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The greifer paradox.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by antymattar, Mar 8, 2012.

  1. antymattar

    antymattar Shipwright

    So no premium users can be banned right? I went into this one server that counted everyone as a premium user. So there was this MEGA greifing problem. People would just greif all over the place.

    Now, I dont normally greif unless our team is greifed. Its natural, the only way to repay a greifer if he doesnt get banned, is to greif his team. But the other team thinks that thats unfair since "THEY" didnt commit the crime. I find this as a major problem.... but what if you meet the mother of all greifs!?

    First off, no, if you let someone go unpunished for greifing the enemy team, you DESERVE to get greifed. Sheer logic. It doesnt matter if people call someone a fag for thinking this. Thats just their brain going into MEGA - FAG - MODE once it hits something it cant compute.

    But thats not the problem, there was this REALLY dumb greifer who didnt even know how to spell SOPA. Her name was Siopa. We couldnt ban her cause she counted as a "premium member" somehow. She encased our tent in stone etc. Of course she was also misinformed about the surrounding world. No geographical or historical knowledge at all. She thought that Latvia was a third world Nazi country and that Muslims are a very brainwashed and racist "country" while she kept on talking about how black people are animals.

    Devs... why can this even happen? WHY?

    Furthermore, Internet... WHY!?!?!?!?!?!?
    I got so sick I wont be playing the game any more this day. I just cant stand the memory of that incident. I am disappoint :( ...
  2. Arlus

    Arlus Shopkeep Stealer

    Report those gold members who are griefing with a video and they'll lose their deer premium account
    Auri, SARGRA13, Birdman159 and 3 others like this.
  3. Tyrianstrasz

    Tyrianstrasz Shopkeep Stealer


    When I see the enemy team shouting about a griefer, what the hell am I supposed to do about it? and griefing to counter griefers makes you just as bad as they are. hit the IRC channel and call a guard. It's the best solution.
  4. antymattar

    antymattar Shipwright

    Oh. Wow ok. I've never done that before.
  5. The_Khan

    The_Khan Bison Rider

    That's the thing, they AREN'T Premium members.
  6. Titmau5

    Titmau5 Bison Rider Staff Alumni

    I was in the server while this was going on. It was pretty annoying.
    </br>--- merged: Mar 8, 2012 11:10 AM ---</br>
    How can they get into Gold servers if they aren't premium?

    You were griefing too. Which is the funny part.
    Auri, Birdman159, Jackal and 3 others like this.
  7. niblette

    niblette Catapult Fodder

    Also have to say that premium user CAN BE BAN for griefing, got a global ban for 1 week, reason griefing, dunno why, i asked before making collapse the tower, someone even told me to do it, but i think he was in enemy team:p .
  8. Berzerkra

    Berzerkra Builder Stabber

    How can the OP get into Gold servers when he clearly isn't premium? ;)
  9. Titmau5

    Titmau5 Bison Rider Staff Alumni

    That's what I'm saying.
    FuzzyBlueBaron and Eggnogg like this.
  10. antymattar

    antymattar Shipwright

    Titmau5, you were greifing too!!!! EVERYBODY WAS! We need a new game mode for that. Everybody switches teams and greifs until its just the two teams destroying their own castle.
    Eliseus likes this.
  11. Viken

    Viken Horde Gibber

    I just want to point out that this is a server that enables every player as a Premium user, and somehow manages to provide them with the ability to create lanterns and kegs. I'm pretty sure that this isn't supposed to be possible for server owners to do.
    justi01 likes this.
  12. Drok

    Drok Shark Slayer

    Have you thought what would happen if the same logic was applied to you?
    Imagine you are playing in the red team. Someone in your team goes to grief blue to give your team advantage. Therefore all the people in the red team who were playing fair, including you, deserve to be griefed. Regardless of the facts you had done nothing against the rules and you had no means at all of stopping the griefer.
    Griefing is not right in any situation, even in retaliation. You win nothing by stooping to their level.

    I do agree however that something should be done. I have come across many premium griefers and could do nothing but change server. Guards are not a permanent solution, but rather an invitation for the griefer to grief elsewhere until the ban expires. And once I took the trouble to make a video about the first gold griefer I met, uploaded the logs, uploaded again when MU was taken down, but still got no response at all. So now I don't bother myself with reports of any kind and just switch server or usually just quit.
  13. Viken

    Viken Horde Gibber

    "I do agree however that something should be done. I have come across many premium griefers and could do nothing but change server." - I'll say it again; most of those players weren't actual premium members. Just regular players given premium privileges. In fact, I think I'll mention this on the IRC channel now. Probably not allowed.
  14. antymattar

    antymattar Shipwright

    to be honest, I dont even like kegs that much now that I've seen them.
  15. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    1) stop trying to justify your shallow reasons for griefing
    2) report, as long as they are gold make sure you have good proof and laugh as they get banned having wasted their 10 dollars

    If regulars were given premium that is a bypass that should not be allowed, report it ASAP
    Auri, Dark_Ham, Redigit and 7 others like this.
  16. Froghead48

    Froghead48 Haxor

    Good words/ i have seen server that totally disable premium for everyone.

    On topic: if premium priv's were givin to every little annoying little asshole 10 year old derp, this would happen.
    Advice: stick to gold servers
  17. Gredd

    Gredd Builder Stabber

    Wouldn't It Just Be Easier To Make Premiums Kick-Able?
    It'd Solve Lots of Stuff.

    Edit: With The Recording Stuff, How Are you Ment To Record A Dude Griefing If your in full-screen?
    And, I can't record, my laptop is too shitty. so, it's a bit of a pig.:huh?:
  18. DarkHairedIrish

    DarkHairedIrish Shopkeep Stealer

    Well this seems to be a big debate heating up on this. As far as my input, I do think premiums should be kick-able. But honestly, what about the server admins? Most servers I visit have at least 1 admin on at a time or a guard. Did the server have enough admins?
    Also its really shallow to team swap just to grief the other team. If your team got griefed, then how is that the other teams fault? So one person decides to ruin your base, you should get to ruin the other teams base? How does that even make sense? It's not fair you got griefed but really, you can rebuild your base. I've seen many people recover from major tower griefs and no one has to swap teams just to grief the other team.
    Eggnogg and BlueLuigi like this.
  19. goodyman8

    goodyman8 Bison Rider

    CTRL+TAB> Go to wherever your video thing is.
    Or just press F4 for a couple of screenies and upload.
    And no it wouldn't be easier to make premiums kick able, its been discussed but while solving problems it also would create more along the way.
  20. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Screenies and logs should suffice, if you need videos grab fraps