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Zombie update: Constructive Feedback

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Shadlington, Mar 3, 2012.

  1. Snow

    Snow KAG Guard Tester

    This update is awesome, but unless someone said it before.. zooming out needs to come back. I dunno why on Earth it would be taken out. I found it more useful zooming out as an archer than to wait for the cursor to scroll the screen over. Plus it helps us guards. If some douche is griefing, I don't have to go all the way over to where said douche is, to observe. I can zoom out and usually catch the act. If zooming really is never coming back, then I would like us guards to have a spectate feature at the least. I can put up with not having it available for gameplay (as an archer).
  2. Melan

    Melan Shark Slayer

    I just thought of a great way of spicing up solo, and possibly even multiplayer, zombie mode, because quite frankly, everyone gets bored of zombies after like day 10, and they either suicide or quit.

    So my idea is putting periodic and different events, to keep players interested, and adding more variety. These events should also be on random days, to give players te element of surprise, but not on thr first few days. I got this idea from Terrarias blood moon event, I personally never played terraria, but it seemed interesting to me. This is only a general concept, and I can't think of anything else other than buffing zombies on event days, and nerfing them a bit on normal days, or giving the player some kind of reward on ramdom days, though.
  3. HappyWulf

    HappyWulf Shipwright

    See those guys there? You have a bed somewhere they are trying to get to. When they get killed by a zombie, they turn into zombies. Then a new one spawns with a hearty "Helloooo" and then promptly dies to his fallen comrade, and he becomes a zombie too.

  4. MCrypa

    MCrypa Haxor

    1. I would love to have a save option :)

    2. I hope migrants manage to fight off zombies better :p Now they're much like slapping them in the face.

    3. I think it's done on purpose, but when you die and "take over" a migrant, your attack damage gets decreased significantly.

    4. Zombies should lose health slowly in daylight and try to seek shadow.

    5. You should be able to store things in the chests! Both in normal and zombie.

    You can stock stuff, in case you die. Also you can stock boulders, kegs and such

    Same as zombie, but also when you are going to fight and have resources, you can put the things into the chests instead of wasting them by dropping or dying.

    Alot of people turn into builders and mine for coins. They usually drop the resources, wasting important building material. With the chest, they can instead put it into the chests.
    If you have alot of coins, you can spend them on bombs and kegs or other things and put them in chests to share with teammates.

    Kegs can only be stored by putting them down in the base. Occasionally, people accidentally light them on fire, making the whole base explode. Each team has different coloured chest, but the enemy can break it. Two types of chests: Resource chest and Explosive storage.

    1. Knights can occasionally break trapdoors? (this needs to be fixed. If it was done on purpose: it is OP.)

    2. Occasionally, the hit detection is just completely off. I get like 3 metre swords thrown in my face.

    3. Knights can still squeeze thru 1x1 holes (sometimes) like


    Kind of holes.

    4. Archers can shoot thru blocks, as in 1x1 walls. It's incredibly annoying.

    5. Stats bug, where you change stats with another player.

    That's all I can think of right now.
    I'm sorry if this has already been mentioned (can't be asked to read thru ALL the posts)

    Just a suggestion, but you should totally make a new vid after you finish zombie MP as the teaser/trailer at the homepage.
    The game has changed alot since then :)
    Ej likes this.
  5. Ryukk

    Ryukk Catapult Fodder

    My constructive feedback would be...well..don't listen too much to what we say :P You are the developers so develop the game you envision. However helpful player comment/criticism may be, if the developer is subservient to the player base, especially this early in development, odds are the game doesnt truly reach its potential.
    Wonkyth likes this.
  6. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    Well that's the good thing about a forum that is linked directly to the developers, because we give feedback based on what they release and it gives them a better idea of what they should focus on. The more a certain subject is asked about, the more of a chance it'll get fixed first.

    Of course, don't come in here acting like an asshole either; that's why it says CONSTRUCTIVE. Give some feedback that'll greater benefit the game as a whole, as opposed to what you want.
  7. bilbs

    bilbs KAG Guard Tester

    My biggest issue with this update is how bed/latern light is handled. At the moment latern/bed light:
    1) Can be seen through enclosed stone structures, whether or not a door is open. Meaning if you have a completely covered bed with backwall and shut doors, the light can be seen by all players.
    2) Bleeds through walls. Meaning if a latern/bed is behind a stone/wood/dirt wall, it will also light the area on the other side of the wall.

    Both of these things seem to contradict the purpose of adding a lighting engine. Which was, to my understanding, to allow players to hide inside of the structures they created. Whether during the day or night, any light source that is beneficial to your own teams also happens to be beneficial to the enemy.

    I can think of a few reasons this might be. One would be to force players to place lighting strategically rather than spamming it within a structure. The other would be limitations of the lighting engine, which I think is much more likely.

    At the moment all light can be seen by all players and removing the two issues I just brought up would require each player to be seeing a different set of lights. Any chance a dev could let me (us) know if this is in fact a limitation of the engine?
    Xanoxis-Rawr likes this.
  8. Inexorable

    Inexorable The おっぱい lovin' nipple wizard. Donator

    They weren't all migrants.

    I saw them spawn, they spawned, they weren't migrants they just spawned.
  9. JimmyNic

    JimmyNic Shopkeep Stealer

    For me the main change has really been the tunnel lighting. The other changes have all been things that I could easily accommodate myself to and I think mostly they have been for the better. But the tunnel lighting imo doesn't work that well at the moment.

    The advantages are that it allows people to do stealth tunnels more easily (although the speech bubbles need to be tweaked somehow, being only visible to your team was suggested and seems good to me) but for me it's made the game a lot less fun and a lot more frustrating. I now avoid tunnels for the most part because I don't find it fun to scrabble around in the dark and have little idea of what is happening.

    I think lanterns need to come into play in a big way as far as tunnels go, combined with careful use of what each team can see. I suggest that you do away with the Mechanics Workshop and instead have lanterns as a buildable tile for all builders. Make it so that the effect of the lighting diminishes as you get further from the source (and probably still keep it so that light cannot penetrate further than one solid block).

    Then set the underground so that you can only see in the tunnels when you have an unobstructed view of a light source. And also that you can see what all your team mates combined can see. Obstructions include solid blocks and doorways, but not players as that would probably be very hard to program and very confusing to play.

    That's my take on it anyhow.
    hexalslug likes this.
  10. Jezntof

    Jezntof Shipwright

    I played about 2 hrs In one game, Did a nice fortress and When I died about 20 days after.. It said: You didn't survive the night... WTF?!?!

    And there was about 50 Portals in My underground, like by stack of 12.

    is it normal?!
    Spoolooni likes this.
  11. RiordanIX

    RiordanIX Catapult Fodder

    I agree with the lighting engine. If you are digging a tunnel to get to the other team's base and want to build quarters, everyone can see it so the element of surprise is gone now.

    Also I don't know about the map. Does it update for everyone in the game if you are digging a tunnel? Or does the map update only what you can see and is lit up? I hope it just updates when you or a team mate sees a building or a tunnel, otherwise again, the element of surprise is ruined.
  12. souldown

    souldown Shipwright

    I have just seen 1 idea which i think would work well in KAG. The selection menu system is a bit slow and even with the addition of the tapping the menu button to swap between things, this is still not ideal. One of the things at my work we were talking about when designing a UI for some software were going to use, is stealing the pie style menu that MAYA autodesk uses.
    Its easy to use and when you learn it well its a hell of alot faster than using a normal menu.

    Basically, you press a button and its pops up a 'pie' menu which you can move the mouse to the direction of. Im not explainign it well but check out this: http://the3dninja.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/modoMarkingMenu.png

    And it looks like another game has just released a pie menu and are showing it in their development blog:
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFKBw4UuHkQ&feature=channel (1:55)

    please stick this in kag!
    Eggnogg and Froghead48 like this.
  13. TheFilip

    TheFilip Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Add the Chests from the Zombie Mode to the multiplayer too.
    That won't only make some safe storage, but will also help the team! For example, a knight that has lots of stone approaches the Chest, puts the stone inside it, and then the Team's builders can take it to build.
  14. BlackKlit

    BlackKlit Shopkeep Stealer

    My greetings, MM and Geti masters! This update is so fruitful and nice! Enjoying play it:rollseyes:

    Now to the topic:
    Current types of zombies are good and unique to each other. But I think that
    1. Skeletons mustn't hit the doors but need to be possible to climb any height tower:) So they will be very weak, but also they must come in really huge quantities. As an idea, they can't be killed by arrows - add some obvious things:D
    2. Zombies need to stop climbing, but they must be very tough, slow and incarnable as now. Now archer need 4 arrows=6 hits to completely kill 1 zombie, I think that it's ok, but partie members can't kill them because they don't able to murder their corpse:( Fix it, please.
    3. Wraiths are flying bombs, but they add to game so much butthurt... Two solutions - or they must be lighted first before explode (need open fire looks like lanterns ) or they mustn't destroy stone+may be killed without explode in lighted state. By the way, it's always arrows deficite. Need "Gather Arrows(Resources)" order for partie members or less cost of arrows:)
    4. ZKs are good, but they can be easily killed by spamming arrows. It will be better, I think, if they wil be able to do some addiction thing - it maybe a devastating charge attack, throwing skeletons/zombies to enemy like ogres, or something else.
    5. Add to game shooting zombies with bow and endless amount of arrows, or liches with violet energy bolts of pure evil and maybe zombie resurrecting:) This will add to knights duty to defend archers from their shoots.
    6. Maybe, need zombuilders? I know that it will be really hard, but it will stop hordes of zombies from waiting to their death:gear:. Maybe it will not be very good.
    7. Zombie spawn must be more related to quantity of past days. ! 1 player with no allies has more chances to survive at all because of no wraiths or ZK can be spawned in this case. It's incorrect. I think game need to make player to hire friends in numbers and let them do all work insted of him:)
    8. Now it's no need or opportunity to dig to deep earth. Why? First, there is no treasures or interesting thing except Dark Portals which are always annoying and devastate player's base in few matter of time. Second, no opportunity to really order allies guard the fortress and go dig. All defense of fortress must be managed by player himself, because of deadly wraiths and ZKs, also zombies resurrect and allies stupidity:( Third, no ability to accumulate resources, so you will need to often go to surface for wodd gathering. So player need store building.
    9.*How about zombie customization? If they will have different heads it will be more fun in battle and killing them;) Also it may be interesting to slightly divide their parameters for each one. If they will have different speed, health and power, it will add some RPG in game.
    P.S. When party goes to 6 or more members, it can be really tiresome to turn between members. Wanna to do smth with it:migrant:
    Thx for addon although. Despite of all these things, it's VERY GOOD, AWESOME!
    P.P.S. Counter of survived nights is really strange:p
    GloriousToast likes this.
  15. walou

    walou Catapult Fodder

    Sometimes when i'm placing stone blocks to reinforce my fort they explode to smitheroons for no apparent reason.
    Spoolooni likes this.
  16. jonyfox

    jonyfox Builder Stabber

    I thought that, i was digging under enemy camp and got nailed by an arrow when there where blocks above my head and the guy was above me. :)

    Except with me it was just a one off and hasn't happened since :)
    </br>--- merged: Mar 12, 2012 12:50 PM ---</br>
    No zombies with bows because they would just kill your migrants what are on your walls, and you wouldn't be able to go outside as they would just pound you to pieces if there was like more than 2.

    Still though you had some good points :)
  17. AgeOfMe

    AgeOfMe Shopkeep Stealer

    They do that to me to, I hate it when that happens IN YOUR HOUSE.
  18. jonyfox

    jonyfox Builder Stabber

    Because I'm a cheat every now and again I like to use the map editor in zombies, I think that it's a really cool tool what KAG should definetely keep.
    Only for single player zombies not multiplayer :)
  19. The_Khan

    The_Khan Bison Rider

    And death match, I like to make a massive pit in the middle, big enough that the AI can't get out but not so big that they get damaged from the fall.
  20. keyofdoor

    keyofdoor Haxor

    I like to make the pit at their spawn point, 250 kills in about 5 or so minutes
    For the zombie update, we need a fuse, to attach to a keg, to make it explode after shorter or longer.
    Mister_Meatball likes this.