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KAG Ettiquette; Be Kind To Your Mates!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by thebonesauce, Apr 19, 2012.

  1. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    So this is something I thought about while playing on the MOLE server tonight; A lot of guys do things that irk me, and can really screw things up. Even if they don't know it. There are things that you should do that are like KAG's "table manners" if only as a show of respect to your teammates.

    Gathering Wood/Stone - If you are a builder or archer and you're gathering wood/arrows, DO NOT chip away at a tree someone else is currently chopping. It's irritating for me (because I believe I have OCD) because I like to have arrows that are in multiples of five. Using the efficient arrow gathering method, you're able to get 5 arrows from 1 section of tree. I'll be on a roll, getting a good bit of arrows, when suddenly a builder comes along and throws me off by cutting the same tree. Same goes for stone/gold/etc.; If you see someone mining stone, DON'T MINE THE SAME BLOCK THEY ARE UNLESS ASKED OTHERWISE. It's irritating when there will be an entire FIELD of stone, at least 35 tiles wide, and you choose to dig EXACTLY where I'm digging, hogging the stone/coins. Use your head, eh?

    Archers In Trees - Now that you can only see a player's name if you're close to them, archers are much more effective when hiding. Before you could mouse over and see just about anyone, but now archers can use cover and lay prone in grass. So if you see an archer hiding in a tree, ESPECIALLY while attacking, DO NOT CHOP THE FUCKING TREE. Why is this so hard to understand? I was comfortable sniping from a tree, when suddenly a teammate hit the tree for ONE ARROW, knocking me out and stunning me. Then I was sword fodder. Please... Don't do this shit.

    Chit-Chat - This is more something I see that bugs me, even though I'm guilty of it sometimes. As most of you know, I have the mouth of a sailor. I am an adult; I'm allowed to swear. My parents aren't gonna spank me for cursing anymore... At the same time, if someone is bothered by it, I try to watch my language. This issue is even more troubling/disturbing when it comes to people spewing racial slurs. Cut that shit out. It's demeaning, it's deplorable, and makes you look like a piece of shit. This is an issue of respect; if someone is bothered by how you speak, take heed.

    Listen For A Change! AKA: "Dude, stop it. Stop it! STOP. LEAVE IT. STOP THAT!" - This is one that irritates me so much that it actually caused me to rage, and hard. There's nothing more irritating than a know it all. If another player is trying to offer you friendly advice and tells you not to do something, TRY WHAT THEY SAY. Unless it makes no sense whatsoever, there's no reason you can't at least try, right? For instance... Do you still make ground level doors, unless it's part of the tower design? I don't. In fact, I haven't because I LISTENED to someone who told me not to do it. Same with tunneling from behind the base. In fact, I was almost banned from a server for telling a kid not to tunnel from behind the flag. When he came out of his half dug tunnel, I went in and sealed it off. He proceeded to start griefing. Luckily I placed a shitload of backwall, and managed to get an admin in on the situation. Alas, this sometimes isn't the case. So just be open to suggestions and criticism. It helps everyone in the long run.

    These are just a few I thought of off the top of my head. Feel free to add your own!
    FG, LolFox24, Dark_Ham and 11 others like this.
  2. VisionShift

    VisionShift Catapult Fodder

    I don't understand your issues with resource gathering, but everything else I mostly agree with. Especially "archers in trees", and just in general no racism, excessive swearing, spamming useless BS... etc.

    One other thing I find puzzling is sometimes seeing knights or archers at the beginning of rounds. They'll walk around as builders try to create a base, sometimes even ordering people what to do. :huh?: No, you're not special nor a tactical genius, get the fuck to work. (it's usually someone wearing a crown too :))
  3. Vattic

    Vattic Shopkeep Stealer

    When I play as an archer I always chip away at trees above the section builders are cutting. That way they get their wood faster and nothing is wasted. I've had players get angry at me for this before until I explain.
  4. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    This only works if they're chopping the section above the stump, since that's how you get 5 arrows instead of 3; chip away at the second above the stump twice, and then three times. The section that was hit twice becomes the stump, that isn't damaged at all.
  5. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Actually, a builder and an archer working the same piece of tree is more efficient in terms of allowing the builder to get 10 wood/2 hits. I realise it can mess with being OCD (I'm a bit that way myself, tbh) but honestly I chalk it up to one for the team.

    I'd like to highlight a HUGE piece of etiquette that people often seem to ignore:

    Knights helping others climb w/their shields - Sadly, I rarely see this; and even when I do it's generally because I'm the knight doing it. Fyi to all who didn't know: two knights working together can both get over/on-top-of a 4-5 high block wall if they work together. And (as a special pro-tip) two knights coordinating jumping+shielding-up can boost a third player (who's also jumping) 10+ blocks into the air. (see below :down: for an example)
  6. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    Sad part? That picture was done with NPC BOTS.
    allknowingfrog, Chinizz, Beef and 3 others like this.
  7. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Hehe. :p That ss was taken when we were first testing the then 'new' AI that now accompanies the solo zombie_survival mode. I've done it since, but it's hard to do without clanmates - practice & timing are key.
  8. tur1sta

    tur1sta Random snippet here ಠ__ಠ Donator

    Besides the shield ladder. (which everyone should know how to do by now) The shield boost was something new to me. It just didn't occur to me until I was playing with Bookmark in the mole server and a small incident caused us to be stuck in a 4 deep hole.

    This thread needs to be stickied to the top. Alot of the new or just now attending to the forums needs to learn this.
  9. Hoj

    Hoj Builder Stabber

    Proper eittiquette? Yes i wish it was just this simple but it's not. Theres always some idiot making a golden penis or other symbol. Racism is one of the most annoying problems overall in the world today. People are too quick to judge other people and that's poor logic. I'm not an angel by any means; swearing is fine as long as it isn't too over the top. What do you think this is? Modern day society at work? I don't know about that. Because we live in modern society, doesn't mean you can't point out cavemen even today dragging by. I'm a team player and i don't like to fuck around. Moving forward is the only good choice most of the time. Theres always going to be power in numbers; i just wish more people could see it that way.
  10. tur1sta

    tur1sta Random snippet here ಠ__ಠ Donator

    I think there are alot of people that see the same way but along the way they just give up or stopped caring.
  11. GloriousToast

    GloriousToast Haxor Donator

    even sadder part, all the people without proper Ettiquette will never read this and probably never go onto this forum or any kag forum
    FuzzyBlueBaron, killatron46 and Pizza like this.
  12. Utahraptor

    Utahraptor Hulk Hogan Tester



  13. crawfish

    crawfish Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Lol i could cuss if i wanted to i just don't because i was raised right :)

    //Don't quote entire posts if you are only going to state one thing, just quote the relevant part or snip it
  14. L-III-III-7

    L-III-III-7 Shopkeep Stealer

    *high five* for the rant
  15. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    1, why say that? Kinda mean.

    2, You quoted his entire post to say one sentence about it? (I would delete that if I were you).

    Anyway, well done Bonesauce, many of these problems are very prevalent in all servers, not just the MOLE one. However:
    This sums it up. :(

    We seriously need a way to get more of the KAG population on the forums, I doubt if a 4th of the people that play KAG every day even come on the forums once a week, or at all.
    Beef likes this.
  16. Ostricheggs

    Ostricheggs Shipwright

    Thank you bone. This should be voiced and forced down the throat of anyone creating a new account of KAG before they're able to play. Especially #4.

    Trying to build with other people sometimes is an absolute nightmare. People think towers are "theirs and aren't willing to accept any additions. Then I get in an e-fight. SUch is life in KAG

    P.S. sorry if I offend anyone by cursing like a sailor, been doin it casually since i was but a 5 year old yung-in and never stopped.
  17. Smokeybacon

    Smokeybacon Superdreadnought Donator

    Regarding forum use, it might help to make forum subscription necessary for a premium account? I can see the problems that might cause though.
  18. crawfish

    crawfish Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Im not trying to be mean im just saying i dont have sailors mouth because my parents taught me not to curse :) and i wouldnt be mean to bone hes a cool guy :)

    //Learn to forum, don't make me have to shorten posts for you

    Sorry to who ever put that im kinda new to being on a forum could you show me how to shorten quotes?

    //When you press the reply button, you'll see all of the text you are quoting, just delete everything except for the [quote="stuff"][/quote] and either leave what you want inside or delete it all and write -snip-

    THX! :D

    Thanks for handling this, Kouji, and thanks, craw, for being willing to learn. I love to see people -snip-ing their own posts - gives me a warm fuzzy feeling on the inside. ~fbb
  19. Ostricheggs

    Ostricheggs Shipwright

    I'm pretty surprised that KAG doesn't have a profanity filter by now, though. Not sure how hard it is to implement
  20. crawfish

    crawfish Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Same here ostrich,and it seems like it would be pretty hard to make a filter but i wouldnt know because i have no idea how they do that stuff lol