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My game! Marathon Monk

Discussion in 'Other games' started by Snoopicus, Mar 16, 2012.

Mods: BlueLuigi
  1. Snoopicus

    Snoopicus Shipwright

    Hey guys,

    Been a while since I posted to the forums or played Multiplayer (though Zombie Survival kicks ass) because I've been working on a little... sumthin sumthin you know what I mean? No? Oh, ok, I'll be more specific.

    MARATHON MONK! A new running game (Like Canbalt or Robot Unicorn Attack) for Windows 7 Phones (Free) and XBox Live Indie Games (80pts).

    Please check it out and if you like what you see, pass the word around! The KAG Community has always been full of pretty awesome people (even our trolls are hilarious) and I'm sure you know equally awesome people who would like a game like this.

    Windows Phone: http://goo.gl/U5ZIY
    XBox: http://goo.gl/O7mGZ

    Anyway, as soon as Zombie Survival hits multiplayer, I'll see you guys back in the game. I can't wait.

  2. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    Congrats! :D
    If I had either of those platforms, I'd give it a try. ;)
  3. Snoopicus

    Snoopicus Shipwright

Mods: BlueLuigi