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Were we spoilt with updates?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by AnRK, Mar 25, 2012.

  1. AnRK

    AnRK Shark Slayer

    I can't help thinking that we got a bit spoilt in the first few months of this game when we got an update on development every day or two, anyone else find that they are unreasonably inpatient for updates from the devs cos of it? In the last month or two there haven't been nearly as many, but compared to the average game the updates are fairly frequent, not that I'm whining it just makes me wanna know what's going on even more the clever sods. I imagine the reason they aren't as frequent at the moment is we'd probably get endless boring updates of "probing for mysterious bug day 1" "probing for mysterious bug day 2" etc.
    Birdman159, Fellere825, Rayne and 2 others like this.
  2. Yihka

    Yihka Shopkeep Stealer

    I bet one of the reasons is bigger features which take considerably longer to make, same about bug fixing, which you shouldn't underestimate
  3. Inexorable

    Inexorable The おっぱい lovin' nipple wizard. Donator

    What are these "updates" that you speak of, I don't think I've ever come across one. X3 Hurr hurr hurrr..
  4. Tyrianstrasz

    Tyrianstrasz Shopkeep Stealer

    I think a better word to use is "Entitled" And it tends to happen in every games alpha, first updates chug out rapidly as the game is in it's early stages and very little work is required to implement them, then later on as things gets more complex and balance and fixes take up most of the patches, many people start screaming about the Dev/s getting lazy because they have a lot of money.

    The sad truth is developing games takes time, more time the more advanced and finished the game is.
  5. AnRK

    AnRK Shark Slayer

    I more meant in terms of news updates, however we did get loads of build updates too. The positive thing however, is it would seem they're taking they're time alot more in general due to the fact they're obviously demanding alot more from themselves in terms of quality, they're getting round to the nitty gritty of gradually updating the engine and they also seem to have alot of polishing and new content in the works. We're certainly not in the reverse situation minecraft is in thankfully.
  6. GrimWaltz

    GrimWaltz Shopkeep Stealer

    I think, another aspect of less frequent builds and upgrades would be because they look at what the players would see as well. For example, they do check the IRC and the Forums. They do check what people want in the new updates and the bugs that need to be handled. etc.
  7. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Please stop these kinds of threads because they really promote the whole 'entitled v not' and it usually ends with entitles being told hard and nots looking like babies or unveiling some sort of underlying reason that will send hate in the wrong directions, something that no one wants at all.

    In general the problem is that these threads from the 'entitled' argumentor's sides turn into circle jerks and the best way to counter circle jerks is with hate, even whn you don't hate the thing but just don't believe it deserves this attention and that the deed in question is not noble buy ordinary.

    Imagine you walk into a group of people saying that the american education system is amazing, you could be indifferent but saying you are indifferent usually turns into a bigger circle jerk or giving hose circle jerking faggots fuel to feel smug, the only typical way to stop it is to point out all the flaws with the argument which leave you hating something more than you did, and with the circlejerkers looking differently but not necessarily better on the subject
    Contrary and Kouji like this.
  8. Kyzak

    Kyzak Ballista Bolt Thrower Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Gonna keep an eye on this thread to make sure it stays relevant. All kinds of fair warnings.

    Without KAG, there would be no community; without the community, there would be no KAG. The loudest consensus is always inclined to disagree on such matters, but I am perfectly content with Geti and MM taking whatever work ethic they wish to heart, because the end product in most creative mediums is derived heavily from the pace taken in its' creation, and the dedication to keeping that pace. Cortex Command coasted on yearly builds for a long time, and only recently has the developer sobered up and started to keep his-rather enraged at this point-- fanbase informed on development progress. At the same time, striving for PR as positive as CC's was negative is foolish and pointless, because it's human nature to never be satisfied or content with much of anything.

    This strikes doubly true in current context, because back then, it was not an arduous task to keep the-comparatively much, much bigger now-- community informed in and of itself; there were no hoops to jump through-two thirds of KAG's playerbase not even knowing about the devblog--, just a small following focused on one method of one-way communication. Geti's also told us many times that they're working tirelessly on the new engine, essentially-in my layman's perspective-- retooling all of those daily updates into a more refined shape one by one. What more is there to tell us at that kind of communicative impasse? Without fabricating lies or voicing testy plans for future content, there's really not much to share. The way I see it, this is either a lull in the behavior we've come to know-"spoiling" us as you put it--, or it is a different approach to the new set of circumstances they've been dealt; not one easily definable as better or worse, either. Only time is really wise enough to tell.