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Gold server HELP!

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by Jezntof, Mar 4, 2012.

  1. Jezntof

    Jezntof Shipwright

    Hello, Im premium and I want to have my own Gold server with Day/Night cycle etc.
    I already have a server but non-Premium and How can I make it Gold? With new stuff and maybe Zombie survival?

    Thanks for Anwsering !
  2. Delta

    Delta Shopkeep Stealer

    In the "dedicated_autoconfig.gm" file change the "global sv_gold_only = 0;" variable to "global sv_gold_only = 1;".
    This allows only premium players into your server and therefore turns it into a Gold server.

    The multiplayer version of Zombie Survival is not yet released.
  3. Jezntof

    Jezntof Shipwright

    Everything will be with day/Night and Everything?
  4. Delta

    Delta Shopkeep Stealer

    Set/Change those commands in your "gamemode.cfg" in the Rules folder:
        daycycle_speed = 6            # 1 day = (daycycle_speed) minutes; / 0 no cycle
        daycycle_start = 0.33        # 0.0 midnight; 0.5 - midday; 1.0 midnight
    It takes 6 minutes to go from midnight (0.0) to the next midnight (1.0), with this code.
  5. Jezntof

    Jezntof Shipwright

    Doesnt work... :( Just my server name in Gold
    </br>--- merged: Mar 5, 2012 12:07 AM ---</br>
    The name of My server is only In gold, But nothing is new. No lanterns, Day & Night cycle and Kegs etc
  6. Delta

    Delta Shopkeep Stealer

    If you want those you have to change the gamemode to something else.
    Standard is CTF.
    Do you know how to do that?
  7. Jezntof

    Jezntof Shipwright

    What Gamemode Has the new stuff? Where Can I find the Configs like "daycycle_speed = 6 # 1 day = (daycycle_speed) minutes; / 0 no cycle"

    Where is it? in my Gamemode.cfg, theres no "daycycle_speed = 6 # 1 day = (daycycle_speed) minutes; / 0 no cycle"
  8. Delta

    Delta Shopkeep Stealer

    You should study the gamemodes in the Rules folder.
    CTF is standard, Zombie Survival contains stuff you want.
    Compare, edit or change everything to your liking.

    In the "dedicated_autostart.gm" file you can change the gamemode with "LoadRules("YourPathToGamemode");
    This way you can create your own gamemode and leave everything else unchanged and working.
  9. Jezntof

    Jezntof Shipwright

    Yeah I looked In Zombie_Survival Gamemode, but Theres only the Day/Night system. I just want the new like Kegs :)
    </br>--- merged: Mar 5, 2012 12:29 AM ---</br>
    DAY AND NIGHT WORKS. but I need to find the Config for Kegs, And other stuff!
  10. Delta

    Delta Shopkeep Stealer

    You get the kegs from the workshops, right?
    So we need to look for the "zombie_room.cfg" and how it is linked to our gamemode.

    Edit: In your custom "gamemode.cfg":
    room_config = Entities/Rooms/Zombie_Room.cfg