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Beo's KAG Servers

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by Beo, Sep 21, 2011.

Mods: jackitch
  1. Leatra

    Leatra Catapult Fodder

    I want to make something clear for the banned and vote/ping kicked people. Sometimes server resets won't make you unbanned, for some reason. You have to wait it out. It's illogical but it happens. Maybe it's because of something else.

    And I'm getting this banned on every server problem now. Servers are weird in this game.
  2. JohnVoiden

    JohnVoiden Shipwright

    A few days ago i was playing on this server and was banned without any reason, but coincidentally were also the other 31 Banned users starting simultaneously, someone can explain to me what happens?
  3. Raron

    Raron KAG Guard Tester

    Server knows to ban a lot of people randomly at same time.If thats the problem im thinking of its cleared now (reseted server) but can still happen until next build which shoul "fix" this problem.
  4. justi01

    justi01 Haxor

    Yea but before everyone gets banned, it tends to freeze with extreme drama to add effect. So if you see yourself freezing on the server then leave without delay and rejoin in about 5 mins.
    Ryu likes this.
  5. Raron

    Raron KAG Guard Tester

    Currently servers are down due to host problems..Beo just forgot to post it here
  6. 96Kenobi

    96Kenobi Catapult Fodder

    Hi beo if you make new admins can i be one? yesterday have i see at 8pm griefers and nobody admins was on
  7. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    Kenobi... Seems like you don't get it... You won't be a admin soon and so on...

    Uund jetzt auf deutsch: Kenobi... Du schnallst es einfach nicht oder? Du wirst so schnell kein admin... :huh?:
    justi01 likes this.
  8. Bart-

    Bart- Catapult Fodder

    fuckkkk I am buliding my own shit at Beos zombie test server 1
    one faggot kills some ppl, just in 'creative' mode, so they insta respawn
    someone ( maybe the griefer?) says: kick bart!
    before i could say anything ppl just marked me ( i have never seen ppl mark someone that fast, if i SHOUT they need to do, they just ignore me)

    and BAM im banned

    could some mod or admin PLEASE let me in again? im a huge fan and i would like to finally be able to play Beos zombies, since I did not have the time for it yet.


    //edit from Kouji: moved to the right thread. Post in the correct section next time.
    </br>--- merged: Apr 3, 2012 6:34 PM ---</br>
    i also had a ps :p

    PS: i know the ban will be lifted in a day or something, but I only have the times this couple of hours. I would really appreciate it if you unbanned me and I promise on my mom that i did not grief anything

  9. justi01

    justi01 Haxor

    Ok. I'll unban you. But i dunno exactly what happened so just be careful next time :D
  10. Bart-

    Bart- Catapult Fodder

    ty hella and justi :D

    i did nothing wrong, i could not have cared more than stay away of the place of grief, and say nothing wrong :S

    cya at zombies

    edit: lol bad english, too lazy to edit lol
  11. Leatra

    Leatra Catapult Fodder

    Hey guys.

    There is an idiot who keeps calling a tower we all built together "his tower" and it seems he sees nothing wrong in ruining it.


    I wish I had a screenshot that shows the exact second he strikes the hammer but ask anyone in the chat log. They'll back me up. Fuckwits like these always make me pull an alt-f4.

    Thanks in advance.
  12. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Well, I can't speak for any other moderators here, but I see no point in taking action in this situation.

    Firstly, I was playing with you guys on the server not long beforehand, and Muffin was playing perfectly well. He was being polite, and a reasonable player to be with.
    Secondly, chatlogs are rarely conclusive evidence to convict a player; what you have there is one where he is complaining that someone is ruining a tower that he made, where the player who made the modification even says sorry if it was unwanted. Muffin apparently is fixing it when you call him a griefer, and begin insulting him.

    I'm not saying that he was griefing is out of the possibility, but if you want any kind of action taken against him, any at all, then you would need screenshots at least, maybe even video evidence, and the best place to post it then would be this thread.

    Beo's servers operate a blacklist (as far as I'm aware) for extreme cases, to which this scenario does not seem applicable.
  13. ravenguard19

    ravenguard19 Bison Rider

    Was there but as you see on the chatlog. my game crashed right when he started typing in caps. I dunno who build that tower. who griefed it or etc. and you have no screens so. we really can't do much about that :/
  14. Leatra

    Leatra Catapult Fodder

    I worked on that tower too and built most of it. There was another guy too who worked on the tower. There is no "my tower" in KAG and I don't see the roof as an excuse to destroy it. You can't just destroy something you don't like. But I guess nobody else shares my thought. People get banned for being called a griefer with no evidence. I guess making exceptions like this is okay with you guys.

  15. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Leatra, I am talking to you from my personal point of view, and I never ban people without evidence. As a rule, I will only ban people if I have seen the griefing myself, or the person has admitted it themselves; the worst that a person accused without grounds would be subject to from me would be a freeze, and then questioning.
    I am not making an exception for this guy; if someone is caught griefing with solid evidence, I don't make exceptions for them, even if they are a player who I play with regularly. Consistency is important to me.

    Please don't make accusations without appropriate evidence; first you have accused someone of griefing, and now you accuse the moderators of Beo's servers of inconsistency. If you have a point to make, please add evidence, and make a polite post.

    I know what it is like to be in this situation, but unfortunately, this is a game and things like this happen. How do you know he isn't going to improve the tower? There is no way to find out. From what you provided, I can see him reverting a change to a building he worked on. There is nothing to show whether or not it was a positive or negative action, so please don't come here to complain.

    Next time, go to the thread I linked in my previous post.

    Thank you, however, for making the time to post.
    FuzzyBlueBaron likes this.
  16. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    lol, seriously dude, STOP SPAMMING STUPID THINGS HERE!!!!1!!! This thread is especially for Beo's Servers and not for you to post such shit. So go away and troll yourself.

    Oh and btw, go and learn english.

    ravenguard19 likes this.
  17. Beo

    Beo Bison Rider Tester

    First post updated - added servers/edited mods lists.
  18. Lancebringer

    Lancebringer Builder Stabber

    I have an issue, I was playing zombie test 1, and was banned FOR NO REASON. I was building competant defenses, saying nothing to others, trying to abide by their wishes (again only if they would talk to me) and we restarted due to many deaths, upon restart, i was disconnected, i went back, BANNED! What the heck?
  19. Beo

    Beo Bison Rider Tester

    Checked the logs, it was a 7 mins long ping ban, you shouldn't be banned anymore.
  20. harveyblade

    harveyblade Catapult Fodder

    may i please be a morderator for beos capture the flag server?
Mods: jackitch