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Could not connect to authentication server -- Couldn't connect to server (split from big thread)

Discussion in 'General Help' started by aziz, Apr 2, 2012.

  1. aziz

    aziz Builder Stabber

    additional game error and more

    I get this message from this link https://api.kag2d.com/player/PLAYERNAME/myinfo

    in Firefox 11.0
    {"statusMessage": "Access Denied: You are not authorized to request account info for this user"}

    in IE 9
    one login attempt which then gives this message

    The website declined to show this webpage

    HTTP 403

    Most likely causes:

    • This website requires you to log in. :shad:

    oh and everyone elses avatar is this [​IMG]
  2. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    thanks. though you need to change PLAYERNAME in the URL I gave you to your own username.

    Nonetheless, it looks like a firewall is blocking the game from connecting to the auth server. Since you are able to connect to it in the browser but not in the game client, it means something is keeping the game in specific from connecting. do you have any "internet security suites" or additional firewalls installed? Have you made sure KAG is allowed through the Windows firewall? (did you maybe by accident click 'deny' when it asked about a firewall change after this most recent patch?) :shad:
  3. aziz

    aziz Builder Stabber

    okay retried the link https://api.kag2d.com/player/PLAYERNAME/myinfo with playername changed got
    {"active": true, "username": "aziz", "banned": false, "role": 0, "gold": true}

    retried with comodo firewall suite etc completely disabled
    windows firewall completely off
    admin rights enabled on exe
    user account control off
    there never was a firewall enabled on router

    still receiving same message

    Curl error: could not connect to server
    Thanks for the help I'm sure you guys are just as frustrated as everyone else
  4. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Unfortunately I think you're the only one left with this problem -- and since it works in the browser but not in the game that means it's something about your computer that is causing the problem :( Can you do me a favor and open a command line, run ipconfig /all > ipconfig.txt. Either e-mail me (ryan at u13 dot net) that file or attach it here, or PM me the contents.

    I have one more hunch before I'm pretty much officially out of ideas to help you :x
  5. aziz

    aziz Builder Stabber

    Ok guys i found out the issue on my end..........
    If anyone having problems here has done any port forwarding in the past for other games or applications check and see if some other program in your routers rule list is forwarding to "port 443"

    Kag now needs port 443 TCP and UDP forwarded in my routers configuration to work otherwise i get the error

    Battlefield 3 in my case had caused the issue as it requires port 443 TCP only to be forwarded......
  6. Kagesha

    Kagesha KAG Guard Tester

    what router do you use aziz? might help others.
  7. aziz

    aziz Builder Stabber

    I have a D-link DI-524 wireless G router ........in my case i needed to change the rule in my "special applications" tab

    I would imagine if you don't have a router to check your software firewall also as port 443 may be blocked/ redirected in there as well.
  8. Hawker

    Hawker Bison Rider

    where do you find routers rule list
  9. aziz

    aziz Builder Stabber

  10. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    For what it's worth, I don't particularly agree with aziz's assessment of what his problem was, but it's possible he had his rules configured oddly such that they interfered or that his router has a bug in the software.

    KAG definitely does not need 443/udp though
  11. aziz

    aziz Builder Stabber

    FLAB's comment could very well be true all I know is as soon as i enabled the BOTH (UDP and TCP) setting for 443 it was like flipping a switch ....there was no delay when pressing the check mark button on the title screen and went straight to the main menu screen and could browse servers etc.....

    The only reason i noticed it could have been port 443 was a popup occurred on my laptops software firewall (old symantec personal firewall) asking to allow KAG on port 443 which i clicked yes to and then after it gave a timeout error on KAGs return message checked my routers allowed ports and noticed the same port 443 listed under a allow rule for Battlefield 3 TCP only.
  12. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Yes, you all need to make sure that your firewall rules permit 443/tcp for KAG. This was not used in the KAG client before last week's update (build 345). There's a good chance that you approved KAG needing certain network access when oyu first installed it, and then need to update it now or denied a change during the update
  13. ryguydavis

    ryguydavis Catapult Fodder

    So as it happens, I still have this error. I do not use a router so I don't see why that should be an issue. The only firewall I have is Windows Firewall, and from what I can tell all connections are allowed. I even went to the extent of opening the 443 tcp port completely, to no avail. I reinstalled KAG and even turned off my firewall but nothing is changing. I have Avira and Avast as virus protection software, but I don't know anything about their blocking habits.

    [Edit] In addition, I have just turned off Avast, Avira, and Windows Firewall. Nothing seems to be changing.
  14. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    hi rguydavis, thanks for sharing that information. What is the exact and complete error message you are receiving? I need the whole thing, including the "Additional Info" part
  15. ryguydavis

    ryguydavis Catapult Fodder


    Also, the link followed above gives me this info:
    {"active": true, "username": "ryguydavis", "banned": false, "role": 0, "gold": false}
  16. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Do you have the file C:\KAG\curl-ca-bundle.crt ? If so, what is its size?

    The error you're receiving is strange but I will give it some more thought. Do you have any other computers you can try KAG on, so that a few things can be ruled out?

    edit: I see you're at college or a school/etc - so maybe you have a friend who can test to see if there's a problem? Do you know if your college requires any kind of proxy settings?
  17. ryguydavis

    ryguydavis Catapult Fodder

    I do have curl-ca-bundle.crt, and it is 210 kb.

    Also, I tried loading KAG on my netbook and got the same result. I don't know much about proxy settings, so I can't say much about that. I know that my school requires we log in to a system called iPrism which they use to 1. Keep all but students and faculty out and 2. Filter what sort of websites we go to.

    I was able to play successfully up until the last couple builds, if that is any help.
  18. miniswrider

    miniswrider Bison Rider

    mine messed up too, exactly like that
    New Bitmap Image.png
    i am so f*in* boooooooooooooooooooooooored right now idk wat 2 do

    i used to be a great mother f*er, but then i got hot in the...umm...knee...of my...3rd leg!
  19. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    What is the full error including the Additional Info part? Is your computer's clock/date set correctly?
  20. miniswrider

    miniswrider Bison Rider

    idk i think the clock/d8 iz all messd up bcuz it sed it wuz Jan. the.... idk but its all messd up ill fix it and tell u if it still dont work
    (:bison::shad: =:skull::bison:=:D:p)
    </br>--- merged: Apr 8, 2012 6:47 AM ---</br>
    it WORKED! thank you very much an btw i like ur awesome...umm ...gui's? ...guis? i wanna facepalm myself:QQ:idk how to say gui in plural correctly
    idk what the full error thingumaboob is