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Build 353 Released!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by MM, Apr 5, 2012.

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  1. Adinxs

    Adinxs Bison Rider

    Since hitting dirt the wrong way can annihilate you, I think it is safe to assume the dirt is laced with razor-wire.
  2. Redigit

    Redigit is not my actual name, it's Tommasop.

    I love this build, now we need a Brick that Flies as a enemy.:D
    BlueLuigi likes this.
  3. Ostricheggs

    Ostricheggs Shipwright

    Stuns on minor attacks isn't the problem, not by a long shot. It works in conjunction with the real issue; the ridiculous bug regarding stuns is where if you are stunned while you have collision on top of an object or other player, you don't recover. This is extremely evident when you're stunned on top of another player in a 2-3 tile wide tunnel where quite literally there is nothing you can do until you die or they let you fall off. You cant move, cant attack, cant look the other way, can't block... If they chose to keep you as their pet and go afk you'll be sitting there until you pop poison or rage quit. But that's the most egregious example. The repercussions of this bug extend far beyond the now literal perma-stun issue. It seriouisly effected almost every knight fight I've been in because it works in tandem with other bugs. As I mentioned before, momentum seems to be messed up in a terrible way; if you get hit you can go FLYING, like far far beyond what's normal presenting an option to either die against a wall or have a knight plant himself under you for a free kill. Then you have your normal run of the mill fights where, because jumping and minor stuns are omnipresent and perfectly normal, the option for a knight to get even slightly under you for two or three free hits is always a threat. If you attempt to outmaneuver an opponent you can kiss your ass goobye because getting jabbed above another guy usually means instant death. If you're attempting to slash (to make moving quicker, everyone jumps while fighting) and get pinned even slightly on the other knight above the ground, you're dead or well on your way. If you're fighting 2v1 good fucking luck! Half the time you can't maneuver to a better position without getting hit and perma stunned on the sea of bodies.

    With this bug high ground is now dangerous because low ground usually nets a bugged kill.

    And while I'm adding extra details, I may as well mention that the major problem regarding fall damage is not in teammates damaging others, although that is a nice little gem of a bug, but rather that you literally die from scraping your knee on the ground like an 80 year old with osteoporosis

    I pray my wall of text helps.

    and P.S., I'm not trying to bash the devs and I sure as hell don't think the devs are out to get me. That's a straw man if I've ever seen one. I'm just pointing out what's clear as day: The grass is green, the sky is blue and build 353 is a massive step backward
    thebonesauce, Cadbury, Chayeh and 2 others like this.
  4. Raron

    Raron KAG Guard Tester

  5. kuulness

    kuulness Tree Planter

    To expand on why i don't like the new stun effect, now in KAG you can camp under enemy tower with your shield up and if someone lands on your shield there basically screwed because the stun is way to extreme. Also its bad in zombies like if you accented fall into a pit and there's 2 or 3 zombies, your basically screwed because there ganna stun you, then rape you. I haven't tested this out but now you cant do any awesome 1v1 duels due to the fact that you cant jump over there head/shield and get them from behind
    </br>--- merged: Apr 6, 2012 6:38 PM ---</br>
    I wish i read this before i wrote my issue with the stun also

    please, please, please -snip- longer quotes unless absolutely necessary! ~fbb
  6. L-III-III-7

    L-III-III-7 Shopkeep Stealer

    freezing up when you drop on people is bull...
  7. GloriousToast

    GloriousToast Haxor Donator

    what i find truly bull is when i bomb jump in the air slam into the wall then die. or falling to my death at less then 2 blocks and bouncy kegs
  8. Hoj

    Hoj Builder Stabber

    The new falling shit is kind of like halo 1 where if you fall 10 feet you die everytime. Pretty annoying when you think about the height of a tower. People have to climb down team ladders all the time and they die. Kind of stupid when you think about it. I fell a short distance at the base of a tower i was building and i died. And no it wasn't too tall either so don't give me that crap. It was you're average run of the mill tower with workshops nothing else.:skull:
  9. GloriousToast

    GloriousToast Haxor Donator

    I liked to give a big thank you to the devs caused you ****ed up big time. this update is terrible. im so pissed off right now >.<
    ruined bomb jumps, ruined sword fights, ruined knights, made it so you die in miniscule distances
    still mad just saying srry about that in advance but it can be so frustrating >.< hope it can be fixed soon
  10. LostPix

    LostPix Base Burner

    Knight at the moment feels like a old person, I used to pick up fights 1v4 and win and now, forget about it, there is way too much stun, I also notice the fact if you get pushed off the tower and fall long distance you cannot recover mid-air and kite to safety, every knight on the hill even small one has ultimate advantage over you.
    MCrypa likes this.
  11. MCrypa

    MCrypa Haxor

    I think they kept the new zombie in mind for this update with all this stun.
    Or just a miscalculation.
  12. Nzen

    Nzen Catapult Fodder

    As noted before, the stun duration is a little long. I am finding that I can't wade (or fall) into a hill of zombies & embody kratos. While not the essence of zombie fortress, it is a highpoint that keeps me energized. One awesome aspect of the new build is picking up migrants. No more babysitting across bridges or risking fragile entrances. Pick that sucker up & throw him into bed.:migrant:

    <hyperbole>People who move my cheese, obviously, throw baby seals into the sun to cause a supernova.</hyperbole>
  13. Bookmark

    Bookmark Haxor

    I can't find the correct emotion for how I feel about my experience in KAG after the new update. Sometimes I can't control my laughter due to the fact that someone gets shield bashed by me, launches a million miles into a wall, flies back at my direction, and slams into me; which either kills me on the spot or starts the pinball phenomenon and I suicide by slamming into a wall. And yet I get angry at the fact that I have to leave it up to chance on whether or not my slash nets me a kill or slams me so hard into the dirt that I go into the 4th dimension and back.
    KAG is in an alpha, that much is true, but up to this point I have never seen an update as broken (or game-changing) as this one. :p
    GHOZT and FuzzyBlueBaron like this.
  14. Arlus

    Arlus Shopkeep Stealer

    The most horrible thing (and it was the case in previous update), is that builder can't hurt anyone now. Someone is standing in front of you, you can hammer him for 2 minutes he won't recuive any damages. It works only in diagonal it seems. So...
    Havoc, Noburu and BlueLuigi like this.
  15. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

  16. Ghozt

    Ghozt Haxor

    I don't know if this is a bug, but it gives new meaning to the term "Crowd surfing"
    If you are familiar with the bomb racing/surfing or what ever you want to call it, you can now just jump onto someones head and slide over them, (With the properties alike when you are sliding) very effective with multiple knights, but I was wondering, is this a feature?
  17. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    I overreacted a bit. There not really bad, in fact they're really fun for the most part; it's just that there are a lot of really good camp spots. Also I'm flattered that you would include one of my maps, and even credit me in the map file.

    Anyways now that I've played a bit more, here's some more in depth feedback.

    I played as archer a bit in swordfight, and it feels like minimum charge shots can be spammed faster and have more velocity than before, though I'm not 100% on this. If this suspicion is true, would definitely like ot hear the reasoning for this.

    The collapses and rcon use going straight to chat for guards is great, but it still gives a lot of obviously false reports and I feel like the report limit for it is a little low. Do we really need to know every time a guy drops five ladder tiles?

    Corpses throw way too vertically and it seems to me there may be some left-right inconsistency in throwing. They also get in your way if they're above you and stuff like that. A fun novelty right now but I think having dead bodies as a powerful weapon is a slightly silly (in a bad way) game mechanic. Time will show. What could be interesting is having them settle like rubble, though.

    Instadying on smashing into walls is kind of annyoing but not the worst thing in the world. If you can restrict it to bomb jumping that might be a good nerf for all those who are complaining. On that note bomb jumping feels pretty good right now- it should be a fairly sensitive procedure IMO. Speaking as a knight, bombs feel real good right now, though I think they're still long due for a throw range nerf. You can tombrady them a fair ways, still.

    Collisions in knight fighting is all kind of borked as everyone's been saying, the landing on top of someone and being stunned for literally dozens of seconds is especially humorous. One time I did the knight surfing glitch (hows that still in, lol) and I smashed into someone, instakilling them. I then smashed into a wall and exploded.

    Fall damage feels perfectly fine to me, not noticing much of a difference. I would go so far as to increase it, even.

    Bomb in cata glitch is still in, though I'm not too unhappy about that as it's practically a standard of my playstyle now, lol. If you do a held shot it flips with you slipping, cheers for that.

    I think a lot of people are upset when you release these unpolished builds. I get that it's the fastest way to find out what works and what doesn't, and personally I would do it the same way, but maybe going back to the pub/test build split could help PR a bit. I think people would prefer having a (slightly more) stable build to go back to when they want to just play rather than test.
    PumpkingSlice, Kouji, Noburu and 3 others like this.
  18. FG

    FG Fran Donator

    when ever i land on top of someone when jumping i cant move and they just kill me. stunned

    it didnt happen before
  19. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Not this build those default RDM maps last build was really fun and easy to rape from the blue side if you knew what you were doing, perhaps flipping them and inserting the flips in there would be nice.

    They seemed almost randomly generated, was that intended, were you working on some sort of RDM wang set?
  20. Hoj

    Hoj Builder Stabber

    It doesn't matter how hard you try to keep order; people always find a way to break through rules and barriers. Camping at a spot in KAG isn't a crime as far as i'm concerned. Nor is it a bannable offense. Most of you admins aren't on to ban the right people anyways. Dead bodies are dangerous in many different ways. The mongol horde was the first army to invent biological weapons that affected another group of people. Dead bodies are heavy and with velocity they can be lethal objects. Not to mention disease carrying and harmful to overall health. Maybe thats what the devs thought when they had that idea. Not everyone is aglie like a cat jumping from platform to platform. I expect people to fall and die and they do. Even before the build people fell to their death, including myself depending upon the sitituation. Archers most likely fire faster now becasue of the shield bashing attack becasue their threatened by it.
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