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The Update....

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Creille, Mar 9, 2012.

  1. Carver

    Carver Meitantei-san Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    In addition, I've seen skillful players sacrifice themselves to move kegs from the wall -- Kegs are just a new feature which seems overpowered due to players needing to adjust, is all.

    It's the same thing for the restricted zoom -- It screwed up my "First Strike" shots as an archer (only needing to aim one time to score a hit). But now that I've played the game for another 2 weeks, I'm already getting loads better.
  2. Mister_Meatball

    Mister_Meatball Base Burner

    Okay I see what people are saying and while I still defend my point that they are the tactical nukes of KAG, they do take skill to use effectively, which I think is a bit better that the old bombs, which skilled knights could wipe out entire enemy teams by just tossing them from a safe position. Kegs weild power, but power that cannot be used effectively without teamowrk and planning, although one some servers they do seem a bit spammy. That said, nuclear launch detected.
  3. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    I love kegs, as long as I find them in the hands of an enemy sitting in the middle of their main tower while I'm going assault archer. ^__^
    FuzzyBlueBaron likes this.
  4. potatomcwhiskey

    potatomcwhiskey Undercover Griefer Donator Tester

    Personally my favourite part of the update is darkness. I just wait til nightfall, bombjump onto the enemy base and sit still until I can pounce on a few guys, or a guy who I see buy bombs.

    I dropped on BlueLuigi in a tunnel like some kind of cave dwelling monkey the other day and he was thoroughly suprised. I also hid on DarkhairedIrish inside some bridges. Hopped out on him and gave him a bad day while he was trying to build.

    Thats the best. Just jumping out on a guy as he casually goes about his business. I think the stealth mechanic is an under-explored feature.
  5. AnRK

    AnRK Shark Slayer

    Yeah it could be used loads more, most people don't seem to see the value in not hacking/shooting at whatever they are capable of doing, used to play alot of a really gritty realism mod for BF2 where that principle was key, yet most players wouldn't stick to it. The only stealth that gets used most the time is tunnelling, which isn't that stealthy with all the noise it ends up making most the time.

    As for kegs it's all down to the server at the moment, one server I went on they were 30 coins without any wood, that's definitely asking for spam
  6. Rainbows

    Rainbows KAG Guard Forum Moderator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Stealth is awesome. Find a way to make it more awesome.

    I find that bombs were overnerfed. At the current cost they are terrible...
  7. Prosaurus

    Prosaurus Catapult Fodder

    I like the new bombs, but there is a glitch where you can be hit through a wall. That's what it looked like, anyway. Something else I really think that should be added to bombs is a knight's shield actually stopping the explosion. That way archers actually have a chance to survive bombing out in the open.
  8. Creille

    Creille Base Burner

    I like that idea ^^^ of being able to protect your archers :)
    Crawker likes this.
  9. Mister_Meatball

    Mister_Meatball Base Burner

    ^Knights could be both the source of the destruction and the best way to stop it.^ That said I have found another good use for night time, the classic medieval tactic of undermining, place a keg, and give the opposing team a new basement courtesy of you. As for the tunneling AnRK, I turn the hunters into the hunted, the tunneling may be noisy but a lone knight stalking you in a dark tunnel isn't. Of course you can use the darnkess to play as an enemy, stay in the darkness and use emotes to point at your base, pretend you are a fellow attacker, and hit them when they are expecting reinforcements.
  10. Mechios

    Mechios Ballista Bolt Thrower

    I think Bomb jump is also a realy shit glitch (Archers ftw). Bomb jump isnt realistic, or did you jump into a bomb with a shield and fly away?
    If KAG realy want to be realistic, they should bann this glitch.
    The romance between english and me isnt the best so...ya.
  11. Creille

    Creille Base Burner

    that would be so stupid if they stopped bomb jumping and how do you know its not realistic have you ever tried it??
    so many people would stop playing KAG if bomb jumping was stopped altogether.
    Crawker likes this.
  12. Inexorable

    Inexorable The おっぱい lovin' nipple wizard. Donator

    >2D game
    Prosaurus and Creille like this.
  13. Creille

    Creille Base Burner

    agreed completely ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    Crawker likes this.
  14. keyofdoor

    keyofdoor Haxor

  15. Mechios

    Mechios Ballista Bolt Thrower

    You can try it for me if you want *g*
    Why is it stupid? try to go like normal peopels, and dont use bugs/glitches...its the same like cheating.
    What i wanna say is that the "oldys" from KAG have tricks against the newbies and thats not realy fair, isnt it?
    I dont cry about this glitch, but its an idiotic bug that should be banned, i think.
  16. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    While bomb-jumping may have been unintended originally, afaik the developers like it. It'll definitely be tweaked throughout development, but I'm pretty sure it isn't gonna disappear, and isn't considered a glitch.
  17. AnRK

    AnRK Shark Slayer

    Hence the developers actively changing the mechanic last patch, if they didn't like it they would have removed it. If you play for 5 minutes you'll probably end up seeing someone bomb jumping, and like with alot of things you can watch and learn from the people doing it, it's not the most complex thing in the game to learn, I imagine how to bomb jump will be included in a future tutorial when they get round to making it a bit more in depth.
  18. Mechios

    Mechios Ballista Bolt Thrower

    so, no glitch...whatever.
    no matter, but ya...its better as anyone griefs the own team.
    I think its a little nerv, but at the other side one of the only thing against skilled archers - so i dont accept it anyway but its good for the balance in the game.
  19. potatomcwhiskey

    potatomcwhiskey Undercover Griefer Donator Tester

    To be honest, a whole bunch of features of this game are emergent things that came from glitches. Thats the best part of KAG to me, that unintended stuff becomes canonical to gameplay like bombjumping. Playing knight would not be as fun without it.
  20. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    I think so too, you'd better just buy arrows for your archers than a bomb with the money. The bombs are quite fine now, though they should do bigger damage to stone walls, and cost much less. Say 15 coins? This might be adjustable through configs, but it should be set as default to 15 coins. Server owners aren't often too fond to change stuff like this.