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The Game won't start, all it says is the engine has stopped working!

Discussion in 'General Help' started by DaeHyun, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. DaeHyun

    DaeHyun Shipwright

    Can someone help me fix this problem so i can play for once.
  2. Kagesha

    Kagesha KAG Guard Tester

    there could be a lot of reasons for the game to crash but you need to give us a bit more information.

    what operating system to do you use?
    run the game once again and wait till you get the "Engine has stopped working error" click on "What does this report contain?", then click on "Export", rename the file to something appropriate and upload it here.
  3. I suppose, DaeHyoun that you have this problem.
    Fortunately, glorious MM found a solution (at least it works for me) .
    1.Find command-line interface in SYSTEM32.
    2.Copy it to KAG folder.
    3.Open command line (that one from KAG folder) and when you see E:\KAG (or another letter, it depends on where you have KAG installed) type KAG.exe nolauncher.
    4. When you have "E:\KAG\KAG.exe nolauncher" in command line press enter.
    5. Obviously, it runs a game without a launcher (so you can't set fullscreen), but I think that is better than nothing.
  4. DaeHyun

    DaeHyun Shipwright

    Its ok I got iot to work so thanks anyway.
  5. DaeHyun

    DaeHyun Shipwright

    Hey i tryed the thing u told me, but it says that KAG.exe has stopped working.
  6. checkmate

    checkmate Shopkeep Stealer

    I can´t found this. How look icon? Yes, yes i know...this is dumb question, but with this i don´t playing. I´m scared from PC crash.
  7. You can always use nolauncher launcher provided with new versions of KAG.
  8. checkmate

    checkmate Shopkeep Stealer

    With no launcher i have error and KAG shut down with message send / don´t send... But not more as with normal launcher...

    NOTE : I know, hmm old topic? But where can i post THIS? :D