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Report abusive players (griefers/hackers)

Discussion in 'General Help' started by MM, Jul 20, 2011.

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  1. hansel

    hansel Shopkeep Stealer

    Players name: Arche Voolak
    Crime: Griefed our defences, destroyed bridge, blocked the team's passage by building a wall, un-kickable because of premium
    Server: Shadreki's Playground
    Time: 10 Minutes ago
    Proof: Screenshots and the chat log

    [22:52:3] Trying to connect...
    [22:52:21] Trying to connect...
    [22:52:28] Trying to connect...
    [22:52:30] New player joined the game
    [22:52:30] New player joined the game
    [22:52:30] New player joined the game
    [22:52:30] New player joined the game
    [22:52:30] New player joined the game
    [22:52:30] New player joined the game
    [22:52:30] New player joined the game
    [22:52:30] New player joined the game
    [22:52:30] New player joined the game
    [22:52:30] New player joined the game
    [22:52:30] New player joined the game
    [22:52:30] New player joined the game
    [22:52:30] New player joined the game
    [22:52:30] New player joined the game
    [22:52:30] New player joined the game
    [22:52:30] New player joined the game
    [22:52:30] New player joined the game
    [22:52:30] New player joined the game
    [22:52:30] New player joined the game
    [22:52:30] New player joined the game
    [22:52:30] New player joined the game
    [22:52:30] Unnamed player is now known as bracundisk
    [22:52:30] Unnamed player is now known as bohr75
    [22:52:30] Unnamed player is now known as Pbat moonboy67
    [22:52:30] Unnamed player is now known as Pindar____
    [22:52:30] Unnamed player is now known as Dlinghi
    [22:52:30] Unnamed player is now known as gesaugen
    [22:52:30] Unnamed player is now known as FDM sixfryeld
    [22:52:30] Unnamed player is now known as Lowery
    [22:52:30] Unnamed player is now known as Mlembrant
    [22:52:30] Unnamed player is now known as arche voolak
    [22:52:30] Unnamed player is now known as arthurone61
    [22:52:30] Unnamed player is now known as kill
    [22:52:30] Unnamed player is now known as xluckydawgx
    [22:52:30] Unnamed player is now known as childRAPER
    [22:52:30] Unnamed player is now known as Spoko
    [22:52:30] Unnamed player is now known as Groks flora79
    [22:52:30] Unnamed player is now known as xXnolanXx
    [22:52:30] Unnamed player is now known as Bananson
    [22:52:30] Unnamed player is now known as liena99
    [22:52:30] Unnamed player is now known as bob620
    [22:52:30] Unnamed player is now known as Sir hansel
    [22:52:33] <Lowery> come
    [22:52:36] <Spoko> MOVE!
    [22:52:46] <arche voolak> =)
    [22:53:17] <Bananson> retard
    [22:53:21] <Bananson> voolak griefer
    [22:53:22] <kill> kick arche volka
    [22:53:29] <bracundisk> ruins base defenses i see
    [22:54:26] <kill> ains
    [22:54:28] <Bananson> KICK ARCHE VOLAK
    [22:54:37] <kill> it's admin
    [22:54:41] New player joined the game
    [22:54:42] Unnamed player is now known as anti cochon
    [22:54:50] <Spoko> no admin premium account
    [22:54:55] <kill> you're so funny
    [22:54:56] <Sir hansel> so why grief?
    [22:54:58] anti cochon is now known as boshy cochon
    [22:54:59] <Bananson> we cant kick premium guy?
    [22:55:3] <Mlembrant> fffffuuuuu
    [22:55:6] boshy cochon left the game
    [22:55:8] <Sir hansel> any particular reason to grief voolak?
    [22:55:8] <Spoko> we can't
    [22:55:11] <Bananson> lol
    [22:55:18] <Bananson> whos the retard that made this game
    [22:55:21] Mlembrant left the game
    [22:55:24] <Bananson> cant kick premium fags lol
    [22:55:24] <kill> he's autistic
    [22:55:34] <Sir hansel> I've made screenshot of you doing this
    [22:55:38] <Sir hansel> and the chat log
    [22:55:40] <kill> he can't listen us
    [22:55:42] <Sir hansel> Imma post it on the forums
    [22:55:46] New player joined the game
    [22:55:47] <Sir hansel> and maybe you're gonna be banned
    [22:55:47] Unnamed player is now known as artem
    [22:55:49] <Sir hansel> we'll see
    [22:55:51] <Bananson> I hope u will groks
    [22:56:4] Bananson left the game
    [22:56:7] <Sir hansel> anything to say for yourself?
    [22:56:41] <FDM sixfryeld> why ?
    [22:56:48] New player joined the game
    [22:56:49] Unnamed player is now known as /v/yaranaika
    [22:56:53] <bracundisk> move :D

    Attached Files:

  2. Raron

    Raron KAG Guard Tester

    Name: MAHER
    Crime: Griefed,commited suocides to make our unit count smaller
    Server: Beos CTF Serverr (yes, wierdly 2 r)
    Time : 10 min ago
    Notes: As a admin there i gave him loades of oppertunitys to play fairly but he just refused. After 4 frezzes i had to kick him until next server reboot.This is just so i show the patiance he was given and new chances which he ignored and just used as new griefing chances.
    Proof: Sadly all i have are chat and consol logs(rather big so use ctrl+f to search trough it) since i didnt have time to take pics.

    Attached Files:

    Almost_Flying_Duck likes this.
  3. diegowar

    diegowar Catapult Fodder

    I'm posting just in case :

    A guy named "FIN Tapulkku" (or something like that) thought that I was griefing, but he was mistaken.

    The situation was this : we had a tower, and to go up to the top , well you need at least 2 spaces next to the tower so that your avatar can pass. But there was one spot where a block was blocking the way, so I removed it, not realizing that removing it was making 3 others block fall (I think it killed one ally).

    Although I'm pretty sure that's impossible, he said that based on his screenshot I would be banned from the game and would have to pay for it again, well I'm posting this just in case there is madness enough to ban people based on one false case of griefing.

    Cheers, and please continue your good work with the griefer list, I really can't understand why people do that... waste of time to me.
  4. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    Player Name: calde Caldan
    Time: 25 minutes ago
    Server: [POWER] U.S. California CTF
    Crime: Greifing

    He didn't say anything, just started greifing. I have 4 screenshots. I don't have admin on POWER so I don't have collapse logs from the console txt. They are contained in the spoiler below:
    screen-12-03-19-00-04-19.png - screen-12-03-19-00-05-16.png - screen-12-03-19-00-07-06.png - screen-12-03-19-00-07-07.png
  5. 8x

    8x Elimination Et Choix Traduisant la Realité Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    1. {RUS}klaustrue
    2. He griefed red team, then switched to blue and did the same thing, putting stone at doors, destroying trap bridges...
    3. KAG Polish Server [CTF] or sth like that
    4. Minutes ago
    5. Im entirely sure. We couldn´t kick him because he is premium.
    Here a snapshot screen-12-03-20-12-49-35.png
  6. DawnOfNights

    DawnOfNights Shopkeep Stealer

    I was playing on beo CTF server when we came across some bomb griefers. I feel that it is my duty to report them and also the fact that one of them is a GOLD member.
    Here are their usernames:
    Assassins 300

    Here are some pics where i tried to identify them:

    Sorry if this is the wrong section, but they need to be stopped. Especially the gold, since he is unkickable :(

    //Edit Kouji: moved this post to the right section
    1. What was the players name? - Jayloon9876.
    2. What did the player do? - Hes been on a mass griefing spree for the last few days .
    3. In what server? - Attacking almost all servers.
    4. In what time? - For about 3 hours everyday at random times.
    5. Are you sure? - Many witnesses (Auri) would agree with me.
    I suggest he gets a permanent ban.
    He blames other people for his mass griefing and then those people often got banned.
  7. Starioshka

    Starioshka Catapult Fodder

    [13:42:34] <[SGI] alek9928> stop
    [13:42:39] <[SGI] alek9928> or i will say bad words
    [13:42:42] <[SGI] alek9928> stop
    [13:42:42] <Starioshka> ALEX
    [13:42:43] Keta15 left the game
    [13:42:45] <Starioshka> DONT BUILD WALL ON WOOD
    [13:42:48] <Ne3zy> remove spikes
    [13:42:48] <[SGI] alek9928> why!
    [13:42:50] <[SGI] alek9928> say me why
    [13:42:51] <Starioshka> WE NEED IT
    [13:42:56] <Starioshka> WOOD DONTrEGROW IF IT HAS A WALL ON ITR
    [13:43:1] <Starioshka> YOU NOOB
    [13:43:8] <[SGI] alek9928> ehhh okay i will repair go your way
    [13:43:16] <Ne3zy> 7
    [13:43:17] <Starioshka> WE HAD NO WOOD LAST TIME
    [13:43:23] <Ne3zy> builde a fort
    [13:43:24] <[SGI] alek9928> go i say!
    [13:43:26] <Starioshka> DOTN DO IT AGAIN
    [13:43:42] <Lord_Anduin_Lothar> ehlp
    [13:43:43] <Starioshka> KICK ALES
    [13:43:46] <Starioshka> HES GREIFING
    [13:43:47] <[SGI] alek9928> what ?
    [13:43:52] <[SGI] alek9928> FUCKER I AM GRIFING ?
    [13:43:59] <Starioshka> ALL VOTE KICK ALEX
    [13:44:2] <[SGI] alek9928> DONT VOTE
    [13:44:3] <Ziven> stfu
    [13:44:8] <Elsema_War> fuck
    [13:44:11] <[SGI] alek9928> I AM JUST GETTING TREE
    [13:44:14] New player joined the game
    [13:44:14] <[SGI] alek9928> THATS GREAF
    [13:44:15] <Starioshka> HE DESTROYED ALL WOOD SAPWNS
    [13:44:16] Unnamed player is now known as RjGleb
    [13:44:17] <[SGI] alek9928> SHUT UP I SAY
    [13:44:20] <Starioshka> HE DESTROYED ALL WOOD SPAWNS
    [13:44:20] <[SGI] alek9928> THATS NOT  ALL
    [13:44:23] <[SGI] alek9928> LOOK AROUND
    [13:44:26] <Starioshka> YOU SHUT UP ADN VOTE KICK ASSHOLE
    [13:44:28] <Starioshka> THERES NO WOOD LEFT
    [13:44:33] <[SGI] alek9928> WE HAVE WOOD
    [13:44:33] <Starioshka> HE DOESTRYED ALL WOOD SPAWNS AGAIN
    [13:44:38] <Starioshka> WE DONT HAVE ENOUGH ASSHOLE
    [13:44:39] <Starioshka> OMG
    [13:44:40] <[SGI] alek9928> SHUT UP FOR A WHILE
    [13:44:45] <[SGI] alek9928> HERE IS WOOD SPAWN
    [13:44:47] <[SGI] alek9928> HERE
    [13:44:54] <[SGI] alek9928> WHY DONT KICK THEM <
    [13:44:58] <[SGI] alek9928> THEY DESTROY TOO
    [13:44:58] <Ne3zy> lol
    [13:45:1] <[SGI] alek9928> MORE THEN 4 WOOD
    [13:45:3] DNF left the game
    [13:45:4] <[SGI] alek9928> I DESTROY ONLY 3
    [13:45:10] <[SGI] alek9928> LOOK WHAT THEY DONE
    [13:45:16] <Starioshka> THEY DIDNT DO SHIT
    [13:45:20] <Starioshka> YOU DETRIYED WOOD SAPWNS
    [13:45:24] <Starioshka> THY DONT RESAWN ANYMORE
    [13:45:25] <Starioshka> ASHOLE
    [13:45:25] BloodyStupidJohnson joined red team
    [13:45:27] <[SGI] alek9928> oh dont destroy spawn
    [13:45:30] <[SGI] alek9928> asshole just say that D:
    [13:45:32] New player joined the game
    [13:45:33] Unnamed player is now known as pi kiwikilla
    [13:45:36] New player joined the game
    [13:45:37] <[SGI] alek9928> i can bug more then 10 spawns
    [13:45:37] Unnamed player is now known as hanserikmalmest
    [13:45:41] <[SGI] alek9928> i can create them
    [13:45:42] <[SGI] alek9928> want ?
    [13:45:44] <Starioshka> show me dickhed
    [13:45:53] <Starioshka> or i will report you to KAG dEVS
    [13:45:56] <[SGI] alek9928> for that word no dicker bitch
    [13:46:0] <[SGI] alek9928> fuck 

    1. What was the players name? - [SGI] alek9928
    2. What did the player do? - was putting ladder on tree spawns, proof above.
    3. In what server? - unknown
    4. In what time? - for about 2 matches.
    5. Are you sure? - proof above
  8. NakedDinosaur

    NakedDinosaur Catapult Fodder

    1. What was the players name? - [DU0] The0o, [DU0] Yenching
    2. What did the player do? - Completely demolished our spawn leaving our defenses open.
    3. In what server? - 250x200 KAG2D.NL
    4. In what time? - Few minutes ago
    5. Are you sure? - Yes, this shows Yenching and The0o mauling away at the remains of our base. It also shows some chat evidence in the picture on the top part.
  9. Starioshka

    Starioshka Catapult Fodder

    ] <sendokami> sad
    [19:48:5] <Starioshka> ROSSEL
    [19:48:10] New player joined the game
    [19:48:10] Unnamed player is now known as TH_Kiiller70
    [19:48:11] <Starioshka> D OT THAT 1 MORE TIME
    [19:48:12] <nico4123> rossel grief
    [19:48:14] <Starioshka> ADN YOURE PERMAN BANNED
    [19:48:19] <rossol> wow kido mad again
    [19:48:24] <Starioshka> DUDE
    [19:48:27] <Starioshka> IU AMD AT CHEATERS
    [19:48:30] <Starioshka> EVERYOEN IS
    [19:48:34] <Starioshka> YOU MSUT E HIGH IF YOU ARENT
    [19:48:38] <Starioshka> FUCKIN IMBECILE
    [19:48:48] <rossol> so mad
    [19:48:51] <Starioshka> SO FAG
    [19:48:54] <rossol> just rage quit cmon
    [19:49:0] <Starioshka> you need help kid
    [19:49:3] New player joined the game
    [19:49:3] Unnamed player is now known as majestro
    [19:49:8] <rossol> ok xD
    [19:49:20] /v/adolf1488 left the game
    [19:50:7] <scorp123> bomb shop?
    [19:50:16] <Starioshka> SIEGE WORKSHOP UP THERE
    [19:50:18] <Starioshka> OKAY???
    [19:50:36] <axoue73> griefer
    [19:50:37] <Starioshka> KICK ROSSOL
    [19:50:37] <david davidoleksjuk> VTF
    [19:50:39] <Starioshka> LAST BIT
    [19:50:39] <BloodyStupidJohnson> who
    [19:50:48] <Starioshka> ALL VOTE KICK ROSSOL
    [19:50:50] <rossol> wtf u just grief me
    [19:50:50] <Starioshka> I SAW HERE
    [19:50:55] New player joined the game
    [19:50:56] Unnamed player is now known as Zekkithor
    [19:50:59] <Starioshka> I SAW HER GOING DOWN AFTER GREIFING THAT
    [19:51:2] <Starioshka> ALL VOTE KICK
    [19:51:5] <rossol> i saw u destroying my shit kid
    [19:51:9] <rossol> so gtfo noa
    [19:51:13] <Starioshka> YOU DESTROYED OUR SHIT BITCH
    [19:51:16] <rossol> nou
    [19:51:19] <Starioshka> ALL VOTE KICK NIOW
    [19:51:24] <Zekkithor> Oh drama.
    [19:51:25] <Zekkithor> Loely.
    [19:51:28] <david davidoleksjuk> my home
    [19:51:28] <Zekkithor> lovely*
    [19:51:29] <rossol> yeah kick kido
    [19:51:39] <Starioshka> siege
    [19:51:43] <MacFl Florisvonmacflurri> Nice battle tower
    [19:51:45] axoue73 joined red team
    [19:51:48] <Starioshka> make siege okay?
    [19:51:52] <sendokami> its comeing down
    [19:51:53] <Starioshka> i dotn have gold
    [19:51:55] <MacFl Florisvonmacflurri> whats that?
    [19:52:0] <Starioshka> siege workshop
    [19:52:2] <MacFl Florisvonmacflurri> k
    [19:52:11] <MacFl Florisvonmacflurri> got no shit
    [19:52:14] <Starioshka> shes aiming to greif again
    [19:52:34] <rossol> heall yeah she is
    [19:53:36] <Zekkithor> Why grief?
    [19:53:40] <Zekkithor> What d oyu accomplish?
    [19:53:47] <Zekkithor> do you*
    [19:54:13] <Starioshka> damn we need a catapult right now
    [19:54:28] <rossol> lol im gonna fuck ur cata up again xD
    [19:54:32] nico4123 left the game
    [19:54:39] <Starioshka> and i have a lot of proof to ban you for a logn time woman
    [19:54:49] New player joined the game
    [19:54:50] Unnamed player is now known as [GOD] FuckYeah
    [19:54:51] <rossol> awww yea!
    [19:54:57] [GOD] FuckYeah left the game
    [19:55:12] New player joined the game
    [19:55:12] Unnamed player is now known as [PL] Verhest
    [19:55:17] <rossol> i got a boner
    [19:55:26] <Starioshka> bugged :|
    [19:55:33] <MacFl Florisvonmacflurri> need last one
    [19:55:36] <ciurkut> imposibru
    [19:55:40] <ciurkut> you dont have dick
    [19:55:44] <Zekkithor> we need some arches.
    [19:55:47] <[PL] Verhest> ok
    [19:55:58] <BloodyStupidJohnson> KIKLL THE TUNNELER YOU CUNTS
    [19:56:10] <Starioshka> bah...
    [19:56:12] <MacFl Florisvonmacflurri> fuck
    [19:56:18] <MacFl Florisvonmacflurri> i want a bed
    [19:56:30] <Zekkithor> I hate the fall delay.
    [19:56:32] <Starioshka> make that sege here
    [19:56:59] Swiss jimiz left the game
    [19:57:14] villekille707 left the game
    [19:57:17] New player joined the game
    [19:57:18] Unnamed player is now known as Opera
    [19:57:21] <[PL] Verhest> good
    [19:57:23] <MacFl Florisvonmacflurri> LOL you are fucked
    [19:57:31] <MacFl Florisvonmacflurri> rossol
    [19:57:36] <rossol> srsly?
    [19:57:38] <[PL] Verhest> Build an arrow workshop!
    [19:57:45] <MacFl Florisvonmacflurri> jump jump jump!
    [19:57:50] <rossol> ok
    [19:57:53] <Starioshka> shes a greifer
    [19:57:55] <Starioshka> dont rlak to that bitch
    [19:58:12] <[PL] Verhest> arrow
    [19:58:13] majestro left the game
    [19:58:16] New player joined the game
    [19:58:16] Unnamed player is now known as MrRockBeats
    [19:58:33] <[PL] Verhest> arrow workshop neeeed pelse :)
    [19:58:34] New player joined the game
    [19:58:37] Unnamed player is now known as Wolf-Man
    [19:58:37] <[PL] Verhest> please*
    [19:58:38] <Starioshka> oke lol
    [19:58:38] <rossol> lol u so scared about ur cata? did u?
    [19:58:50] <Starioshka> need maor wood
    [19:58:53] <[PL] Verhest> :(
    [19:59:3] <sendokami> haveing fun blue?
    [19:59:9] Wolf-Man left the game
    [19:59:27] <rossol> tonight you
    [19:59:44] <Starioshka> hey archer
    [19:59:48] <Starioshka> amke it yourself now
    [19:59:54] <Starioshka> this whore is trying to take my cata
    [20:0:3] New player joined the game
    [20:0:9] Unnamed player is now known as Rozengul
    [20:0:16] <Starioshka> hey dude got stones?
    [20:0:24] <MacFl Florisvonmacflurri> not anymore
    [20:0:26] <Starioshka> oke
    [20:0:48] <BloodyStupidJohnson> DIE YOU CUNT
    [20:0:49] <[PL] Verhest> arrows done?
    [20:0:50] <BloodyStupidJohnson> DIE DIE DIE
    [20:0:50] <rossol> hurry up or im take builder
    [20:0:52] <sendokami> u mad
    [20:1:1] <Starioshka> thanks
    [20:1:8] <BloodyStupidJohnson> AT LEAST I WON
    [20:1:15] <BloodyStupidJohnson> ONLY LOSERS ARE MAD
    [20:1:17] <Starioshka> get off here please...
    [20:1:20] <BloodyStupidJohnson> WINDERS ARE JUST PUMPED
    [20:1:20] <[PL] Verhest> good says
    [20:1:26] <Starioshka> GET THE FUCK OUT
    [20:1:33] <ciurkut> ;<
    [20:1:40] <[PL] Verhest> trolloing]a]
    [20:1:46] <[PL] Verhest> level hard
    [20:1:50] <Starioshka> stupid whore
    [20:1:59] <Starioshka> GET THE FUCK OUT
    [20:2:3] <ciurkut> finaly xd
    [20:2:4] <[PL] Verhest> ciurkut cius cius
    [20:2:5] (OZ)Todeskiller left the game
    [20:2:12] <Starioshka> THATS IT
    [20:2:13] <[PL] Verhest> arrow pls
    Rossol 1800-2000hours gmt+2
    Server unknown
    Greifing, teamkilling, stealing catapult, stalking then stealing catapult and hitting bridges so people fall down.
    proof above.
    Nico4123 can confirm, and confirmed in the chat log.

    </br>--- merged: Mar 24, 2012 8:24 PM ---</br>
    doublepost because I surpassed char limit​
    [22:9:58] New player joined the game
    [22:9:59] Unnamed player is now known as firebuilder07
    [22:10:3] <[HUN] GreyIWolf> Starioshka, they say you are gonna get perm banned
    [22:10:9] <Trojan> Your mother was a hamster!
    [22:10:9] <Starioshka> me no
    [22:10:12] <Starioshka> for what
    [22:10:14] <[Aha] Hunk> Yes you
    [22:10:15] <[HUN] GreyIWolf> i was it on the forum
    [22:10:17] <Starioshka> because you greif me?
    [22:10:23] <[HUN] GreyIWolf> I saw it on the forum
    [22:10:26] <Starioshka> perma ban becuase YOU FAGS GRIEF ME?
    [22:10:33] <Starioshka> I AM THE ONLY MAN HERE PLAYIGN NORMALLY
    [22:10:35] <[HUN] GreyIWolf> you insulted the others
    [22:10:38] <fiddy> dude were kidding relaxeä
    [22:10:38] <Starioshka> YOU ARE THE EVIL GREIFERS
    [22:10:42] <[Aha] Hunk> Votekick starioshka
    [22:10:44] <Starioshka> I AM INSULTING ONLY CHEATERS
    [22:10:46] <Ninnicus> you sound like a boy, not a man
    [22:10:48] <fiddy> lol
    [22:10:52] <[Aha] Hunk> The game will be so much great
    [22:11:1] <[Aha] Hunk> Votekick him ! :)
    [22:11:16] <Starioshka> sTEALING IS SERIOSU
    [22:11:20] <fiddy> fuuu
    [22:11:25] <Starioshka> DEAL WITH IT
    [22:11:29] <Starioshka> STEALIGN ANYWHERE IS SERIOUS SHIT
    [22:11:31] <Starioshka> GREIFING TOO
    [22:11:34] <[HUN] GreyIWolf> ololol
    [22:11:37] <[HUN] GreyIWolf> make them cry babe
    [22:11:37] <Ivy> Help
    [22:11:43] <fiddy> ok i cantfucking stand it im kiccking uy
    [22:11:58] <KoS Chan> s
    [22:12:9] <fiddy> im preme i  have super powerrs
    [22:12:10] <[HUN] GreyIWolf> stil ur gonan get banned
    [22:12:17] <[HUN] GreyIWolf> enjoy your last Kag day
    [22:12:26] <Starioshka> i dont even know you noob
    [22:12:45] <Starioshka> oh how much evil you contain
    [22:12:54] <glp> lay off the koolaid
    [22:12:56] Trojan left the game
    [22:12:57] <Starioshka> if you are religgiosu yo uwill for sure go to fuckin hell for beign assholes
    [22:13:2] <fiddy> u cant be kicked from kag only from the server
    [22:13:12] <Starioshka> WHAT THE FUCK DICKHEAD
    [22:13:15] <Starioshka> I WILL REPORT
    [22:13:15] <[HUN] GreyIWolf> it was glp
    [22:13:17] <[HUN] GreyIWolf> xda
    [22:13:22] <Starioshka> I SAW YOU DICKHEAD
    [22:13:25] <[HUN] GreyIWolf> it was :
    [22:13:27] Poxe left the game
    </br>--- merged: Mar 24, 2012 8:29 PM ---</br>
    </br>--- merged: Mar 24, 2012 8:32 PM ---</br>
    full file.
    </br>--- merged: Mar 25, 2012 12:07 PM ---</br>
    Steve nicopro7785
    Some french server.
    Hole making at 1500hours GMT+2, made as big as 20 blocks with bombs just around homebase, destroyed tower crushing teammates.
    Proof in files.

    Attached Files:

  10. Guardian_of_Irael

    Guardian_of_Irael Haxor Official Server Admin

    1. What was the players name? zeta_beta (no premium)
    2. What did the player do? Griefing at start in many manners for different rounds. He blocks the team's way out, he collapse structures or crush them with fallen rocks.
    3. In what server ? 250x200 KAG2D.NL (not sure, can I find that on logs? ^ ^)
    4. In what time ? 01:04 (GTM+1) so 00:04 (GTM)
    5. Are you sure ? More than sure. That's not the first time that I see him griefing. ^ ^
    A lot of screenshots, here (15 mb if you want I post some direct link. They are in sequence like a video).
    The log (chat), here! ^ ^
    Log at [1:4:6], [1:6:11], [1:6:15], [1:33:40]; other 2 players claim for kick, they could confirm! ^ ^

    Here the conversation that I started with a mod (some other details):
    Thanks ^ ^
  11. premiumcontent

    premiumcontent Catapult Fodder

    1. What was the players name? S3rgy (premium, so can't kick and he even admits he's doing it), and more. griefers all over
    2. What did the player do?destroying everything he can
    3. In what server? Realcraft.fr
    4. In what time?11:45 EST and still going
    5. Are you sure? It is ridiculous
  12. Ladd

    Ladd Shipwright

    What was the players name? Solmyrus54 Throwing bombs everywhere in his team's base.
    In what server? Realcraft.fr
    In what time? As I post this.
    Are you sure?

    Attached Files:

  13. Worm

    Worm Derpship Commander Donator

    Also S3rgy did say:
    I don't care i will be banned, i will make new account and rebuy kag - im rich.

    You can't get bombs in building phase.
  14. Cadbury

    Cadbury You can't escape. Donator

    Yes, I've also seen S3rgy grief multiple times on different servers.
  15. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    It's a glitch; coins carry over if you disconnect between rounds.

    Now how about we let the nice KAG Team get on with their jobs, and move this to PMs, instead of bickering here.
    Noburu and Kouji like this.
  16. Zeigy

    Zeigy Shopkeep Stealer

    Player's Name: Chalo2000

    Misdeed: The belligerent griefed on Colin's Fun Server at 10:30pm GMT. He destroyed a mini skybridge after several failed attempts.

    Server Name: Colin's Fun Server

    Time: 10:30pm GMT on Sunday March 25th 2012

    Evidence: http://youtu.be/NkieutiODwg
  17. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    I hate this guy. I see him grief constantly but there's never anything we can do about it. And I mean CONSTANTLY.
  18. Ramsis

    Ramsis Ballista Bolt Thrower Donator Tester

    Yeah we just had RichardSTF show up not too long ago and decided to show off some neat toy he has where he seems to be able to crawl walls. I'm not showing up with proof or anything but if there are any questions you can contact my fellow Action buds or pesterfuck Bluigi or Rayne. Debating blacklisting this kid.
  19. Zeigy

    Zeigy Shopkeep Stealer

    Player's Name: KnightRingo11

    Misdeed: The scoundrel griefed on [FR] Le serveur des Elites Server at 8:20pm GMT. He failed in an attempt to destroy a defensive fortification.

    Server Name: [FR] Le serveur des Elites

    Time: 8:20pm GMT on Friday March 30th 2012

    Evidence: Video 1 - http://youtu.be/J35-u8Y8HlA
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