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Happy Birthday KAG!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by MM, Apr 17, 2012.

  1. MM

    MM THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Exactly one year ago on a sunny April afternoon I took what I call the Crimson Engine. Something that I have been developing for the last 4 years. I scratched the game code I have been mainly working on (Link-Dead) and a prototype I made in 3 days and officially started work on something that I called King Arthur’s Gold.
    It was a direct twist on the name King Arthur’s World, a SNES 2D RTS game. I found that game one day when I typed “2D Side-Scrolling RTS” in Google. I can admit that I never actually played the game. I only saw videos and wondered about its design. Just watching, I knew it was brilliant.
    The idea for “KAG” was really simple - design the game as an RTS but make a Player vs Player game out of it (because these are my roots). KAW had excellent design of classes and a map that needs cooperation to conquer. I wanted to have that but in a massive multiplayer game where people play as a single unit with dozens of other players. Knights flood the terrain and conquer by force, archers darken the sky with thousands of arrows and builders see the big picture - strategize like in an RTS game, but have to do the work instead of point-click. That’s King Arthur’s Gold - one year later. Personally my current favorite game ever.
    Happy Birthday and Thank You everybody that makes this possible.
  2. kiro

    kiro Garde KAG Donator Tester

    Yes, King Arthur's World was brilliant, one of the best game on the Super Nes. And your game is even more fun :D

    Thank to you for making KAG !

    Agent_008 and JacKD like this.
  3. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    Thank us? WHAT? NO THANK YOU MY GOOD SIR!!! :)

    Happy birthday KAG!
    Blueboy23, JacKD and Beef like this.
  4. bartez

    bartez Haxor

    We wait for any birthday event ;) Good luck!
    JacKD likes this.
  5. BoiiW

    BoiiW Shark Slayer

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :D:D:D And thanks for everything so far :D

    yes i love cats dontask
    TheFilip likes this.
  6. smalltrouble

    smalltrouble Shipwright

    So its really been a year since the game started. It seems like such a short time ago whenever I first played the game at the end of April last year. The game has came a long way since then. Happy Birthday KAG!
  7. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    I've been happy to be here this whole time.. tried to find the clap clap gif but didn't find it. Oh well happy birthday anyways ^3^
  8. FinDude

    FinDude KAG Guard Tester

    I propose you modify Greg sprite to a red biplane, zombies into psychotic lunatics and players into high-tech supersoldiers to celebrate this.
    FuzzyBlueBaron likes this.
  9. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    [​IMG] < (still looks sarcastic everytime I see it...)

    Yay. I've only been here for about half of it, but I'm glad I've been a part of it.
  10. JacKD

    JacKD Ballista Bolt Thrower



    Happy birthday KAG!

    You guys must be proud, 1 year old, they grow so fast :,)

    This is an awesome game, it really is, never been so hooked up playing anything not even with myself XDD

    PS: I really was expecting party hats :\
    Kouji likes this.
  11. justi01

    justi01 Haxor

    Damn, i've missed too much of this game! Regardless of this, happy birthday KAG! You've made thing's interesting! ;)
  12. Downburst

    Downburst Mindblown Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Ok weird shit
    started on 17 april 2011
    19 days later
    Build 17 was released on may 6 2011.
    2 days later
    Build 20 was released on may 8 2011.

    I was told programming was a beta thing.
    GHOZT likes this.
  13. JacKD

    JacKD Ballista Bolt Thrower

    maybe they fixed it down the road :P
  14. PrisonMax

    PrisonMax King Arthur's Cake Donator

    Happy Birthday KAG! :)

    Even though I've just discovered the game a few days ago, I am already hooked and love it! Great job!
  15. WanderMark

    WanderMark :) Donator

    I am a bit sad that I haven't been here from the very beginning, to get the chance to see the game from its infancy to where it stands today.

    As for now I can only continue showing support as we go forth in the development. Especially seeing this is currently the only game I am playing actively right now, it fits me perfectly, and in more than just one way.

    I love the developers and the community of this game and I am very much looking forward to the future, what will KAG be in about one year? That is something time will tell.

    Happy birthday!
    Agent_008, Fellere825 and justi01 like this.
  16. Fellere825

    Fellere825 KAG Guard Tester

    I know a stripper we could hire that pops out of cakes...
    <---(The guy in my picture)
  17. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    @Downburst: As far as I recall, the game kicked off to public in build 24?
  18. Downburst

    Downburst Mindblown Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    They didn't lol.
    Build 360 was released 361 days after april 17 2011.

    I think MM forgot about the leap year :D
    trelawney, allknowingfrog and GHOZT like this.
  19. lolguy

    lolguy Shipwright

    happy birthday :migrant::migrant::migrant:

    :migrant: :OP:
  20. Overlord

    Overlord KAG Guard Tester

    Thanks to MM and Geti for makeing a game this perfect with its style and gameplay.
    KAG has come along way and I hope to further help aid its success because it is just too good of a game to be kept secret:thumbs_up: