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Your Fave Games [RTS Only weekend]

Discussion in 'Other games' started by PlasmaBunny, Apr 7, 2012.

Mods: BlueLuigi
  1. PlasmaBunny

    PlasmaBunny Catapult Fodder


    when i was 9 i used to ADORE a game called blitzkreig. You dont win it by just building 1000 units and spamming the enemy you use tactics and not simple tactics like just go behind them you think in this game you really do id like to see a top korean starcraft player beat me in blitzkreig

    I also currently adore company of heros because its similar but you can get units unlike blitzkreig where you get what you get in company of heros it does require alot of strategy but not as much as blitzkreig as you can still make units but survival is a priority in good players you do not want to lose your units as they can be expensive as HELL
  2. StarCraft 2.

    Oh wait, you wanted RTS, not a sport game...
  3. Overlord

    Overlord KAG Guard Tester

    Warcraft 2
    First starcraft
    or rome total war

    Edit: Also age of emps 2 and stronghold crusader:thumbs_up:
  4. 10110100101

    10110100101 Shark Slayer

    Tiberium sun. One of the best games ive ever played. I loved it.
    Age of Empires II is great aswell with friends.
  5. synthesispandabot

    synthesispandabot Bison Rider

  6. AJ

    AJ Emperor of Mankind Donator

  7. WarrFork

    WarrFork フォーク Donator Tester

    Age of Empire III, I played alot on it and Civilization V.
  8. PlasmaBunny

    PlasmaBunny Catapult Fodder

    I love the tiberium series up to 3 on 3 defenses became pointless as a tank can easily destroy them i also adore the AOE series [not arthurs original elite XD]
  9. MacD

    MacD Shark Slayer

    Command & Conquer: Red Alert. There were many days of my childhood spent playing that game.
  10. DarkDain

    DarkDain Shopkeep Stealer

    Warlords Battlecry series !!! Battle for middle earth 2, total annihilation
    I remember some old ones.. Lead Wars.. dominion..
  11. tur1sta

    tur1sta Random snippet here ಠ__ಠ Donator

    Blitzkrieg is one of my favorites too, C&C Red Alert 1,2,3. Warcraft 2&3. Total War: Shogun. Civilization 3&5.
    Zed. First game I played that had alot of swearing.
    I wonder if Syndicate falls under RTS.
  12. Hey, Civguys, I agree that Civs are great games (Apostolic Palace <3) but they aren't RTS but turn-based strategies.
    Contrary, AJ and Chinizz like this.
  13. Templar_Frost

    Templar_Frost Horde Gibber

    Oh, my god; you play blitzkrieg when you was a kid too? lol, I remember playing blitz when I was like 6.
  14. Chaoticredux

    Chaoticredux Shopkeep Stealer

    warzone 2100
  15. PlasmaBunny

    PlasmaBunny Catapult Fodder

    no one here likes company of heros :QQ:
  16. Maverick

    Maverick Haxor

    Age of Empires Ftw.
  17. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    I do. :)
  18. WanderMark

    WanderMark :) Donator

    Basically the entire Total War series. I've been a huge fan ever since I first borrowed my brother's copy of Shogun:Total War. Played every addition in the series since then, with exceptions of Napoleon and the latest Shogun 2 expansion.

    The thing that appeals to me how flawlessly the Total War games intertwines the turn based elements with the huge battles in real time. The games have something for everyone! Fast paced strategy action like nowhere else, thousands of soldiers duking it out with each other at the same time. I don't know another series that is able to carry out this part in such a good way.

    Then we have the campaign map! Awesome turned-based strategy. I watched a documentary with the game developers, they talked about the creation of the original Shogun. They said that the campaign map was something just thrown in there in order to tie in the battles, give them weight, give them a meaning. Naturally it wasn't much to it. Very basic building/diplomacy choices, it was not the focus.

    Every since then they have improved the campaign greatly! More options on all fronts. Still not incredibly advanced but it is going the right way! Both the RTS and the TBS aspect feel like part of the game now and not just fodder.

    I love the series and it just keeps improving in my opinion. I have to say that I like Medieval 2: Total War the most. I do know that some people might slap me for this opinion. I am not saying that Rome is a bad game, it is an amazing game, but I just like the combat engine more for medieval 2 total war. I feel in total control for the most time.

    That feel when you are fighting a battle in Medieval 2: Kingdoms. You have a small force of about 300-500 knights against this huge aztec army, consisting of thousands of warriors. Arrows are flying through the sky, the music starts picking up in pace, you give the order to send your armored knights straight against the the enemy lines, locking them in combat. Meanwhile you send you sole squad of heavily armored mounted knights with your general in it, around the flank. Smashing into the aztecs from behind making. Their morale falters and you manage to create a mass flight. You chase them down before they are able to escape from the battlefield, resulting in a total victory.
    Bookmark and Overlord like this.
  19. Duke2die4

    Duke2die4 Arsonist

    Total War is a Great serises i also played sens it started i actuly got it in a chrismas pressent when i was 13 i think, and i loved it. medival 1 if can say it like that was the game that most amazed me when made my big Spanish empire :D but i think after medival 2 the game whent down hill. if u like the grand strategi part of the game u shood look in 2 paradox games :)
  20. Bleedy

    Bleedy Catapult Fodder

    Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War, hands down.
    Although I don't have much experience with RTS.
Mods: BlueLuigi