit, and once it's on you can't turn it off for some reason.

    During the day. The lanterns on the the outsides (hanging over the pits) are great for distracting wraiths, plus they're far enough away that the only things destroyed are the lantern and backwall. The pits are great for keeping them at bay, and the Quarters are placed on the outsides to allow you to easily lead a Migrant to it. Extra powder kegs on top for a quick pinch (large horde, zombie spawner). Boulders... Just because.

    Night time. You can see the zombies piling in the pits, essential to your survival. It's hit or miss with the archers, since you hit trap bridges. Otherwise, throw a bomb down or just jump down and take care of them yourself!

    Finally, me and my crack team in formation. BONESY'S ANGELS.
    aaaaaa50 and Beef like this.
  13. Bandwagonman

    Bandwagonman Shopkeep Stealer

    I'm having a wonderment: is the current wraith sprite the original? I seem to remember some behelmeted pile o' bones in some odd wasp-like hovering device thingy from that old "free vs premium picture" that I can't seem to locate. Either that or it's a totally different zombie.

    I would still like to gander at that picture again if anyone knows where I can find it. I already checked the blog.
    thebonesauce likes this.
  14. Rainbows

    Rainbows KAG Guard Forum Moderator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    It appears that holding a dead migrants corpse then having it turn into a zombie while you hold it cause the game to crash.
    Just warning those people about to move a migrants corpse from their doorstep.
  15. Ataraxia

    Ataraxia Builder Stabber

    Gawd... I can't even survive the first night. 0_0
  16. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    Hint: build walls in such a way that they cant climb over them.
  17. Coldkenny

    Coldkenny Haxor

    Yay, almost got to 5th night but died at 4th

    Here is another screenshot of my base[​IMG][/URL][/IMG]
    Zombies can't notch jump.
  18. Ataraxia

    Ataraxia Builder Stabber

    I just lasted until day 6, unfortunately I didn't take a screen shot, but all I had was two standard stone walls notched on the outside, the right side close to right map boundary.

    Pretty simple really, but I've also noticed that apparently Migrants can't notch jump either, as when I built a Quarters, he got stuck between the right wall and the map boundary, and proceeded to die endlessly from zombies. Also, for inside your castle/fort, Team Bridges are your friend. It's best to have the ground floor as your killing area, and your workshops elsewhere, though I haven't figured that part out...
  19. Coldkenny

    Coldkenny Haxor

    Hey guys, i saw once at premium server kegs&day night and lanterns(even armor, its cheaper but you can throw&take it vs outpost for gold)So i want to ask, this is a mod or MM really add those things to multiplayer?
  20. The_Khan

    The_Khan Bison Rider

    He only said that Zombies wasn't on multiplayer yet. Or maybe it is just a mod. I don't know.