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[ZAF] Zombies Test Server

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by acridstone, Apr 1, 2012.

Mods: jackitch
  1. acridstone

    acridstone Horde Gibber

    Name: [ZAF] Zombies Test
    Game mode: Multiplayer Zombies
    Slots: 16
    Location: Texas-USA
    Max Ping: 300
    Server Info: Enter at your own risk
    0 units per person
    Premium Server
    First Mult. Zombies Server EVER :D
    May have constant modding :)
  2. Nzen

    Nzen Catapult Fodder

    It was nice to test zombie survival with humans rather than migrants. However, the zombie spawning ratios left the experience mixed.
    The zombie side generated several gregs each night, including first night. One greg is a challenge. After three days, the cloud of fifteen is impossible to oppose. Because the map was so long, skels & zombies almost never made it across. (Particularly because migrants leaving their tent became a constant distraction.)
    As gregs can't attack structures, we just hunkered down & waited until a couple hopeful players joined & asked for a server reset. A less favorable end came when the last survivor dug to a portal that coughed out eight gregs that simply kept her pinned to the ceiling until she disconnected from the server.
    I recommend shortening the map & lowering the greg count, or at least delaying them until fourth night.
    Rayne likes this.
  3. acridstone

    acridstone Horde Gibber

    If I have blueboy's permission I will do as you ask. But first, you guys must talk to me about the proposed map width and the greg rarity which would be good.
  4. Xlayer

    Xlayer Haxor

    The gregs... they were... everywhere :p so... many... GREGS!
  5. acridstone

    acridstone Horde Gibber

    Yes i know...I set it up that way. I need to know what the public thinks the Zombie rarity Should be. 1 is the least rare and 50 is the most rare. I also need to know the proposed tile width of the map. Please tell me what you propose if you are serious in that having this many Gregs is a problem.

    P.S. forget it, I don't need Blueboy23's permission I am too lazy to ask him and it is my server.
  6. Xlayer

    Xlayer Haxor

    Well it was a fun challenge having so many gregs. It really forced us to build more creative structures. I think having frequent gregs and zknights will make this server perfect for "extreme zombie survivalists".
    MechaTrickster likes this.
  7. MechaTrickster

    MechaTrickster Banned Donator

    The gregs meng the gregs
Mods: jackitch