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Banning people for "Hacking"

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by Dawid90dd, Apr 4, 2012.

  1. Dawid90dd

    Dawid90dd Shark Slayer

    //edit from Kouji: Moved to Server Hosting/Troubleshooting/Help instead of regular Help

    This trouble is a bit annyoing for me. When i start my ZOMBIE server, it bans sometimes all people inside server, with reason :Hack. Im not sure why it appears on my server, and i dont know how to fix it.
    Can you tell me where i need to search? I was trying to modify Dedicated_autoconfig.gm, but there is no parameter responsible for Deactivating Hack autoban, or Autoban time....

    Help me guys, sorry for my not very good english.
  2. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    I don't know why your server is doing this, but there is a parameter for the time they are banned (global g_kickvote_bantime = 30; // How long (in minutes) is the player banned after a kick vote) I know , I know, it's for votekick but it worked for me.
  3. Dawid90dd

    Dawid90dd Shark Slayer

    ill try that out. By the way, i can send you name of that serwer if you want to see how its autokicking (i dont want to post name there because i think moderators will say that its ad)
  4. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    You don't need to send me the name. I know that autokicking bug pretty well :(
  5. Dawid90dd

    Dawid90dd Shark Slayer

    I modified that parameter, restarted server, and its still kicking people (Reason of course hacking...)
  6. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    Hmmm.... I don't know the reason then. Sorry :(
  7. Rayne

    Rayne ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    If your server hangs for even a second, it'll recieve a bunch of packets at once, think "OMG SPEEDHACK", and ban everyone.

    Happens on my servers sometimes, MM and Geti are working on a fix.
    Boxpipe likes this.