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[request] armored core texture pack

Discussion in 'Texture Packs' started by sirwonkins, Mar 2, 2012.

  1. sirwonkins

    sirwonkins Catapult Fodder

    I'm wondering can anyone here make a texture pack that make you look like a mecha it dosent have to be armored core but i think it would be neat the knight could be an A.C. with event sword and arm shield and when you glide the boosters would activate and when firering bombs you would kneel down as though you were about to fire a grenade launcher or machine gun the archer would be equiped with a sniper rifle the builder would be unarmed but have tank legs and be well protected

    red team would be black with red stripes

    and blue would be black with blue stripes

    if anyone is willing to do this or teach me how i would be gratefull

    (P.S. i would be even more gratefull if you kept the parts looking like those from the first three games and the sequell to amored core two another age)
    BlueLuigi likes this.

    D0VAHKIIN Shipwright

    There's nothing to teach. Just re-sprite old KAG textures (Not saying it will be easy :)) with GIMP.
  3. mlrov0

    mlrov0 Shopkeep Stealer

    Ok here it does..Download GIMP ( i think GIMP 2 is out?) next open up the file you want and increaase the veiw too %600 around that and colour each pixel! ^^
  4. sirwonkins

    sirwonkins Catapult Fodder

    thank you both for your help i'll try to draw up the knight i'm bad at detail but i'll see what i can do! hope it doset look too bad......see you in a few hours
    </br>--- merged: Mar 6, 2012 2:22 AM ---</br>
    well after some forgeting and som clean up work this is the best i could come up with it dosent look all that good but hey first time trying this so dont kill me for it and i diddent do the knight i did the archer instead its only the base no animation or anything i'd like any improvemeants you could make

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