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What if Moderator cheats?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by GrimWaltz, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. GrimWaltz

    GrimWaltz Shopkeep Stealer

    Good evening every one,

    Today I've witnessed one of the most foal plays ever...

    The moderator was willingly kicking/banning players from his opponents team to make victory for his own team...
    Another way of "victory" for them, is when the opposing team was having the upper hand and before his defeat or recovery of their flag in his enemy's base he would "reset" the game. Disabling our chances for victory and basically feeling unsatisfied with the situation. ("vote" system was not used, as his team didn't understand what was going on at the time either.)

    I can understand a soar loser, but this is kind of being ridiculous, right?
    Anyway, I want to ask what possible actions can be taken for moderator power abuse?

    Should I alarm the guards with the !guard command in chat?
    or are there other actions to be taken for such play?

    I understand just leaving the server would be another option, but this wouldn't be a long term solution as others would have to face such actions eventually.

    I hope I can get some clarifications upon this matter to prevent further unjust.

    With kind regards,

    - GrimWaltz
    rocker2 likes this.
  2. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    In the unlikely event this was a guard, please do report (with as much proof as you can) and the guard in question will be terminated with extreme prejudice.

    If it was the server owner, well then you're just screwed and there's nothing you can do. They're untouchable, legally.

    edit: Please disregard the post below me, he doesn't know what he's talking about.
  3. tlc2011

    tlc2011 Base Burner

    I'd say you should try to kill him first chance you get, and call him an asshole and a sore loser.

    If you don't get banned, alert the owner of the server or call a guard to ask him to stop.


    Have a guard shut his server down if he's the owner for a week.

    NB: Please ignore the disinformation in this post and refer to Contrary's post above. <fbb>
  4. Kyzak

    Kyzak Ballista Bolt Thrower Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Cross-check with this list; if the name isn't on there, by all means make the name of the offender-and the server in question's, for that matter-- public, so we know not to go there. If it is, though, contact Furai and Shadlington via PM.
  5. L-III-III-7

    L-III-III-7 Shopkeep Stealer

    ive seen moderators on the cali action server building towers and bridges out of thin air... things like this happen more often than they should
  6. Spoolooni

    Spoolooni Shark Slayer


    Are you serious? Let's see you pay the server bills before calling anyone else an asshole. Best professional move? Leave the server and tell your comrades to avoid it as well.
  7. -Q

    -Q Donator

    Quite similar to the doubtlessly false notion that Notch, or any of his staff (read: servants), may take down a MC server they don't like, regardless of any lack of physical access to the server in question.

    The sysop of the server is sovereign, and probably deserves the appropriate respect that that affords. If I was in a situation where the owner was entertaining him or her self with terrorizing the player base, I would take it in good humour. There is no justification for a. insulting, or even b. ragequitting and telling others to avoid.

    World mods, on the other hand, can 'moderate' servers that have the boolean world_mods variable set to 1. If a rogue global mod crosses your path, alt+tab to your trusty irc client and promptly snitch, while PMing the relevant screens to everyone you know.
  8. BoiiW

    BoiiW Shark Slayer

    Yea I have seen a moderator kill my entire team, while they were out of reinforcements, with stone blocks that he made in the sky and poured down on us. And yes, they won in the end while the reinforcements were about 0-50 for us...
  9. -Q

    -Q Donator

    If it was a moderator, what was his name, do you recall?

    You may want to check your log files...
    inactive_account likes this.
  10. BoiiW

    BoiiW Shark Slayer

    Oh woops, I didn't mean moderator lol, I meant server owner ;D

    At least, I guess it was a server owner... There was more than 1 green name in the server.
  11. Templar_Frost

    Templar_Frost Horde Gibber

    Then the world will end.
  12. Spoolooni

    Spoolooni Shark Slayer


    Sounds like a Jade server, just saying.
  13. Eggnogg

    Eggnogg Ye Olde Wench Donator Tester

    Currently as it stands; server owners, moderators, global moderators and developers have no way to be differentiated from one another. This is a problem, because it means guards can be confused with admins and such. The server owner may have given moderator powers to people so they can help police the server. If you see a 'hired' moderator abusing his powers, then you should tell the server owner about it (given that you know who the server owner is and have a way of contacting them).
  14. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    This is indeed a problem. You'll see me drawing smiley faces in the sky or writing MOLE in stone after I've been killed towards the end of a match, but I'd never use it to cheat. It's frankly a little ridiculous that people abuse this type of power, especially considering it's a game. Everyone fights and talks like they're gonna win a fucking gold medal if they beat the other guy's team.
  15. -Q

    -Q Donator

    I'm very well interested in how the Guard vs Everyone match is going to turn out, when you take this into account. I think a lot of the aggressiveness of teams, sauce, comes from the simple fact that its red vs blue, and left vs right, and that's the only way you can play.
  16. PainGiver

    PainGiver Arsonist

    I have seen on some servers, moderators would build their team base with the editor(Also called them out, and got banned from saying they are using it and cheating.), and that is unfair and unsportsmanlike.

    Maybe some tracking system can be made by the kag devs to help identify if a guard, admin, moderator goes into editor and places blocks with it. To help determine the trustworthiness of suspicious players.
    Auri likes this.
  17. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    As has already been stated, Server admins can, and do, do whatever they like with their servers, mostly. Using the editor and kicking/banning people is completely up to them.
  18. PainGiver

    PainGiver Arsonist

    Yea i understand, but there is alot of people that use what everyone knows of which is "Power Abuse" where a staff member uses administrator commands to give them advantage over the other team.

    I agree with you its totally up to the server owners if they allow their staff to cheat. But i highly doubt any server owner likes their staff cheating and setting a bad rep for the server.

    Wish there be another way for owners to monitor things like banning randomly, editor abuse, e.t.c. Maybe implement some ingame report feature to be added. So if the majority of the players spot a griefer or a hacker, or even a moderator being abusive. Action could be taken and reported within the player base.
  19. Cadbury

    Cadbury You can't escape. Donator

    Likewise, I've never used mod privileges to interfere with a game. I think the only times I've seriously used my powers seriously as of yet was to skip that one underground map people don't like or to remove stone someone used to entomb my team's tent.
    There's no value in winning a match through abusing mod powers in such ways as dropping stone out of the sky on the enemy or purposefully switching around players in order to stack teams. I'd rather win fairly through the strength of our friendship and teamwork.
    Sir_Walter likes this.
  20. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    Yes, PLEASE DO report abusive server staff to the server owners, assuming you can find some way to contact them. Unfortunately, that's not always easy...
    Also, you can use the in-game irc(chat) client to contact a guard about admins being abusive, as well as the normal griefers/hackers.