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Video All of my first impressions of KAG (music video)

Discussion in 'KAG Media' started by Anubis22322, Mar 9, 2012.

  1. Anubis22322

    Anubis22322 Catapult Fodder

    I got kag the other day and absolutely loved it, so I decided to record some gameplay to show friends and family, anyone think I should make more kag videos?
  2. Reaper7m5

    Reaper7m5 Shipwright

    Yes I think you should :] Im keen to watch your kag videos:P Put up a link or something.
  3. keyofdoor

    keyofdoor Haxor

    Welcome to the forums! And yes, we are eager to watch your videos.
  4. Maverick

    Maverick Haxor

    Oh great, this guy.
    This Anubis guy (Premium, could be different numbers though) was griefing on a Power server with some other guy. When we vote kicked one of the griefers, he left right after -___-