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Report abusive players (griefers/hackers)

Discussion in 'General Help' started by MM, Jul 20, 2011.

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  1. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    He does properly have gold, I see it in the user database and that cannot be changed from a compromised server/client
  2. ravenguard19

    ravenguard19 Bison Rider

    Heres another evidence of him [​IMG]
  3. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Is that on Beo's same server or a different one?
    </br>--- merged: Mar 6, 2012 3:30 PM ---</br>
    Because it's still being looked into. If it's a problem caused by you or your admins (e.g. someone gave him the password who shouldn't have), then it's your problem to deal with and he shouldn't be banned globally. If he used an exploit in the game to somehow steal the RCON password or otherwise get admin privileges, then that's something we need to look into and potentially ban him for (as well as fixing the bug in the game/server)
    CoD and Noburu like this.
  4. ravenguard19

    ravenguard19 Bison Rider

    Yes its beo Kouiji was here and he was trying to help us.This guy leaked RCON password to everyone on the server.
  5. MM

    MM THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    I cant see how he did it. He has premium. My guess is he got the RCON from somewhere? Did he do it on any other server?
  6. Worm

    Worm Derpship Commander Donator

    I will try spy some information from, if i will see him.
  7. copper40

    copper40 Casual Misogynist

    Quarters said "Heal up, nigga"

    Seriously just don't look at the chat, okay?
  8. RavPL

    RavPL Shipwright

    Name: CZ Skaral
    What he do: Destroyed our walls around tent with flag, and with other player LexaCZ destroyed our two defense towers
    Server: I dont know, I hit always Quick Join
    Time: few mins ago
    Yes im sure, screenshot CZ Skaral:

    Name: LexaCZ
    What he do: destroyed our spike traps and with CZ Skaral defense towers
    Server: (the same server)
    Time: few mins ago
    Screenshot LexaCZ

    Please Perma Ban for exemplary punishment, you have to exterminate pests.
  9. Vattic

    Vattic Shopkeep Stealer

    1. What was the players name? assas okoli999
    2. What did the player do? Destroying our own fortifications.
    3. In what server? Not sure.
    4. In what time? A few minutes ago.
    5. Are you sure? Positive, I've even seen him doing the same in other servers.


  10. Nighthawk

    Nighthawk gaurenteed shitter

    1. What was the players name? retarded ( He also had the clantag [AIM] )
    2. What did the player do? Grief buildings, drop rocks on his teammates' heads
    3. In what server? Kegs, Lanterns, free ctf!
    4. In what time? Around 10:20 - 10:30 Eastern Time
    5. Are you sure? Very.

    Here you can see him flipping us off from his perch on the base which he just finished collapsing.

    And here he is, calling me a "fagot" and "stupid lol" for my attempts to thwart his griefing.
    My comment, "I have a stalker" is referring to his tendency to follow me around and attempt to drop blocks on my head.
    You can also see the hallway completely blocked off - his handiwork, no less.
  11. kebabs44

    kebabs44 Shark Slayer

    1. What was the players name? In picture ( He also had the clantag [AIM] )
    2. What did the player do? It's not what he did but his name.
    3. In what server? OCG Australian Server
    4. In what time? I uhh... forget
    5. Are you sure? Very.
  12. Catguy19

    Catguy19 Shopkeep Stealer

    1. What was the players name? RUS Mishadogg.
    2. What did the player do? Griefing buildings.
    3. In what server? fCraft.net Official.
    4. In what time? Around 21:45, GMT +1.
    5. Are you sure? Very.

    Image 1
    Image 2
  13. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Mishadog has been a problem on Beo's CTF before.
    Noburu likes this.
  14. Raron

    Raron KAG Guard Tester

    Mishadog is on it again!

    EDIT : Curse you Hella!
  15. Seb222

    Seb222 Catapult Fodder

    1. What was the players name? TACR mat2232
    2. What did the player do? Grief buildings, dropping rocks, trying to get people kick telling someone else did it
    3. In what server? Beo Server
    4. In what time? 15 min ago
    5. Are you sure? Yes

    Attached Files:

  16. dylanduran

    dylanduran A Most Extraordinary Gentleman Donator

    Players name: Spoolooni
    Crime: Griefed our buildings, destroyed two of our skybridges, knocked down our main tower.
    Server: Beo's Server
    Time: 5 Minutes ago
    Sure?: Yes
    He is premium so we cannot kick him, and kept switching teams, he was red originally, but switched teams so he could grief blue, then switched back again.
    </br>--- merged: Mar 17, 2012 9:17 AM ---</br>
    Sorry for the double post, but for some reason the edit button isnt working for me. Here's an extract from the log where he openly bragged about griefing:
    [9:rektlord:7] <tobz789> I WANNA BE RED TEAN
    [9:rektlord:8] ReMix joined red team
    [9:rektlord:10] Chocomiam joined blue team
    [9:rektlord:15] <tobz789> TEAM*
    [9:rektlord:33] <ReMix> My skin ;] go to blue team....
    [9:rektlord:51] <ReMix> PhilTheBest griffer
    [9:rektlord:55] <PHILTHEBEST> no im not
    [9:rektlord:56] <PHILTHEBEST> noob
    [9:9:0] <ReMix> -.-
    [9:9:6] <sumaznfu> trolol
    [9:9:7] <ReMix> NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    [9:9:9] <PHILTHEBEST> no im not
    [9:9:21] <ReMix> Fuckins bots
    [9:9:23] Dark delta117 left the game
    [9:9:32] <Hoj> lol
    [9:9:34] <ReMix> Hi
    [9:9:34] <[Mmk] Spoolooni> london bridge is falling down falling down falling down
    [9:9:35] <ReMix> :D
    [9:9:40] <[Mmk] Spoolooni> london bridge is falling doing fuck my jewish ladyy~
    [9:9:41] <Grunnt> please kick chocmiam for griefing our base
    [9:9:42] <nils12> who fuck was that
    [9:9:54] <Hoj> lol
    [9:10:8] <sumaznfu> tobz is griefing
    [9:10:21] tobz789 left the game
    [9:10:25] <Hoj> LOL
    [9:10:31] New player joined the game
    [9:10:31] alf123321 joined blue team
    [9:10:31] alderon joined red team
    [9:10:31] Unnamed player is now known as alderon
    [9:11:0] ReMix left the game
    [9:11:3] SMEER jelmerooo left the game
    [9:11:6] biobiulder joined red team
    [9:11:8] danko left the game
    [9:11:9] <Grunnt> im off to a premium server without these griefer kids
    [9:11:12] Grunnt left the game
    [9:11:12] New player joined the game
    [9:11:13] Unnamed player is now known as danko
    [9:11:13] <Gravier> kick chronomian
    [9:11:16] danko left the game
    [9:11:19] <Gravier> chocomiam
    [9:11:21] <Gravier> griefer
    [9:11:28] <sumaznfu> chocomiam is griefing
    [9:11:37] <nils12> chocaiman griefing
    [9:11:40] <rossol> enkvi to
    [9:11:43] <Hoj> kill him with fire!
    [9:12:3] <Hoj> enemy archer in the base!
    [9:12:4] <[Mmk] Spoolooni> lets all fuck in a gas room
    [9:12:16] <Chocomiam> MDR
    [9:12:18] <[Mmk] Spoolooni> come on child, let me abort you
    [9:12:21] dodikkk left the game
    [9:12:27] <sumaznfu> you guys shouldnt be happy you are winning
    [9:12:36] <sumaznfu> you should be sad that they might be in your next game
    [9:12:46] alf123321 left the game
    [9:12:51] <[Mmk] Spoolooni> keep building a skydick
    [9:12:54] <[Mmk] Spoolooni> it'll go down in no time
    [9:12:59] New player joined the game
    [9:13:0] Unnamed player is now known as pamtapan
    [9:13:10] <dylanduran> there we are
    [9:13:14] <[Mmk] Spoolooni> thats right you heard me you whore.
    [9:13:19] <dylanduran> spoo's been reported on the forums
    [9:13:30] <dylanduran> posted screenshots
    [9:13:33] New player joined the game
    [9:13:33] Unnamed player is now known as Blacky
    [9:13:34] <[Mmk] Spoolooni> you think I care?
    [9:13:37] <dylanduran> oh, i can post one of what you just said too
    [9:13:38] biobiulder joined blue team
    [9:13:40] <[Mmk] Spoolooni> sky bridges down? good for you
    [9:13:52] <dylanduran> if they ip ban you, then yes, you will care
    [9:13:53] New player joined the game
    [9:13:53] Unnamed player is now known as [FTG] ChuckNorris
    [9:13:57] mutalir left the game
    [9:14:10] New player joined the game
    </br>--- merged: Mar 17, 2012 9:20 AM ---</br>
    Oh yes, that builder with that hat? That's him, in case you hadn't already guessed.

    Attached Files:

  17. Raron

    Raron KAG Guard Tester

    Im trying to enter that server to ban him but its full D:
  18. Dr_Ghost

    Dr_Ghost Shopkeep Stealer

    Name: Svaty Fini
    Server: Beo's Gold CTF
    Time: Right now.

    Here is the log. My screenshots were all showing up as black screens :(. But he admits to it in the log.

    Attached Files:

  19. JacKD

    JacKD Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Player: dog tomthehom7 (gold)
    Server: POWER
    Action: bombed our tower and then destroyed doors
    Time: a couple of minutes ago
    Proof: screen-12-03-17-17-37-23.png screen-12-03-17-17-37-42.png screen-12-03-17-17-37-44.png screen-12-03-17-17-38-10.png
  20. keyofdoor

    keyofdoor Haxor

    1. What was the players name? BIgarii
    2. What did the player do? Tried to destroy a tower
    3. In what server ? Servidor Dropblock [Hispano] [Nolag] [24/7]
    4. In what time ? 5:16 EST
    5. Are you sure ?
    I have a video.
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