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Security Breach Hoax

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Geti, Apr 2, 2012.

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  1. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Yeah, sorry about that, my bad; ugly busy day today & I wasn't feeling like getting a bunch of replies so I edited --> didn't intend to delete anything you posted. :oops:

    In other news:

    People! It's understandable that some feel that the devs went too far (seems to happen with just about any AF joke, in my experience). It's also understandable that others think it was a good laugh and that the first crowd should lighted up some. Either stance is fine and dandy in my book.

    But (and this is important), this does not constitute an excuse to start bitching at each other! :>:(:

    Seriously, it's clear that things touched a nerve here, but this thread (although not there yet) looks like it's prepping for a camping trip to flamewar gulch. It's good to talk things over, to cover all angles, but just an fyi: if people so much as think about tent-pegs then I will lock this thread down and burn it with fire.

    I mean, come on; the devs played a joke, they maybe went a little far, they'll probably be more careful next time; what else is there to say?

    Yes, people should have checked their facts, but that's not the issue here. Yes, some people got a scare and aren't happy about it, but that's not the issue here either. The real issue here is that I'm tired & over-worked, I have a splitting headache despite everything I've tried to fix it, I don't have any cake because Wonkyth ate my piece before he went to school today, and I'm tired of touchy subjects (like this one) being made worse by people bickering like a bunch of small children! :argh:

    This mod is having a bad day & doesn't need his happy place (these forums) all mussed up; so just go play nice with the other kiddies, okay?
    Kouji, Cheesemaster66 and Contrary like this.
  2. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    Haha, who really would've thought it's real?

    A lot of unnecessary bitching going on as fbb said, it maybe was a little hard joke sure, but come on.

    Fyi: inciting bitching also counts as bitching in my book, Monsteri. ~fbb
  3. Ghozt

    Ghozt Haxor

    Well said FBB, but confirming what Monsteri said, you might need to soften up a bit and I think the devs would just stop the update, or something (Atleast I hope they would) and I think the devs are allowed to make a sick/sickly prank to relive some stress for working on this game so much non-stop all the time and answering to all of your questions and suggestions, how would you cope?

    I'm not going to enter into hypotheticals here, GHOZT; I'm simply reminding everyone (not just Monsteri) that I'm watching you. I'm watching you all... ~fbb
  4. acridstone

    acridstone Horde Gibber

    I hope the devs don't joke about a Security Breach next time. This was a very potentially dangerous Breach(not to mention this topic now).
    FliesLikeABrick likes this.
  5. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    We wont, that'd be doing the same thing twice.
    thebonesauce and FuzzyBlueBaron like this.
  6. BoiiW

    BoiiW Shark Slayer

    There's always some grumpies who can't take a joke and then feel the need to whine about it ;) Don't worry, it put a smile on my face anyway

    And I kinda expected it to be an April's Fools :p
  7. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    I admit, I was convinced, but I also didn't care when I heard it was a joke. It's april fools after all. I've seen harsher jokes pulled. All I can say is, bravo for fooling me!
    FuzzyBlueBaron, Geti and Rayne like this.
  8. knightl

    knightl Base Burner

  9. Downburst

    Downburst Mindblown Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Soldat did actually have a bug quite like this.
    Server owners were able to install stuff on everyone's PC that joined the server, making them spam automatically at soldat servers.

    I knew this was a joke since I didn't hear anyone about it before the post, but I still think it's a weird joke, especially since this happened to soldat in the past.
    Foxodi likes this.
  10. illu

    illu En Garde! Donator Tester

    Well...I think most people just wanted to play and got the fixes without even noticing and reading the blogpost before.
    • User wants to play KAG. --> Starts KAG. --> It autoupdates. --> User got the latest jokes and fixes and is secure from bogus security breach.
    • User doesn't want to play KAG. --> User is secure from security breach since he doesn't start KAG. No jokes and fixes but why would he need them if he doesn't play?
    So that explaination makes no sense imo.
    And btw: Me first too considered this as legit (happend before with Soldat and also other games). I scanned my drive and actually thought of preponing the next data-backup. Since all the Shadness started from us Guards I thought the devs were still busy fixing up the hole. And I just didn't thought someone would make a April fool saying this is no April fool.

    But yeah, not such a big deal. Let's go and play some more KAG! :)
  11. Poonchy

    Poonchy Tree Planter

    Pretty pathetic that some people seem awfully anally pained over a joke that was pretty funny.
  12. Chayeh

    Chayeh Shopkeep Stealer

    It affected me. I had to smash my computer and burn everything I ever were when I was alive!
  13. acridstone

    acridstone Horde Gibber

    Very funny Chayeh:>:(: hahaha
  14. GloriousToast

    GloriousToast Haxor Donator

    "LOL ROFLCOPTER " was deleted. >.<
    so it was a hoax people have to cheer up its not like its as bad as this hoax http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2005/06/0617_050617_warworlds.html (sarcastic)
    when i saw that we needed to update to prevent the 'hackers' the most that came out of it was me telling my friend to update his. my game also updates it self >.< also on that day i saw some gargoyles (gregs) and killed one. might have no been that day
  15. acridstone

    acridstone Horde Gibber

    Toast, do you just happen to know how to spawn a greg because that would be AWESOME.:D
  16. Chayeh

    Chayeh Shopkeep Stealer

  17. illu

    illu En Garde! Donator Tester

    Pretty pathetic that you seem to expect everyone's having your sense of humor.
    Koolala likes this.
  18. Chayeh

    Chayeh Shopkeep Stealer

    Also 'anally pained' is a rape reference and you shouldn't use that phrase Poonchy
  19. sj67

    sj67 Greg hunter


    For your enjoyment and in case you never saw one. ;3
    FuzzyBlueBaron likes this.
  20. Kyzak

    Kyzak Ballista Bolt Thrower Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    I think that's enough of that! Funny joke, guys.

    my thoughts exactly. The next post I see in here that doesn't contain a funny joke gets burnt. Or we could just lock the thread, that works too. ~fbb
    illu and FuzzyBlueBaron like this.
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